climate change



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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.... 15000 experts and scientists claim we are destroying the earth and atmosphere at a rate faster than it can heal itself.Suggesting the earth can sail along smoothly at a population of 2.5 billion and stay healthy (Agenda 21) but there are 7 billion!
Us old guys won't have to worry but our kids and grandkids will.
.....your thoughts?
Just about any problem with the world, be it social, economical, or what ever, can be attributed to over population. A crash is coming and it's most likely going to be some disease that causes it.
The govt cooked the books to encourage “scientists” to come out with that incorrect conclusion. Climate change is real, but man-made climate change is infinitesimally small. Therefore going much beyond what can economically be achieved is simply a waste of time, money and effort. We should have laws about protecting the environment as we have had since the 1970s, but the crazy crap like carbon taxes and extreme particulate standards, etc., are useless and unnecessarily costly.
You want to hear about global warming from someone who actually KNOWS what He is talking about and has been around long enough to actually know how the climate was in the beginning, read 2nd peter 3:10
Ocean levels are rising. The polar ice caps and glaciers are receding at never before seen rates. Weather patterns are changing. Anyone who says global chang (warming) is bs needs to take their head out of their ***.

Whether it is human caused or not is irrelevant.

Coupled with other issues - polution of the atmosphere and oceans, overpopulation, genetically engineered crops that dont self sustain or reproduce, the overuse of antibiotics and a world economy driven by oil companies, pharmacuetial companies and the war machine, the future of humankind does not look fantastic without some intervention, and acceptance by all that change needs to take place.
Ever heard of weather cycles. You have bought into the obama bs. Use both hands an pull real hard an get your head out of his ***.
I must agree 100%!

The earth has been in a constant state of flux (that means change) for as long as scientific research can discern. There have been inconsistent periods where temperatures have been rising and falling for as long as the planet has existed. Volcanic activity, glacial activity, meteoric collisions and numerous other factors have driven these changes. Humans have existed for the equivalence of a nanosecond in the history of the planet.

Must be our fault, huh!
Perhaps you should re read what I wrote. Particularly the part about it being irrelevant if it is human caused. It very well may not be. The bigger issue is that the warming atmosphere, coupled with the other things I mention, do note bode well for the human race and could in fact be our demise. It has nothing to do with politics.
The reason Antarctica is melting was discovered by the English while mapping the ocean about 6 years ago near Antarctica. They discovered approximately 12 volcanoes under the ocean three or four of which were active. The heat from these are coming up under the polar cap causing it melt. One day when these volcanoes are no longer active the South Pole will recover it's ice cap but who knows how many years that will be.
I agree global warming is happening as the warming and cooling cycles continue as they always have. In 30+ years of flying jets I have seen huge changes in the US. Way less air pollution. But go to Mexico City, Shanghai, Mumbai, the list goes forever. 2 miles visibility is a good day. They’re laughing at us throwing $$$ at a problem while they ignore it.
Humankind is doomed, it won't matter if its GW, disease, nukes, asteroid impact or something we haven't foreseen. We are terribly arrogant to think that we will remain the
dominant species on this rock for the remainder of time. It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, they both catch mice.
yah's warming alright.But aside from climate change the other issues remain.
Lot's of places where you can't breath the air or drink the water.
The biggest problem may be the population?
Perhaps you should re read what I wrote. Particularly the part about it being irrelevant if it is human caused. It very well may not be. The bigger issue is that the warming atmosphere, coupled with the other things I mention, do note bode well for the human race and could in fact be our demise. It has nothing to do with politics.

Unfortunately, it seems that as of late, politics must somehow be woven into every frigging discussion about every frigging thing that happens in the country/world. I am so sick of it. Opening day and week in my tree stands without news, social media and such can't come soon enough! Who knows, I may even load my rifle.... Or maybe just take in Mother Earth's beauty for a few days. I'll just play that one by ear.

Be well folks,
that's what happened to me.I go out now but don't really want to shoot anymore.
whether it's a tree stand, canoe or Moosecamp it's great therapy.
Do humans contribute to Co2 levels? Yeah. Extent? Who knows for sure? Climate change real? You bet. But even more so if you're paid to study it by grants I suspect.
Not many (if at all any) so called "deniers" or "skeptics" getting grant money I'd imagine.

Ready to pay for your "carbon footprint"? It's coming.....
Exxon Mobil Lends Its Support to a Carbon Tax Proposal

Follow the money!

Was NY city to be under water by 2010 or something like that? And that poor polar bear on the last little piece of Arctic ice, how did it fair?
Lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!

.........."For all these years the Algorians have been making predictions for calamities from coastal flooding, huge storms and droughts to unprecedented heat waves all as a result of this “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide. "

Some info on climate change here some may (or may not) be interested in...........
(no title)
that's what happened to me.I go out now but don't really want to shoot anymore.
whether it's a tree stand, canoe or Moosecamp it's great therapy.

Yep, It sure is. I can literally feel the stress of the daily grind/nonsense melt away the deeper I go into the woods. I have passed on a whole lot more shots than I have taken over the last bunch of seasons. So much so that my daughters are giving me sh&t about not having venison in the freezer LOL!

