Dinner tonight

I keep telling my cats to be careful when they go outside.

Everyting I've read seems to indicate that they are tender and delicious.

For the 4th I had me a big *** 3/4 pond, home grilled 93/7 burger marinated in L&P with chipotle gouda and local chain BBQ sauce. Mmmmmm.

Was almost 4" tall. Now THAT's a burger!

Sorry, no pic ate it too fast.
Looks like memike has bacon on his pork tenderloin, it shows that he is a man of class.
I was going to start me a thread but look's like JoeyC has one going tonight :cheers:

My Dinner tonight :glasses7: Tender loin (pork), Baby red potatoes, Mushrooms
and Cabbage :colors:
We had a great day and evening alone on the hill today just Treva and I :happy1:

Today on the hill.. :eek:ccasion: Left overs will go good with eggs for breakfast
with an omelet tomorrow morning ,then some jim dandy BBQ for us for dinner :cheers:

You can't see the cabbage and mushrooms :cool: or a fished product :banghead: I got to enjoying myself and mowed the yard and enjoyed a couple :drinkers::drinkers: so :-$ don't tell anyone :iconbigg:
The hill was quite and all you could hear was Billy White or S.R.V and my lawn mower :rock::rock:

Merica slow roasting!:prayer: