Crap your pants close



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Retired and Traveling
On Thanksgiving day I decided to get the car ready for storage , I dumped in the proper amount of stabil and headed for the nearest BP station to fill-up. On the way home I thought I would get one more fun run , after getting out on the 4 lane limited access I nailed it in first with the usual instant shift light rev limiter tire shake reaction I grabbed second and at about 55 ( I'm guessing I was busy holding on ) it blew the tires off with a violent sideways kick , all of a sudden the fight was on it made about 4 asswiggles that I didn't think it was going to recover from. All this wouldn't have been that bad but there was a car next to me about the time it started , I'm sure he was crapping also. I have never had a car that sideways and recovered it without a spin. I was just wondering if anyone else has done something that stupid and lived to tell about it.
I had six stiches in my chin from a quad accident. That was fun. Cost me $1200 bucks. There have been other times I have been luckey to not have wrecked. Live and learn.
I've had a few of those encounters, one of which cost me a few grand in damage to the rear end and back right tire as the back end slammed into and went up a curb. For the most part i was able to keep them under control and leave with a brick in my pants and a huge grin :grin: :grin:

P.s. Don't tell my Dad!!!:wink::yawinkle::wink:
The day I bought my Barracuda I had to race to the ferry docks to get back to the island , the car had been sitting for months and wasn;t really road ready, I had never driven to the ferry terminal having flown over to pick her up so I was half lost { at least half lol} when I spotted the turn off 2 lanes over to my right at 55 mph , I braked to slow down enough to get over before it was too late and the passenger front { I think } locked up after that was a blur of me wrestling the wheel to save her with 2 wheels off the ground sliding sideways at 50+ mph hoping she would come back around instead of rolling over . Yes I did scrape my leg when I got home
Put my '65 Cuda into a field, backwards, at about 110 mph and lived to tell you now about it.

I was a bit on the pissed off side, had a few beers, and went out in the Barracuda to blow off some steam. Hit this 2 lane road, 99% straight, a couple of slight bends, concrete road. hit one straightaway, nailed the gas, was up to about 120, slowed slightly(oh, road was damp from drizzle) as I approached one of the few bends. *** end decides to head left, by the time I reacted, it was too late, crossed road, off the other side into the field, perfectly backwards watching some crop or another go flying by me as I lightly touched the brakes, all the while waiting for a big oak tree to rip thru the car and end my life. Finally, got the car stopped. Engine was dead, well first thing I noticed, no engine running. Put car in neutral, lit 2 smokes @ once. Puffed them down, reached down, hit the key, starts right up. Put the car in 2nd, slowly feathered clutch, made my way out of the field, back onto the road, and back home, shaking all the way.

Went back the next day, and where I exited the road, I missed one of those overly thick (18-24 inch diameter) utility poles by about 30 inches.

Someone was watching over me that I didn't end up in a sandwich baggy for a body bag that night.

Lost my '73 'cuda about the same way only it met with a fire hydrant and a tree.
I topped the tires off in the cuda to see how it would feel on the street and put 30 psi in them instead of my usual 22 psi.

I came out of the neighborhood and gave it some romp while making a right which sent me into someone's yard.

I stopped for a second to count my blessings and to tell myself what an idiot I was, went back home and dropped the tire pressure back down to my comfort zone then reminded myself not to gun it while coming out of a turn.
Put my '65 Cuda into a field, backwards, at about 110 mph and lived to tell you now about it.

I was a bit on the pissed off side, had a few beers, and went out in the Barracuda to blow off some steam. Hit this 2 lane road, 99% straight, a couple of slight bends, concrete road. hit one straightaway, nailed the gas, was up to about 120, slowed slightly(oh, road was damp from drizzle) as I approached one of the few bends. *** end decides to head left, by the time I reacted, it was too late, crossed road, off the other side into the field, perfectly backwards watching some crop or another go flying by me as I lightly touched the brakes, all the while waiting for a big oak tree to rip thru the car and end my life. Finally, got the car stopped. Engine was dead, well first thing I noticed, no engine running. Put car in neutral, lit 2 smokes @ once. Puffed them down, reached down, hit the key, starts right up. Put the car in 2nd, slowly feathered clutch, made my way out of the field, back onto the road, and back home, shaking all the way.

Went back the next day, and where I exited the road, I missed one of those overly thick (18-24 inch diameter) utility poles by about 30 inches.

Someone was watching over me that I didn't end up in a sandwich baggy for a body bag that night.


Dang man, glad you came out of that.
I don't smoke anymore, but I probably would have drove to the store and bought a pack after that one. LOL.
LOL!! I am glad I 'm not the only crazy Bastich around here. Growing up in Yakima wash, cruising the Ave and street racing was the thing to do. Too many close calls to count but I know EXACTLY how yo felt!
7Duster3 writes :

I've had a few of those encounters, one of which cost me a few grand in damage to the rear end and back right tire as the back end slammed into and went up a curb. For the most part i was able to keep them under control and leave with a brick in my pants and a huge grin

P.s. Don't tell my Dad!!!

