Cmas Breakfest



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
This morning I made pancakes for breakfest. Everytime I make pancakes the dogs think I have to share. So this morning I put two pancakes on the plate with a little syrup. Vinny kept looking to see what else I was going to put on them. I went to the cabinet and put some black jimmies on it. Then Vinny looked at John and then looked back at the plate. So I put some blue sprinkles on top. He still wasn't satisfied. So to top it off I put some whip cream on top for the finale'. I know a dog shouldn't eat these things but oh well he is old and deserves to induldge ever once in awhile.

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Oh I forgot the pancakes were flavored with banana flavoring. Love making pancakes but not just plain ones. Got have a little umph to them!!
Oh I forgot the pancakes were flavored with banana flavoring. Love making pancakes but not just plain ones. Got have a little umph to them!!

I need to come to your house for pancakes.=P~
I love banana pancakes!!! Little round discs smashed in just after your batter takes shape, and then scorched when you flip 'em ... ... ... MMmmmmmm!!:tongue7:
I love banana pancakes!!! Little round discs smashed in just after your batter takes shape, and then scorched when you flip 'em ... ... ... MMmmmmmm!!:tongue7:

I didn't have any real bananas this morning so I had to use banana flavoring instead. Still worked. I can't eat bananas as a whole but the flavoring doesn't seem to bother me.
Can I place my order for a double stack?????=P~

What is your flavor of choice? My favorite is pecans and chocolate chips with a hint of cinnamon. Gotta have the cinnamon. Man I wished I had some right now. Good thing tomorrow is grocery day.
64dart170 will tell you as long as I baking something it is great but if I am cooking something you better beware. I consider pancakes as baking that is why they are so good.

All I can say is I hate box pancakes which is what I get.