
Very disturbing. But I'll add this. The laws on all this stuff are FAR overreaching. Say an 18 yo boy has consensual sex with a 16 yo girl. Say they really like each other. Say the parents really hate the young man. All they have to do is report rape and is life is forever ruined. That's not right.
We had this discussion today. You pee in your bushes some night and the neighbors turn you in you may get charged with indecent exposure and get put on the perv list. It's a crazy world nowdays. tmm
If I remember correctly most the people on that list are Level 3 offenders. Going to recommit etc..

But I do agree with Rob and TMM, its getting to overly sensatized
it is strange, people actually commit a crime and they get a slap in the wrist but you what really bugs me is the idea that you remain on this list after the sentence is served

the way I see it, either a criminal does his bid and has paid the price he should be considered a free man, not a marked man

now, if the authorities feel there is a chance of him becoming a repeat offender then why in the world let him ?
Because there is only "so much" you can do. Some of this IS changing. Look up the case of what is called the Spokane area "South Hill Rapist," Kevin Cole, who is suspected of a chain of rapes, maybe worse, but was only convicted on four of them.

His mother, meanwhile, tried to hire a hit man and kill the prosecutor!!!

Kevin served his 25 year sentence and was supposed to be released!!!

But WA state did one of the few things that WA state has done FOR victims, and passed the "civil commitment" statute which allows the state to INVOLUNTARY commit people for INDEFINITE amounts of time!!!! and Kevin Coe is now under such commitment!!! at a place called McNeil Island!!!!

In other words, anyone else, a bank robber, someone who had killed someone during drunk driving, whatever, that is, someone who had served their entire prison term, would have otherwise been released with NO parole, but not Kevin Cole!! He found himself retained with NO sentence, and NO definite release date!!!!

sounds like Russia to me ,just give them a longer sentence .whats wrong with a real life term where they don't get out?
Not a sex crime...just doing whats right...lol


Any sex involving Snake is a crime.... (and i'm not referring to the animal) LOL! :D

(No offense Snake, he just left that door open, and I couldn't resist it). :eek:ops:
Thats some funny ****...Snake..is there some twisted **** we need to know? lol......my wife did a search where we live[podunkville usa] and we were suprised at what we found out in a town pop of just over 700 there were 39 offenders in our area,and the f'g mayor of the town is one of them,how f'd up is that? Not being one to point fingers and make accusations without warrant since we do not know the details or the reasons why they are registered sex offenders my wife has made it her mission to find out about the mayor and have him removed as he should not be able to hold office if the allegations are true and if it involved actual rape/molestation or some other freaky thing or a child was involved, which is what it appears so in this case after her initial research and talking to people that know....and yes she is going to run for mayor so pray for me.....lol....and I agree that the laws concerning these registerings should be revamped and target 'actual freaks' and offenders and not someone taking a leak beside the road or an 18 yr old boy with a 16 yr old girlfriend getting hammered and their life ruined in the process over bullshit.......
google up this: van winkle Colorado

some of them are quite dangerous, especially if they don't want to get caught a 3rd or 4th time the resort to killing.

then on the flip side google up this: Patrick drum murder

some vigilantes take it upon themselves to use the sex offender registry to hunt and kill sex offenders.

what a mess
Just got a notice the other day about one in our neighborhood. He did 5 months in jail for molesting a 4 yr old. No way in hell this guy deserves to be back out here with people again. True sex offenders should never see the light of day again and I think jail time is too lenient. Put a bullet into the heads of these people and be done with it.
Thats some funny ****...Snake..is there some twisted **** we need to know? lol......my wife did a search where we live[podunkville usa] and we were suprised at what we found out in a town pop of just over 700 there were 39 offenders in our area,and the f'g mayor of the town is one of them,how f'd up is that? Not being one to point fingers and make accusations without warrant since we do not know the details or the reasons why they are registered sex offenders my wife has made it her mission to find out about the mayor and have him removed as he should not be able to hold office if the allegations are true and if it involved actual rape/molestation or some other freaky thing or a child was involved, which is what it appears so in this case after her initial research and talking to people that know....and yes she is going to run for mayor so pray for me.....lol....and I agree that the laws concerning these registerings should be revamped and target 'actual freaks' and offenders and not someone taking a leak beside the road or an 18 yr old boy with a 16 yr old girlfriend getting hammered and their life ruined in the process over bullshit.......

Nope all is good.
What bushes are we talking about here?
Note to self, avoid bushes.

Just looked and I have a 31 year old living a few blocks from me. "Statutory rape".
Wonder if she was 16?
I also wonder how many would feel differently if it was his sweet sixteen daughter the 18year old was defiling.
Should the age of consent be lowered to 16 if the perp is 18?
A grey gray area when we start to draw absolute lines.
But be drawn they must, most think.
Perhaps the point is that justice would be served by different legal outcomes based on age brackets?
it is strange, people actually commit a crime and they get a slap in the wrist but you what really bugs me is the idea that you remain on this list after the sentence is served

the way I see it, either a criminal does his bid and has paid the price he should be considered a free man, not a marked man

now, if the authorities feel there is a chance of him becoming a repeat offender then why in the world let him ?

That would be fine if sex offenders(particularly pedos) didn't have such a high rate of reoffending. And so far there hasn't been much that is proven to work in the way of rehabilitation.

As for the people who get caught in the cracks, indeed an issue that needs to be sorted.
even worse than the 18 year old doing his 16 year old girlfriend which is of course evident on the list provided since they list age of the person and the date of the offence it is pretty easy to figure out if that is the case . How about the ones who are smart enough to plead out to a lesser to avoid the list all together , there's at least 1 that I know of in Michigan who made a deal to avoid prosecution after propositioning 3 girls 12-13 yrs old at the middle school he was subbing at , gave up his teaching license and the school board and Otto Middle School dropped charges and covered it all up , His name is not on the list I just checked .
My Ex brother in law is on a list. He and a girl friend were having sex, she liked to tape things, her little girl walks in on them, turns right around and out the door she goes. Didn't see a thing. Any way, they break it off, ex-bro-in-law sees another girl, she knows girl #1, girl #1 get jealous tells him to break it off with girl #2. He doesn't. Girl#1 goes to police with video of them having sex, with kid in room. (here's were the Duh!! moment comes) Dave gets arrested, charged and is now a tier 2 offender, girl #1 is also charged, loses her kids and is a tier 3 offender. She liked to tape things, and had quite the collection. So, I'm not saying everyone doesn't belong on those lists, but I'm sure there are a few circumstances where better judgement would have prevailed.
Wow , yeah those situations certainly exist but I gotta believe they are the extreme minority of cases .