chiropractor visit



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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So after having my lower back extreamly sore for the last two wks I decided to make a trip to the "back breaker" I told him I hurt my back a few wks ago doing squats in the gym and the pain never really went away.... I didn't think to much about it at the time b/c I do this about once a

So he has me sit on he table and bend my knees to my chest and he said" wow ur hip is outta place" and showed me one leg way way longer than the other (about 1.5") lol

After jumping on my chest for the next few min. he get it back in place and I felt instant relief.... man just sitting here typing I feel like a new man.

Lots of people don't believe in Chiropractic and it is not a cure-all but when certain things are wrong and hurt they can definately help. Last year I went to the M.D. with chest pains and after ekg's and a stress test on the treadmill that just about killed me they told me that nothing was wrong.
That same afternoon I went to my chiropractor for my monthly adjustment.
She asked me how I was and I told her about the "not fun" morning I had.
She put me on the table and polked my ribs in a few places that really hurt.
"You've got a rib out of place" she said and within a minuite the chest pain was gone. "What did you do to yourself". I had fell against the radiator support of my tool truck while replacing the water pump a month earlier.
I'm a believer! Mike
UCSG CHARGER I go tomorrow morning to my chiropractor visit.
She douse wonders. I have been seeing a chiropractor for 30 years.
When I was 20 they wanted to do surgery on my lower back and neck.
But my first chiropractort said he could fix it and not to have surgery yet.
I go one time a month know but about 7 weeks ago I went three times for a couple weeks and then once a week.
Yes sir! I do believe in there wonders they can do to keep our spinal system and nerves working properly for our main organs.
Glad you found a good one and feeling great!! Congradgalations.:thumblef:
Jason, glad to hear you're feeling better and getting back into action.

I've been to a chiro once about 15 years ago ... had a miserable migraine headache and was laying my head on my desk at the office during my lunch hour. One of the other secretaries was dating a chiropractor at the time, and after seeing me like that, she picked up the phone, called him, and gave me directions to his office up the street.

Ten minutes later I was on my stomach on his table -- 5" heels, pantyhose, skirt and blouse intact -- while he investigated my back by hand. He got up near my neck and paused ... "Well, there's your migraine!" and before I could say a word, I heard S - N - A - PPPP !!!! My head felt like an inflated balloon for about a half hour and I was kinda dizzy, but I went back to work with lunch hour time to spare.

And the best part: I haven't had a migraine or bad headache ever since.
I get the rib out of place thing once in awhile. I think I had one yesterday in fact. The first time I ever experienced it I didn't know what it was and had a sharp pain from my front to my back for a year. I finally had someone crush me on the floor and it snapped back in place. I was as good as new.
My brother in law is a Quackcopractor. But he is a pharmacist too. (First)
He figured he could make more money working for himself was one reason he changed.
His brother is an Osteopath. He refers patient to my brother in law.
My brother in law doesn’t believed in vaccination.
At least for his own children.
They are benefiting from the herd being immunized is what his Osteopath brother tells him.
I would trust my brother in law but he is far away.
But just be careful. I wouldn’t trust all to them anymore than an MD.
Maybe even less.
They can be nothing more than glorified physical therapist.
Or worse.

I was going to one and he was reliving my back pain till I figured out that all he was doing was massaging away my back spasms.
I quit abusing my back and didn’t need to go anymore.
But my wife has found a good one close by and he seems to help her.
fully believe in a "good " chiropracter. I will admit there are some "back crackers" out there, But when you get into a Chiropracter that is into a wellness program and you see what they can do for you its amazing. You see every nerve in your body runs through your spine. When you spine is acting up, such as a rib out, or vertebrae shoved over it can not only cause problems in that area, but it makes the rest of your body compensate as well.

For those that "poo poo" Chiropractic, all I can say is that it has made me walk again standing straight and no pain. IT has helped numerous of my friends as well.

Jason ... Kudos for you for going in. I know all about hip displacment and its no good. The key now is to make sure you at least go in for body tune up at least 1 time a year if not a couple.

If you walk in any kind of pain, if your neck constantly hurts, etc... Check out numerous Chiro centers and find out which doctors just crack backs and which ones are a wellness center. You wont regret it .

I've been to chiropractors, off and on, for 38 years. My first visit was when I was 12 years old. Also went the orthopedic route once, and got the "there's nothing structurally wrong with you." Even did a bone scan with the radioactive IV to look for "hot spots." I know chiro-crackers can't fix everything, but I know when to look one up.

I went a couple times for lower back and neck relief, but it never helped.
It seemed that they "both different chiro's" wre hell bent on getting me to sign up for a treatment contract.

