Corona Funny



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
Reaction score
Santa Maria, Ca.
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1. 320 million people in the US.
2. If we had a Corona vaccine tomorrow
3. And each vaccine took one minute to inject per person
4. 320 million minutes to inoculate 320 million people
4. There are 480 minutes in 8 hours
5. 320 million minutes divided by 480 min (one day) equals 666666 days
6. It would take 666666 days (8 hour days) to inoculate the whole nation
7. 666666 days equals 22222 months
8. 22222 months equals 1,851 years

So........If we had a vaccine tomorrow it would still take 1,851 years to get everyone inoculated. THAT IS SCARY!!! Trump wants to get everyone back to work in 30 days????? A vaccine isn't on the horizon for at least 12-18 months!!!!!!

PS - Somebody check my math:mad::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:????

OK, Let's say we could do 1000 people per minute....Ahhh, that's better, it would only take 4.6 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Treblig, The Science Guy!!!
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Math works if they only inoculate one person at a time (I didn't actually check it though, lol). But each school across the country would do shots simultaneously. Same as hospitals, clinics, prisons, etc etc.
Updated my post....and it actually takes more than one minute to get people inoculated, ever been to a doctors office???
However how many people would actually get the inoculation. All the anti-vac crowd would protest to high hell. (Would say high heaven but wrong crowd)
However how many people would actually get the inoculation. All the anti-vac crowd would protest to high hell. (Would say high heaven but wrong crowd)
They will protest and avoid the vaccine until they get sick and die.
load the Boot camp gun and shoot people as they go by. Wipe the gun with a alcohol wipe and NEXT!! Can do 10 people in a minute and that's just one guy with the gun. IF we all got the Flu shot, >50% of shot recipiants would still get the flu!
Just like always. Herd immunity in 30 days......wait it out. There is no politics in this but basic math says this almost total shutdown is going to have irreperable harm on the solvency of this country.