Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend



MOPAR .. Move Over, Plymouth Approaching Rapidly!
Nov 5, 2014
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Here's some recent news on renewable enviornmentaly friendly fuel substitutes.

Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend

I'm predicting the oil industry is not going away any time soon and will keep coming up with more and more cleaner burning fuels to give the EV industry a run for its money.

This battle is just starting...
I've long argued that fossil fuels are not non renewable. If they were, then someone please explain where the crude oil keeps coming from. I've always theorized the Earth is making more and more, hence the reason it's not run out. It's funny that we've been renewing our gas tanks now for what......100 plus years. Non renewable my big old butt.
I've long argued that fossil fuels are not non renewable. If they were, then someone please explain where the crude oil keeps coming from. I've always theorized the Earth is making more and more, hence the reason it's not run out. It's funny that we've been renewing our gas tanks now for what......100 plus years. Non renewable my big old butt.
Agree 100%. Problem is that the government, yours and ours, have been brainwashing the public for decades now that "fossil fuels" are killing the planet, blah blah blah. Must go "green energy" alternatives, yeah, just so someone gets their pockets lined with $green$ and the rest of us end up destitute.
Got my federal "carbon tax rebate" last week, a whole $260.00, yet every home energy bill from the last 6 months has included at least $50 to $60 in carbon tax. Nevermind the .60 cents or more that is tacked on every gallon of fuel that I have purchased, plus all of the cost increases that have been added to every single consumer good and grocery item that I buy. The government continues to insist that something like 80% of people are getting a benefit from the rebate. Horseshit.
Agree Missing link!

Then that senile idiot in the USA kills the keystone pipeline without ever considering the economic turmoil to be created to both the USA and Canada. Look at all the high-paying jobs in both countries that were lost.

It started a fuel price spike that then increased transport costs and spilled over to increased costs for food, clothing and everything else.

Now we find ourselves in our respective countries with inflation going through the roof and then the greedy Federal Banks jump in and raise interest rates because of inflation which is artificially created by the mess caused our stupid moron of a Prime Minister and The senile , demented US president.

A pure **** show!!
I've long argued that fossil fuels are not non renewable. If they were, then someone please explain where the crude oil keeps coming from. I've always theorized the Earth is making more and more, hence the reason it's not run out. It's funny that we've been renewing our gas tanks now for what......100 plus years. Non renewable my big old butt.

read an article years ago basically saying the same thing. mentioned that wells that were once try all of the sudden were refilled.
Agree Missing link!

Then that senile idiot in the USA kills the keystone pipeline without ever considering the economic turmoil to be created to both the USA and Canada. Look at all the high-paying jobs in both countries that were lost.

It started a fuel price spike that then increased transport costs and spilled over to increased costs for food, clothing and everything else.

Now we find ourselves in our respective countries with inflation going through the roof and then the greedy Federal Banks jump in and raise interest rates because of inflation which is artificially created by the mess caused our stupid moron of a Prime Minister and The senile , demented US president.

A pure **** show!!

from everything i read over the years the XL pipeline was a disaster from the start. poor welds and other problems.. also read that it would carry a grade of crude that we do not refine for some reason and was being shipped over seas. not sure how true that is though..

if that were put into operation it was going to kill jobs. was only going to take like 35 or so people to run it, all the truck drivers and train engineers that transport the stuff now would be out of work..
from everything i read over the years the XL pipeline was a disaster from the start. poor welds and other problems.. also read that it would carry a grade of crude that we do not refine for some reason and was being shipped over seas. not sure how true that is though..

if that were put into operation it was going to kill jobs. was only going to take like 35 or so people to run it, all the truck drivers and train engineers that transport the stuff now would be out of work..

I get where you are coming from abodyjoe but as I see it , theres much more going on in the background that directly affects the economy. That Senile President and our idiot Prime Minister didn't consider the ramifications of how the international oil market would react. Once Biden killed off the pipeline with Trudeau's blessing, the stock market speculators upped the future oil pricing as they saw Biden's position (and public comments) to be that the USA was getting out of the oil supply and production business.
As you know, the USA is one of the largest users of oil and oil-related products so they have to get the oil from somewhere.

Enter the salivating OPEC !

Now, besides owning the largest refinery in the USA (Texas) , they also control the price of the oil being shipped there for refinement. They get paid both ways, at whatever price they deem necessary and the North American consumer gets jammed big time!

Because most products have to be shipped nationwide by truck, train or Air, fuel costs soared and the prices of everything increased dramatically increasing inflation. As soon as Biden realized his mistake he started selling of the reserves to try to affect the market place but it didn't work.

