cutting out floor panels and safety ???



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
nashville, tn
I probably need to listen to that little voice in my head that is saying "here hold my beer, this is gonna be a good one"...but, has anyone cut out their floor panels in the rear of a small a-body car with the fuel line and gas tank still installed in the car?
I did the front one very carefully. The fuel line was un clipped and barely pulled away. As with anything, if you are smart about what you are doing and keeping track of all of what is going on... youll be fine.
Thats not to say it the brightest idea though! Hahaha..
X2! Most that have, won't be able to answer..... It's a form of natural selection so to speak. :violent2:

Although there's usually a couple of lucky ones though..... :hello2:

For safety sake I'd drop the tank and line down out of the way. Safe is better than dead or dismembered.
Yeah I wouldnt suggest it... These old tank seals and whatnot are not so great after this many years. So chances of vapor are high... I did the front, which is obviously further from the tank.
Again.... I wouldnt suggest it......
So, to save 1/2 hour of work (yanking out the tank and fuel tubing) your are contemplating

alrighty then...I think the voice in my head was right this time and I actually listened. hey after 46 yrs, you would think I would not question it...haha. its the same voice that says, "hey stupid, don't turn the bolt anymore or hey stupid, don't try to put that in there....
not a problem with out a torch-- you know sawzall /cut off type stuff. Lawrence
Fuel doesn't explode like in the movies, you'll be fine. Take pride in the fact you can cut the floor like a boss, right before the line; your just that good. Get cocky about it, keep a fire extinguisher by. O:)
I just got done doing full pans on both sides of my 68 dart. Used my plasma cutter on the driver's side then switched over to a grinder with a cut off wheel for the other side. Ended up redoing both lines anyway since I also installed US Car Tool Frame connectors. Just be careful.
A guy almost burned my car to the ground cutting out the passenger floor pan with a plasma cutter. Went right through the fuel line with 3/4 tank of gas. His shop had 3 fire extinguishers and we emptied them all. Ended up putting out the fire by using the power washer to push the flames away from cut fuel line. My defrost tubes are still melted as a reminder.
Food for thought:

A single gallon of gasoline contains 131.76 megajoules of energy, compared to 2.1 megajoules in a stick of dynamite. 1 gallon of gas therefore equals 63 sticks of dynamite.
Food for thought:

A single gallon of gasoline contains 131.76 megajoules of energy, compared to 2.1 megajoules in a stick of dynamite. 1 gallon of gas therefore equals 63 sticks of dynamite.

Yup. Gasoline contains more energy per liquid gallon than many other fuels except Diesel and jet fuels, in "other terms" about 112 --114,000 BTU /per gallon

Liquified NG is "only" 75K BTU

LPG is "only" about 84K

E85 clear down around 82K which explains why the mileage is so bad and why you need so much of it

And ethanol is clear down around 75K

Another "more dangerous" aspect of gasoline over LPG is that gasoline has a much wider combustion will ignite over a broader range of air to fuel ratio than will LPG

It matters not how you compare BTU, HP, watts, pounds of steam, or farlings /per fortnight.