


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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One of our neighbors are on vacation in MT. Guy across the road from them is taking care of there horses for them. He went over to feed the horses early yesterday with his dog. His dog got into a scuffle with 2 coyotes. He chased them off. Was going home and noticed that the coyotes were following him home. Went inside & got a rifle. Went for a walk and his dog went into the brush, chasing one of them out. Dropped one of them. Dragged the carcass back to his place, tossed it up on the hill. Got a cup of coffee and grabbed a chair. Was not 15 minutes and the other one had a hole in it....Have seen a few deer skeletons around, guess the coyotes were eating well...
Looks like like PA is going to have a bounty for $25 each for Coyotes. If I were at home, I would be plugging them too.
We have so many Coyotes here in Sun City West that it's not uncommon for me to run into one across the street when I'm out walking the dog in the morning. Most of the time they "act" as if I'm not even there.
A friend in North Dakota heard the dogs carrying on in the front yard. He was upstairs and looked out the window to see three coyotes had his old Lab and Pug cornered against the house and were attacking them. He grabbed his 30-30 and shot one as it was fighting with the dog. When the one dropped, the other two ran off. Every year, they seem to have less fear of humans.
My uncle accounted for 17 last year. Shortest was 15 yards (pistol), longest was 280 (target rifle in .22-250).
Man if they would let us bounty hunt I would quit my day job , they were talking about opening wolves up for bounty in Northern Alberta but the leaf lickers got it nixed , to bad play to their instincts and it gets easy eh LOL .