Dear Lord, ALL I ask is...

A few minutes locked in a windowless, soundproof room with a couple pissed off rednecks oughta do it.
My daughter will be 2 on Oct 4 . If A man did something like that to her . I swear that SOB wouldn't be lucky enough to just get arrested . It would be a 50/50 chance between the ambulance and the corriner .
The ambulance would have to be for me, by the time the cops finished tasering me enought to make me stop beating the SOB.
What is this world coming to, the other people there should have beat the s**t out of him, I would have.
See what all the stuff from china does to people. Makes you build nuke weapons, regulate the amount of children you have, and now slapping children that don't belong to you. It'll be brought up that he's off his meds or somthin.
We have several brush piles/dozer decks in Missouri that need burnt. We burn the piles then dig a small hole with a dozer and smooth it all over then plant grass. Farming technique.
Small Block
Jesus H Christ - what is with people? as a Dad to a beautiful 15 month baby girl i can say that if anyone ever harms my daughter i will not be responsible for what i do. i was never a "kids" person. never disliked them never "had to be a Dad". then i became a Dad and what a difference. my daughter has shown me how to love someone 100% unconditionally, what true happiness is, and what the true meaning of being innocent is. how people can harm a defenseless child is just beyond me. i look at Olivia and see that all she does is trust in me and others - she doesnt know that there are bad people in this world - and the idea of betraying that inherent trust that a child has just infuriates me.

i can only hope that ambulance chasing lawyers dont step in and use some liberal rationale as to why the children are the bad guys in these cases and get the assailants off scott-free.

we cant defend ourselves and families against intruders and we cant legally enact any revenge for wrongdoings done to us, yet the gubment wont do anything to prevent OR punish these people due to all the lefty-liberal PC "its not my fault" BS. so what are we supposed to do? just say "oh well, i know you destroyed my child's innocence but i guess it's ok because her crying aggravated your ear drums and you were diagnosed with some never-before case of ear-drum itis and her screaming caused you pain and to act in such a way. it really was my daughter's fault and not only should i apologize but i owe you money for pain and suffering too. come to think of it why dont i pay for your health care and buy you a house and put your kid through school just to call it "even"". oh wait thanks to obamma osamma, i do that anyway since i go to work.

sorry for rant. i just hate these things and people who wont own any responsibilty for their actions.
A few minutes locked in a windowless, soundproof room with a couple pissed off rednecks oughta do it.

Nah, just put him in a room with one of the grandparents! If a stranger laid a hand on one of my grandkids at that age, Katy bar the door!