What you think I cant read,
beside I knew all about that little incedent

Jebus, I got one for you. I'm driving down a 2 lane road, the speed limit is 55 and I'm following a tractor trailer doing about 45 MPH. I have the dotted line to pass so I look out, don't see anything coming so I punch it. I'm doing about 85 when I reach the front of the tractor. Well unbeknownst to me was a Ford F350 stake bed truck in front of the semi and guess what? He decides he's going to turn left into a hot mix plant, right in front of me!

Luckily about halfway into his turn he sees me and stops dead blocking the road. I can't stop at this point, no way. My choices are to hit the truck, a telephone pole or take my chances going into the 6 foot death ditch on the side of the road. So I head for the ditch because death is certain either of the other ways. The car goes down the ditch, I swing the steering wheel back to the right and it goes up the driveway and back down the other side, I yank the wheel right some more and it comes back up the other side and back onto the road. I straighten the thing out and go down the road about a 1/4 mile until I can pull off onto a side street. I was shaking like a ****. I looked in the back seat where my dog was (she was up front when this started) and her collar is caught in the seat fabric so her head is on the seat and her legs are spread (still standing) and she's shaking just as bad as I was.

I've had some wrecks, and some other close calls in my time but that one was the worst one I didn't actually total a car in.
When I was 17 we lived down a long straight road(11 miles and not a bend) that had a small rise at about the 5 mile mark. One night I hit that rise at 120. Just my luck, there was a great dane standing in the middle of my lane. What can I do but hit him and take him through my windshield(short car, toyota celica gt) or dodge him and hope for the best? I chose to dodge him. I'm guessing I did about 5 complete circles in my spin out. I know I jumped the ditch on the left side and I took some ones mailbox home with me(it was in the back seat along with all the glass from my rear quarter window) and destroyed the rear quarter panel. I never did see that damn dog again or ever before that, but I know he was there that night.
I was running late to work one day, but it was supposed to be a nice day, early spring, and I was going about 85 (keeping up with traffic) in a 70 zone in a 65 barracuda. The cragar ss wheels are notorious guessed it, loosening lugs! The right front wheel popped off, the front of the car dropped, my wheel passed me, veered right, and I followed it to the emergency lane. Somehow I got the car stopped (the drum was eaten through to the shoes). When I got out of the car, I looked to see where the wheel had run off to and then realized the 80 foot deep ravine that I had almost gone off into. I felt like someone had slipped me a "mickey" as my head was spinning.
i have spent close to 250k mile on 2 wheels, most of it on sport bikes, had the pucker factor off the chart more times than I can remember....
It was my birthday 30 yrs ago.
After downing about a half bottle of wine, my friends and I were leaving my place to have some drinks in town. One of my buds was riding with his gf in her 69 Camaro. They were just in front of me on a narrow country road. At the first opportunity I floored my 340 Duster to pass but got just a bit too far to the left and grazed the grass shoulder. The sure grip did its job and torqued my car into the ditch. I yanked the steering to the right to avoid the trees and launched my car airborne like the Dukes back up on to the road. Fortunatly the Camaro was there to stop me from flying into the ditch on the other side. She saw me coming and twisted out of the seat and threw herself on my buddies lap. Her driver side mirror took out my rt front head light as the my right front bumper pushed her drivers door in to the steering wheel, door glass scattered thru the car. The Camaro was pushed into the muddy ditch as my bud tried to reach over his Girl and steer away from the trees on that side. He was partly successful as the car came up out of the ditch but with the steering limited by the door it went accross the road sidways and flew backwards into the other side ditch. The Camaro was totalled. A couple of us grabbed my fender and pulled it off my front tire and I was able to drive it home. Unbelievably no injuries.
So.. I believe the answer to your question is.... I think I'll let you decide. :sign3:
Remember,when it gets colder the roads don't hold as well. Also our cars love the cold air. They run a little better also IMO.Oh, don't forget in the spring when you want to take it out for a quick romp cause you're jones'n for your car,make sure all the salt dust is off the road! Very slippery! Yes I've had to clean out my pants as well,several times.
Back in the late 80's my brother had one of the nicest cudas around. Black 340/auto, 3.91's. One Friday night we went out cruzing around and got in a srteet race with a yellow 4 speed 71 Mach 1 351 cleaveland. We headed out of town to a (safe?) freshly paved two lane that had been marked off for a quarter mile. As the cars were doing there burnouts I over heard one of the guys saying the stang was running NOS. When they took off the Cuda instantly jumped out of the hole about a car & 1/2 and stayed infront up intill my brother shifted into high gear. I guess the stang had hit the juice and powered up be side the Cuda when it (the Mustang) went up in smoke & started fish tailling. My brother hit the ditch safely, but the stang had lost all controll and had spun around backwards flew through the air, across the ditch, hit & broke a very large telephone in mid air. The stang had done a 180 in the air and caught the pole in the passenger front fender, it was destroyed to say the least. With the power lines looking like the 4'th of July me and his buddies got him out of the car, he was ok. About that time the local law infocement was on thier way sounding thier sirens. We got the hell out of there. I remember on the way home thinking the guy in the stang must have let lose in his pants while flying through the air backwards @ 90mph

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Maybe I am getting old, but why start this when there was a car nearby?
We all play from time to time, but this, next to someone else is bad news.