I just needed some quick relief, and I did not even get that.

I think my problems were more swelling muscle against a nerve related, but they tried to help.

Sometimes miracles can't happen in a short chiropractic visit.

I waill share a funny experiance though.

While I was waiting at the third chiropractors office, I was the second guy on the sign up sheet that morning, and the doc was working on a guy ahead of me.

While I waited, about five more people came in and sat down.

After about a half hour, a really beautiful girl in a professional,but very tight, short outfit walked in and asked to see the doc, who by the way is married.

As soon as the doc heard her voice, he came out of the back room, and rushed the little honey back ahead of everyone, and as they walked down the hall I heard her say "my back hurts a little today" and she giggled in this naughty little way.
He said "I'll fix you up in a jiffy."

Well, after about 15 minutes she came back out with her hair all messed up and she was tucking her shirt in as she walked out without stopping at the desk, and it was funny,but she was no longer wearing her stockings either which I was astute enough to notice.

At that point, I just walked out and the receptionist looked at me with this funny look on her face as if to say, "Darn, we just lost another one over this little vixen."

I know she was not his wife because he had a picture of his family there and the lady that referred me to him daid he almost lost his marriage from cheating on his wife.
Hey guys I like to hear when someone has a good experience with a Chiropractor. I liked mine so much I married her about three months after my first visit and have been together for 14 years as of 23OCT. She keeps me walking and without her I would probably be flat on my back now. But wait that could be a good thing!
I hope his name isn't John Redcorn! :rolleyes:

I think you are confusing “new age healer” with chiropractor.
Quit watching so many cartoons.:poke:
“Funny” you should mention that though.
The chiropractor I was using happened to have a wife who was a licensed new age healer.
I won’t say the chiropractor wasn’t good.
I will say that he was one of those that didn’t even have an x-ray machine.
Very proud of his (part) “Native American” ancestry.
Said he could tell more with his hands than other people could with an x-ray.
i have been going now for about 3 years and im 29 (i raced motocross so im MESSED UP). Before i started going i always had lingering pain in my man junk, kinda felt like i was getting kicked all the time. I went to the my Med Doc and he said hernia and sent me to a urologist and he said nothing was wrong, so i went back to the doc because now im worried what the issue is. He sent me to a different one and he said nothing was wrong also and thought it was just muscle strain so i lived with it for about 1 1/2 years and then my hips started bothering me. So i decided to go see a ciro and after the first visit no more junk pain yaaaaaaaaa. Now actually go out to the garage and work on my car and not have my hip hurting cause its out of place again from the creeper.

Chiropractor :notworth:
well after a sh!tty night of sleeping b/c of unheard of back pain.... I went back to the chiro this morning....what do ya know.... my fockin hip was back outta place. He almost ripped me in half getting in set back this of charge..... But I drove 5 hrs to my mothers house... and thought I was gonna puke b/c of my back pain..... The Chiro said it would hurt for a while b/c I was really jacked up and it takes time to get everthing working again.

Happy fockin turkey Day
Hey guys I like to hear when someone has a good experience with a Chiropractor. I liked mine so much I married her about three months after my first visit and have been together for 14 years as of 23OCT. She keeps me walking and without her I would probably be flat on my back now. But wait that could be a good thing!

If she's the girl in your sig pic, you are my new hero.
Wow, what legs!
I think you are confusing “new age healer” with chiropractor.
Quit watching so many cartoons.:poke:
“Funny” you should mention that though.
The chiropractor I was using happened to have a wife who was a licensed new age healer.
I won’t say the chiropractor wasn’t good.
I will say that he was one of those that didn’t even have an x-ray machine.
Very proud of his (part) “Native American” ancestry.
Said he could tell more with his hands than other people could with an x-ray.

Funny you should mention that, I'm an X-ray tech (Radiologic Technologist). Also, I don't think there's anything "new" age about the way John Redcorn cures headaches! [-:)lol:
I’ve got to pick up my wife’s x-rays and CAT scans from the hospital in the morning.
If you missed my other post, I spent Thanksgiving in the ER. She fell through the ceiling.
Tomorrow afternoon she is going to her the chiropractor to see what he says.
He will have before and after shots of her spine.
This is the one that she has only seen a couple of times. He tells her she has rheumatoid arthritis and bone spurs on her back. No MD has ever told her either of these things.
Everyone that looked at her wrist, from the EMT to the nurse, figured her wrist was broken. But the ER doctor said no from the x-rays.
But we know from experience that people miss things on x-rays.
I wish we had insisted on getting them before we let them discharge her.
Probably will be like pulling teeth dealing with Hospital Records.