Take care man,
untill they start installing catalytic converters on cows, im not buying it
untill they start installing catalytic converters on cows, im not buying it
Ron White once said that he was asked what he was doing about the methane greenhouse gas being increased by cow flatulence. He said, "I'm eatin' the cows..."
Climate change. Yes its happening. Before the ice age there wasnt any ice age. And now polar ice caps are receding. Yup. Can we stop it? Nope. What about forest fires? There have been some big ones. How big if every naturally occurring fire was not supressed?thats human intervention.carbon tax? Sure if the tax actually did something. Kind of like the mining industry paying for land reclamation, and the billions of dollars paid, but only a portion used to actually rehab the land. Rest is administrated away.
Interesting read...

"In the 1970s a few paleoclimatologists were concerned with the possibility of global cooling, and suggested that the next glacial period could be rapidly approaching. The previous interglacial periods seemed to have lasted about 10,000 years each; a report in 1972 assuming that the present interglacial period would be equally long concluded, "it is likely that the present-day warm epoch will terminate relatively soon if man does not intervene".[25] Since then, our understanding of the climate system has improved. It is known that not all interglacial periods are of the same length and that solar heating varies in a non-linear fashion forced by the Milankovitch orbital cycles (see Causes section above). At the same time, it is also known that greenhouse gases are increasing in concentration with each passing year. Based on the variations in solar heating and on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, some calculations of future temperatures have been made. According to these estimates, the interglacial period Earth is in now may persist for another 50,000 years if CO
2 levels increase to 750 parts per million (ppm)[26] while the recent atmospheric concentration of CO2 is about 407 ppm by volume.[27] If CO2 drops instead to 210 ppm, then the next glacial period may only be 15,000 years away.[26] Moreover, studies of seafloor sediments and ice cores from glaciers around the world, namely Greenland, indicate that climatic change is not smooth. Studies of isotopic composition of the ice cores indicate the change from warm to frigid temperatures can occur in a decade or two.[28] In addition, the ice cores show that an ice age is not uniformly cold, nor are interglacial periods uniformly warm (see also stadial). Analysis of ice cores of the entire thickness of the Greenland glacier shows that climate over the last 250,000 years has changed frequently and abruptly. The present interglacial period (the last 10,000 to 15,000 years) has been fairly stable and warm, but the previous one was interrupted by numerous frigid spells lasting hundreds of years. If the previous period was more typical than the present one, the period of stable climate in which humans flourished—inventing agriculture and thus civilization—may have been possible only because of a highly unusual period of stable temperature.[29]"
Interesting read...

"In the 1970s a few paleoclimatologists were concerned with the possibility of global cooling, and suggested that the next glacial period could be rapidly approaching. The previous interglacial periods seemed to have lasted about 10,000 years each; a report in 1972 assuming that the present interglacial period would be equally long concluded, "it is likely that the present-day warm epoch will terminate relatively soon if man does not intervene".[25] Since then, our understanding of the climate system has improved. It is known that not all interglacial periods are of the same length and that solar heating varies in a non-linear fashion forced by the Milankovitch orbital cycles (see Causes section above). At the same time, it is also known that greenhouse gases are increasing in concentration with each passing year. Based on the variations in solar heating and on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, some calculations of future temperatures have been made. According to these estimates, the interglacial period Earth is in now may persist for another 50,000 years if CO
2 levels increase to 750 parts per million (ppm)[26] while the recent atmospheric concentration of CO2 is about 407 ppm by volume.[27] If CO2 drops instead to 210 ppm, then the next glacial period may only be 15,000 years away.[26] Moreover, studies of seafloor sediments and ice cores from glaciers around the world, namely Greenland, indicate that climatic change is not smooth. Studies of isotopic composition of the ice cores indicate the change from warm to frigid temperatures can occur in a decade or two.[28] In addition, the ice cores show that an ice age is not uniformly cold, nor are interglacial periods uniformly warm (see also stadial). Analysis of ice cores of the entire thickness of the Greenland glacier shows that climate over the last 250,000 years has changed frequently and abruptly. The present interglacial period (the last 10,000 to 15,000 years) has been fairly stable and warm, but the previous one was interrupted by numerous frigid spells lasting hundreds of years. If the previous period was more typical than the present one, the period of stable climate in which humans flourished—inventing agriculture and thus civilization—may have been possible only because of a highly unusual period of stable temperature.[29]"

The climate will be what the climate will be.
Man made or natural occurrence.
Man can't accurately predict the weather from one day to the next .
How they he'll will he control climate change.
Didn't I just see a NASA article saying satellite images show the ice caps growing. And let's not forget the hoity toties blowing off huge chunks of glacial ice to melt for their drinking water. I know scientists. Real ones. They are busy. You never hear their names. Some of them have hundreds of patents. None of them see global warming as real. At lest not in the sense others think of it. Hell, the President of the United States could give an order to destroy the ozone, and it wouldn't be possible even on purpose.
I must agree 100%!

The earth has been in a constant state of flux (that means change) for as long as scientific research can discern. There have been inconsistent periods where temperatures have been rising and falling for as long as the planet has existed. Volcanic activity, glacial activity, meteoric collisions and numerous other factors have driven these changes. Humans have existed for the equivalence of a nanosecond in the history of the planet.

Must be our fault, huh!
Yeah, and just look at the data from the past 420,000 years. Man has only had any influence on the climate for the past 150 years. Seems like the climate has been changing regularly all by itself...
