confounded P/S Bracket need a second set of eyes eyes and your thoughts.

Thanks for the info Steve.

Having the pictures for reference help a lot. At a glance the federal and oval Saginaw look similar when mounted.

Bobscuda67, i've been late to the party more than once. lol
I had initially installed a federal pump on my 68. It was frustratingly slow.I tried several pumps from my stock without success. I tried a couple of different pully sizes. I tried reworking the pressure relief valves.Nothing would let me do figure 8s. I slapped on a saginaw and right out of the gate it worked. The oil gets hot in a hurry though and pukes over the top. I just run it a little low. Seems to work Ok. I dont do figure 8s much anymore. Yeah so Lss I recommend the Saginaw.
AJ, I definitely want to stay with the Saginaw for the reasons you point out and from what I've read. But If I can't get the It hung I will go with what works for now.

It seems like I just need the two Saginaw brackets for the Iron bodied water pump.
The one on the left looks like a /6 pump/bracket to me, not sure. Dont know how they are valved or pullied. I ditched the old style system from the get go. Used an oem 26inch A/C rad from the 70s,with a hi-flo pump and stat,and a 7-blade clutch fan. I never, ever, have/had an overheat problem.I have enough power to run 93 in the 1/8th.Hope this helps. I like the long necked one. It allows room for fluid expansion before overflowing,and controls slosh better.I put in just enough oil to cover the guts. I suppose I could install a cooler but its just not a real problem,for the most part. The federals would loose boost during rapid left-right-left maneuvers. They would overheat and puke their oil out.It was very frustrating,for a while there.