!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Daylight Saving Time!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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This coming weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING says "we might live to see spring" like rolling those clocks back ahead, "where they belong"
I think we should move them forward 30 minutes and nail er down for good.
Let’s just keep Daylight savings time year round. At least in Winter, one of the ends of my work day will be in daylight.
From what i understand manitoba government passed a resolution to abolish dst.
So it remains central standard time year round.
Here in Philly, sunrise on the shortest day of the year is 7:18 am Standard time. Sunset is 4:38 pm standard time.

If we stayed in DST, then at least in the evening the sunset would be 5:38 pm so I would be going home in the light. I’m already going to work in the dark in Standard time, so it wouldn't be different is DST...but I could drive home in the light in DST.
Arizona (state) doesnt do DST either. Neither does Hawaii. AZ said an hour more of A/C was killing the power supply.
Arizona (state) doesnt do DST either. Neither does Hawaii. AZ said an hour more of A/C was killing the power supply.
Hawaii has a good reason...their length of daylight hours only varies about 40 minutes across the year. I know because I lived there.

It makes no sense to equate clock time with AC usage. The length of the day and the cooling period is independent of the clock. The hours that require cooling are what they are, regardless of what time of the day the clock says it is. It’s not like we add and extra hour to each day.
"...In most of the country, an extra hour of daylight supposedly saved fuel used to heat and light buildings. But in most of the state (AZ), the scheme worked in reverse: air conditioners had to run longer (school was in session longer into the hotter part of the day so that meant an hours more worth of A/C.. school gets out, A/C shuts off?) . Businesses and schools paid more, farmers did not benefit, and parents also resented an extra hour of scorching sunlight for kids since the saving lengthened the hot afternoon.." Just a factoid off the ASU website.
Why Arizona opts out of daylight saving time
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I sure wish we here in the N end of Idaho could stay on DT. I HATE the early darkness
Parts of Indiana doesn't honor daylight savings time...
I used to have nearly knock down drag out fights with "junior engineering management" at the 1000 room 150 acre resort I worked at about the property lighting on timers.

I ran the place by myself on the night shift, and every year I begged them NOT to mess with the times, and every year some dip-**** thought they needed to be set forward or back an hour.

Needless to say, when it had been dark for almost an hour and none of the exterior building or street light were on, senior hotel management would get pissed at me.