Crazy vs Hot chart

My wife is no longer on that chart so he's right, the girls do drop off the chart.
But I bet the girls have a similar matrix, and I'm betting I ain't on that one either.

I am still of the opinion that God wants to put the parts back together. I mean He took a part of Adam to create Eve with. Making Adam incomplete without Eve, and also Eve incomplete without Adam. I don't look at this like any Eve wouldda made Adam complete. Only his Eve, the part taken from him, could make him complete.
I was 22.5 when I met my wife to-be. It was one of those blind dates, you gotta come meet this girl deals. So my sister dragged me to this wedding reception, and I met her. I right away didn't like her much. She fit into the unicorn zone or the dude zone I guess. So I moved on.
Anyway a couple of months go by and I can't stop thinking about her, what the heck? It was easy to forget all the other girls I ever met....... well except for Lulu, my boyhood crush , the well-developed 16year old to my young 12 year old stoopid self. Anyway, I called her up, and again, and and I felt an unmistakable pull, no not that pull.And so, less than 4 months after having met her, we were cohabiting...... in the basement, of the newly married couple.... at whose wedding we met....... lol. And about a year later we were wedded.
Now here we are 43 years since I met her (December 75), and I still feel that pull. I think God put that pull there so we could be one again, having been separated perhaps before conception. And continue to be one for a lifetime, perhaps beyond.
I kindof feel sorry for couples that never felt the pull, and end up divorced.
How did my pastor put it at the wedding: let no man tear asunder those whom God hath joined together. Something like that.