
come on guys>>>> thats someones daughter. i did not say its my daughter though. shes just about ready for a lube job.
come on guys>>>> thats someones daughter. i did not say its my daughter though. shes just about ready for a lube job.

ERRRR AHHHH....isnt EVERY women someones daughter? ANd some are someones Mother

Leading me to the logical conclusion that all men are Daughter & Mother Fkrs

She forgot something all right: how to put on a belt properly. I knowwwwwww, ya'll musta missed that.

We soooooooooooo need a Hot Mopar Men thread.
i don't know, for some odd reason, i see the "M" opar symbol.lol
I vote NO on the hot men thread!!!
Well....I figured if anyone was going to catch it, it would have been Leanna...but she disappointed me lol.

Someones trying to give our forum cooties....thats a GM SUV that she's in....
Hey.....that chick could be in a damn Honda for all I care!!
I'm trying to figure out how that picture happened I think it may have gone like this:
"hey, you're not gonna take a picture of my *** are you? can't a girl even dig for change between the seats without someone taking a picture of her *** nowadays? I realize my *** is really hot but, c'mon, give me a break" Oh well, seems kind of "set up"
I aint' complainin' tho!