comp lifter failure



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
It looks to me that this new comp lifter was bad right from the start.all lifters were just installed got my rockers torqued down spuned it over by hand heard ping the retainer that holds the unit together pop out.In the pic you can see a the good one has the 2 lips that holds everything togeather,the outher has nothing.What the !@#$ happened.I see nothing not even a rough edge were it may have just broken no pieces anywere.I paid a lot of money for there lifters to match up with the cam,warrenty you know witch will likly mean nothing sorry to rant on. has antone had this failure befor.My cam is hyd.i thought maybe i did something wrong pop in an old lifter and all is well now i will have to waite for a new one DAM.

Well after cooling down and looking closer there is a lip all around the lifter but why did the clip pop out.I now have lost faith in the rest of them 15 lifters that is.What would you boys do.
I would call Comp, be nice about it, send them the pics, let them know that ht engine has not even been run and if they have any sense of customer service, they'll send you another set of 16.

Question: Wire retainers or circlips?
i had four comp lifters do it i dont know what it is about them i have mopar lifters in mine now and so far no prob
I wouldnt trust anything from COMP......change them all out to something different !!!!! Just my opinion.......thinking out loud. haaaaaa
Never had a problem with Comp. Used ALOT of their cams/lifters. I know they did have a problem in the past, but that was due to a strike. Been using them for a few years with no problems. Yours is probably just a fluke.
hi from looking at the picture , those are the antipump up style lifter .did you put lash in them or preload? those require an adjustable rocker arm. besides, comp does not make lifters, those are made by the johnson lifter co. they sell to hughes and a lot of other companies. speedpro is the same lifter.
Perf, why would you need adjustable rockers if the pushrods provide the correct preload? I never heard of this. Also what is the difference from a regular lifter and the anti pump up? I am not trying to be difficult I would just like to know so I don't make the same mistake.

COMP CAMS and it's other products seem to be suffering from greed. If they would have stuck to what they know and focus on cams only maybe they wouldn't have to worry about shitty lifters. But you do have to grow and make the investors happy
I have several friends that have had hyd. lifter failure. They are all made in china now. Thats why I went with the solid lift on the stroker motor I built. Adjusted them 3 times and now I just run the **** out of it.
Not the first time Comp lifters has had issues. I hear more of their lifters giving problems than any other.
Well I am taking the lifter to guy who is a big time engine builder at a shop here for him to look at, this is the place that I got the cam,lifters,valve spring retainers from.I all ready know its toast.This lifter has no wire to hold the guts in just a round clip.I must say very nervice about the rest of them.How much better are the comp lifters that stock ones?
I havent gotten a Comp Cam sinch last year, but the last one I had did not use that clip style, but a wire retaining clip. Edelbrock uses that spring steel style and they are junk. I've found them hanging on the pushords because they pop out. 6 of 16 on the last RPM cam equipped engine I took apart. I don't think they are the anti pump ups. I think those are the standard hydraulic lifter.
63- On most performance lifters (the anti pump up, and variable duration) you need to have much less preload... instead of .030-.040, they take .010. You must have the adjustable valve train to run them. Look in the catalogs and there is a footnote for that.
I`ve read there are only a couple companies making lifters and they sell to most everybody. I had a new lifter fail with a MP kit but just replaced the one and so far, so good.
Man,it sounds like that old expression"you get what you pay for" just aint true!

I find that more and more companies(not just car stuff) are using thier big brand names to sell crap made in china. And you end up paying just as much for it if it were made here,but not getting the quality or service you deserve.

It's very much a buyer beware situation these days.

Sorry for the rant guys,and good luck with the lifter problem Snake!
i have comp cam, rockers and pushrods i really like the craftsmanship on everything just didnt have any luck with the lifters