Watch the pump price over the next few months. You will be flabergasted at how much it is going to increase as demand goes up for the summer months.
The problem is supposedly "conservative" media & politicians keep repeating the lie that crude oil is a "fossil fuel", then trying to stick up for it as if it requires defending as such, F*○king morons. Coal IS a fossil fuel, and is the only thing that can provide the electricity to prevent an economic collapse of this great Nation, yet it is being destroyed....
I have yet to see the "experts" or the perpetrators of this hoax dramatically shrink their "carbon footprint", or produce a technical study showing the reduction in carbon output due to warmer temeratures when those conditions are present. But it's OK, as long as You "Pony-up" Your $$$$ to the NWO, You can "offend" all You want & I'm sure the "Burning Planet" will understand.....
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Here's some recent news on renewable enviornmentaly friendly fuel substitutes.

Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend

I'm predicting the oil industry is not going away any time soon and will keep coming up with more and more cleaner burning fuels to give the EV industry a run for its money.

This battle is just starting...
I think calling this news is a bit of a stretch. To me this is closer to an advertisement. The article is written by Chevron's PR department about Chevron made to look like articles that are written by independent news agencies. Notice the lack of details about the fuels that any "reporter" worth their salt would have included. Notably absent are the words alcohol or ethanol. I suspect this is because of the stigma attached to those words and that these are not new technologys. If there is new technology in their 50% blended gasoline then tell us about it. If it's just rebranding gasahol then that's old news.
I don't have a problem with a companies self promoting as long as it's recognized as such.
Also did anyone take time to read the entire disclaimer at the end of the article? Holy cow!
I think calling this news is a bit of a stretch. To me this is closer to an advertisement. The article is written by Chevron's PR department about Chevron made to look like articles that are written by independent news agencies. Notice the lack of details about the fuels that any "reporter" worth their salt would have included. Notably absent are the words alcohol or ethanol. I suspect this is because of the stigma attached to those words and that these are not new technologys. If there is new technology in their 50% blended gasoline then tell us about it. If it's just rebranding gasahol then that's old news.
I don't have a problem with a companies self promoting as long as it's recognized as such.
Also did anyone take time to read the entire disclaimer at the end of the article? Holy cow!

Hey 92 b , point taken. Chevron is definitely taking steps to cover their *** in case the article is mis-interpreted.

I posted this because it at least demonstrates different thinking and a different approach to how the Oil companies are reacting. They have the most to lose and are getting more inventive with their approach to emissions reductions.

We have to approach carbon reductions from as many angles as we can and we have to also do it without wrecking the economy.

If, as was stated in the article, it is possible achieve a 40% reduction in emissions by re blending/reformulating gasoline, I say, "have at it". Achieving 40% on every ICE vehicle on the roads now will have a much greater impact than waiting until EV's are considered mainstream transportation.

By the way, Chevron is not the only company experimenting with these fuels. So is Porsche, not a fly-by-night company by any means.

Here's some news from them.

Porsche pumps first synthetic fuel as Chilean plant finally starts producing

And this from Bloomberg...

Global Drop-in Fuels Market to See a Flood of New Entrants | BloombergNEF
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Hey 92 b , point taken. Chevron is definitely taking steps to cover their *** in case the article is mis-interpreted.

I posted this because it at least demonstrates different thinking and a different approach to how the Oil companies are reacting. They have the most to lose and are getting more inventive with their approach to emissions reductions.

We have to approach carbon reductions from as many angles as we can and we have to also do it without wrecking the economy.

If, as was stated in the article, it is possible achieve a 40% reduction in emissions by re blending/reformulating gasoline, I say, "have at it". Achieving 40% on every ICE vehicle on the roads now will have a much greater impact than waiting until EV's are considered mainstream transportation.

By the way, Chevron is not the only company experimenting with these fuels. So is Porsche, not a fly-by-night company by any means.

Here's some news from them.

Porsche pumps first synthetic fuel as Chilean plant finally starts producing

And this from Bloomberg...

Global Drop-in Fuels Market to See a Flood of New Entrants | BloombergNEF
I agree we need to reduce carbon emissions from all angles. And hopefully not wreck the economy in the process. I read both links and found the "drop in fuels" concept appealing. But not many details about what specifically drop in fuels are or how they are produced. I will do some looking around for more information. It would be awesome if you could pour something in your tank that would take the place of gasoline wthout the carbon footprint at a comparable cost. Almost sounds too good to be true. I think we have to be careful of solutions marketed as beig such that turn out to be rebranded petroleum. Pig with lipstick.
I agree we need to reduce carbon emissions from all angles. And hopefully not wreck the economy in the process. I read both links and found the "drop in fuels" concept appealing. But not many details about what specifically drop in fuels are or how they are produced. I will do some looking around for more information. It would be awesome if you could pour something in your tank that would take the place of gasoline wthout the carbon footprint at a comparable cost. Almost sounds too good to be true. I think we have to be careful of solutions marketed as beig such that turn out to be rebranded petroleum. Pig with lipstick.

Ya, have to agree!

I guess thats what all us Hotrodders are hoping for.. a fuel we can put in our tank that's enviornmentally friendly but lets us enjoy our old cars and the hobby.
