Checking back in after surgery

Just an update (for those who are interested)

Finally got the cast off on Thursday. Now, the other part of that was getting the stainless pin removed. Sonja(real name), the nurse pulled out a pair of stainless pliers and went at it. Oh, what a pleasurable experience. Anyway, I have this huge hole in my hand where the pin was at. Have to wait 4-5 days to let that heal since the hole goes all the way through the bone. Now, after the hole heals I can start soaking my arm in warm water and do some exercises but no gripping for another two months and no lifting for another 3 months. Scars are not too bad.
Never let anything take you keep fighting. Thats what I did after the fan cut a couple months ago and am now back to about 80 percent of what I had for movement before the accident.
Actually the exercises are going good. The warm soaks really help out. In two weeks I have another progress appointment. I should be able to lay my hand down completely on a flat surface which I can do now and I have to be close to having my thumb touch my pinky finger. About half way there with that.