climate change

Perhaps you should re read what I wrote. Particularly the part about it being irrelevant if it is human caused. It very well may not be. The bigger issue is that the warming atmosphere, coupled with the other things I mention, do note bode well for the human race and could in fact be our demise. It has nothing to do with politics.

Only reasonable post!

Yes we affect the climate in some small extent. The U.S. is not the reason, but may contribute to third world abuse. I believe fully the earth we live on goes through cycles that non of us can control. The things we artificially make and pollute the water though is another issue. How much pharmaceutical crap gets flushed every day? Global warming to me is a myth but the rest is not! Look at how many common things from the past are now banned.

The warming part is political but the pollution is not, why is that?
The warming part is political but the pollution is not, why is that?

Because supposedly EPA controlled the pollution part. The global warming was for a distribution of wealth and for control. Jmho that I totally believe.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Because supposedly EPA controlled the pollution part. The global warming was for a distribution of wealth and for control. Jmho that I totally believe.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

That is just fine and like you clearly said YO. I would tell you to look honestly at the history of the earth from before the modern factory age and the past and you will find lots of heating and cooling.

I keep hearing about warming and only see cooler over all temp the past few years. In the past the same group told us we are heading for an ice age. I say let’s get the politics out and get real data, but have no hope that will ever happen as individual human kind has their own motives to proove it one way or the other. Intellectual Honesty is the issue and there is no room for that in politics. They all lie like hell!
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Global warming has been shoved down our throats for years now. However if you look at the weather patterns only one year in the last 20 has shown actual warming.
Yeah, and just look at the data from the past 420,000 years. Man has only had any influence on the climate for the past 150 years. Seems like the climate has been changing regularly all by itself...

View attachment 1715111121
420 thousand years? Looks like a smooth talking tech head Bill Nye type phony graph. Indoctrination at it best.
If that is from ice cores then they have done good on fooling the public. Lawyer talking snakes.

I got 5 layers of snow that compresses into ice from one day on my back deck last year.

Climate Hustle......
420 thousand years? Looks like a smooth talking tech head Bill Nye type phony graph. Indoctrination at it best.
If that is from ice cores then they have done good on fooling the public. Lawyer talking snakes.

I got 5 layers of snow that compresses into ice from one day on my back deck last year.

Climate Hustle......
Good science that shows the climate has always been in flux.
I agree global warming is happening as the warming and cooling cycles continue as they always have. In 30+ years of flying jets I have seen huge changes in the US. Way less air pollution. But go to Mexico City, Shanghai, Mumbai, the list goes forever. 2 miles visibility is a good day. They’re laughing at us throwing $$$ at a problem while they ignore it.

One of the reasons why I am happy about the current executive stance to thumb his nose at them.

Why should us U.S. taxpayers pay the others who do not even care. All Of it is world politics we need to distance from. I am more concerned about the water in my beer than the temp!
Any sensible changes we can make now would be a benefit even if as some suggest that we are not the cause,although it's hard to imagine we not a big part of it.
..can we reduce our numbers without issue?
Any sensible changes we can make now would be a benefit even if as some suggest that we are not the cause,although it's hard to imagine we not a big part of it.
..can we reduce our numbers without issue?

Every day I watch the news or look at the internet news it is nothing but death, seems we are doing a decent job of it! Pun intended! There may be more people born every day on earth than are killed in Chicago alone but you do not see that in the news!
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420 thousand years? Looks like a smooth talking tech head Bill Nye type phony graph. Indoctrination at it best.
If that is from ice cores then they have done good on fooling the public. Lawyer talking snakes.

I got 5 layers of snow that compresses into ice from one day on my back deck last year.

Climate Hustle......
pretty impressive considering the earth is only about 6000 years old
Good science that shows the climate has always been in flux.
Had an uncle tell me about those graphs when I was a kid. He got his degree in forestry in 1949 on the gi bill. Closest thing to a hunting and fishing degree they had. Anyway, I've always remembered that and figured someone (or a whole industry) has figured out a way to make a buck on natural climate cycles.
Given enough time people can be convinced of most anything if the only facts they are presented are from only one side of the equation.
Yeah, and just look at the data from the past 420,000 years. Man has only had any influence on the climate for the past 150 years. Seems like the climate has been changing regularly all by itself...

View attachment 1715111121

Exactly. And if you look at the temp graph, it's obvious we are in a cooling period. Just don't tell Al Gore.
Good science that shows the climate has always been in flux.
Good science I guess is good. The graph is bad science. Them ice core samples are part of the Climate Hustle.

The bottom layers of the core sample are NOT 420,000 years old. Its very political. The scientist are lying to
the public.

Metaphor: The letter A is well educated scientist but says 2+2=5.
The number 7 says wait a minute, that's incorrect!
The rest of the alphabet believes the letter A because he is the leader of the group and laughs at number 7.
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Follow the money.

Global warming is a multi multi billion dollar business.

The earth has always gone thru cycles.
The govt cooked the books to encourage “scientists” to come out with that incorrect conclusion. Climate change is real, but man-made climate change is infinitesimally small. Therefore going much beyond what can economically be achieved is simply a waste of time, money and effort. We should have laws about protecting the environment as we have had since the 1970s, but the crazy crap like carbon taxes and extreme particulate standards, etc., are useless and unnecessarily costly.
---------------------THIS !!!!!!!!!!! And u can bet if the carbon tax ever happens, it ''WILL" feed the rich ! AL GORE HAS ALREADY TRIED TO FUNNEL IT TO ONE OF HIS COMPANIES !
I don't see global warming, but I do see more weather extremes here in Florida. I cannot speak for the rest of the country. The direct sun feels much hotter to me than it did say, 10 years ago. It really stings. But I believe it is not a temperature difference, rather a RADIATION increase brought on by less protective atmosphere. It also appears bright white instead of more yellowish (light the headlights on an old MoPar lol). The newly paved roads bleach very quickly into light grey and the reflective road signs are cracking and fading.
Amen, brother!

2 Peter 3:10New King James Version (NKJV)
The Day of the Lord

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.a]'>[a]

You want to hear about global warming from someone who actually KNOWS what He is talking about and has been around long enough to actually know how the climate was in the beginning, read 2nd peter 3:10
Amen, brother!

2 Peter 3:10New King James Version (NKJV)
The Day of the Lord

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.a]'>[a]
GOD can accomplish this any way he chooses, but w/ that verse it makes me think about someone like kim jong donghead starting an all out nuclear war,= no winners except Christians in the end.