Dart -1971 4 door..parting out..

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do it have disc or drums and if drums what size 9 or 10 inch looking for 10 inch for my duster


Which ones do you need? Front or rear or both front and rear? I will check the diameter tomm.
do it have disc or drums and if drums what size 9 or 10 inch looking for 10 inch for my duster


Beautiful car!!!

I have them in "10...they are in good condition with the exception of one having a very tiny chip in the very edge. Honestly, I can't see it hurting a thing.
Make me a decent offer with shipping included and I'll let them go (these things are heavy). If you are intrested, send me a pm.

thanks dusterkrazy,,drums look good enough,,however I leaning more to the discs.
Maybe I contacted you, maybe not cant remember. Heres the list whatcha got.
Headlight and wiper switches with knobs and chrome retaining bolts, little rubber snubbers that keep the ash tray and glovebox from hitting metal to metal, trunk emblem. Let me know, thanks
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