"Dizzy", "Chally" and smart phones BS

I was a mediocre english student, but, trying to read some of the posts on here make me crazy, as well as make me feel like I was a grade A student, which I was not.

Between some of the word usages and spelling I'm left wondering what the poster was trying to say or ask,while running the entire message together into one giant sentence only makes it worse as well as very difficult to read.

I never saw or heard dizzy, carby, or eddy until seeing them here a couple of years ago, so, OK yeah I guess. Trans or tranny has been around for a while. And the plate on my car reads CUDAVRT so I'm OK with those.

I'm not trying to be a grammer nazi, but's it's nice to be able to not have to guess at what is trying to be said.
And I thought carby and dizzy were Australian slang.
Yes I sometimes curse, here in writing, but otherwise it at least appears I may have made it through high school...
I wonder if some here have not?
At the same time there seem to be some reasonably sharp folks (mechanically) here,that can't write for ****.
Word usage? Ha! There, their, and they're? To, too, and two?
Though it can be frustrating, I don't think any of us are here to actually berate anyone...
So please, don't take it that way.
I'm guilty of using Dizzy to describe my distributor, but after reading this. I think Im going to refrain from using it. Hahaha.
How about "vert" for convertibles??? I'm not one to abbreviate anything, unless it bugs Nella, then I do it on purpose, but then that's my job!! I'm usually a stickler about punctuation and correct grammar, but I gotta tell you, when I had parent-teacher conferences at my sons school, I asked about the sloppy penmanship and abbreviated diction, and they told me "this is the computer era, we don't grade diction and penmanship anymore, and it won't be long until we won't correct spelling either"!!! Changes, they're here!!!

So they are basically saying that since computers are here to stay, it's OK for them to churn out nearly illiterate students. Great. These kids will be running things when we're all old.
Tranny makes you sound like you need to be on the Jerry Springer show.
And I thought carby and dizzy were Australian slang.
I think so too (so thats 3 of us who have posted so far). They were used by 'shrinker', who was probably the smartest engine tuner I ever have come across, and most generous in sharing his understanding on the 'net.

I can't say anything about smartphones 'cause I don't know what they do with respect to (WRT) posting.

Far more disturbing is calling a part by the name of another part that functions differently. When its new to a person, that's understandable. But when the person who answers with presumably more knowledge does that, its a real diservice to all. This is just as bad as posting regurgitated technical or historical 'facts' that simply aren't so. I'm refering to things that if you had ever held in your hand, or had looked in the book, you would know. I'm not talking about the things that are debatable or obscure. We had a great debate over which style proportioning valve was used in certain years and vehicles. Several of us took the time to scan photos from shop manuals and link to other original material on-line. Together we figured out which were mistakes in the manuals and which were correct. That was great.

However, in the end, our pet peeves don't matter much. Its the nature of these forums. If we don't like it, we can either try to change things, learn to live with it, or walk away. (metaphorically).
I can handle the words such as Chally etc, though I never use them. But acronyms being used for every damn thing out there annoys me. IIRC, SOP, IMHO, etc are the easy ones, but in my industry they are becoming extremely common and I don't know what half of them mean.....IYKWIM!
I've used tranny or trans for years. I call a GTX a getX...I don't understand what the big deal is :scratch:

More important things to worry about than misspelled words here IMO
I've used tranny or trans for years. I call a GTX a getX...I don't understand what the big deal is :scratch:

More important things to worry about than misspelled words here IMO

As long as you know what somebody is talkin about, ain't that all you need?
Go to your local auto parts store and ask for some tranny honey. yes it is a real product
I'm with Trailbeast on this one although there will always be those that say it doesn't matter....Some posts I just don't read if they are full of slang and horribly misspelled words.
This is hilarious!! I just had this very conversation with my uncle. We sat on the phone for 1/2 an hour posing as make believe car guys using every slang term we could recall, all in parody and a little disgust. So funny!!😂 I started the call with the newest one I saw on FABO just the other day "chally". Such a dorky reference it's funny😁
Cuda is a model name. Yes you can.

I was just jiving.....mines actually a Barracuda

If you think slang and acronyms are rampant here, you should work in my industry - computer networking.
Talk about alphabet soup!
"Chally" and "dizzy" are just slang. They aren't autocorrections, you actually have to type them in just like that. I use both and will continue to. I use them in casual conversation too, it's not just an internet thing. "Mopar" is an acronym for crying out loud, from MOtor and PARts, and was originally referring to OE reproduction parts. So using it to refer to our Dodge, Chrysler, and Plymouth cars is in fact slang. It's been around since the late '20's, but it's still slang.

Punctuation is an issue just because it's incredibly difficult to read a 500 word run-on sentence. Not to mention annoying. But you don't need to have a degree in English for people to understand you. I try to keep my punctuation as accurate as I can, but my degree is in engineering, not English. A misplaced comma shouldn't be rant worthy offense.

This isn't a PhD thesis presentation, it's an internet forum.
I've used tranny or trans for years. I call a GTX a getX...I don't understand what the big deal is :scratch:

More important things to worry about than misspelled words here IMO

I know, right? :D
Problem is, I prolly use them in places also at times (I hate that one) so I'm being a bit hypocritical while bitching about it.

As long as you know what somebody is talkin about, ain't that all you need?

Actually, if someone post's something that is an obvious collection of smart phone suggested garbage I won't even try to lend a hand if I do know what they mean.
My hypocrisy knows no bounds I guess. :D

Everyone messes up sometimes, but when it becomes acceptable to purposely mess up out of pure laziness is what bugs the heck out of me. (that's why I asked if people see it and let it go or what)

Maybe it's best to not know the answer to that now that I think about it more. :D
"Chally" and "dizzy" are just slang. They aren't autocorrections, you actually have to type them in just like that. I use both and will continue to. I use them in casual conversation too, it's not just an internet thing. "Mopar" is an acronym for crying out loud, from MOtor and PARts, and was originally referring to OE reproduction parts. So using it to refer to our Dodge, Chrysler, and Plymouth cars is in fact slang. It's been around since the late '20's, but it's still slang.

Punctuation is an issue just because it's incredibly difficult to read a 500 word run-on sentence. Not to mention annoying. But you don't need to have a degree in English for people to understand you. I try to keep my punctuation as accurate as I can, but my degree is in engineering, not English. A misplaced comma shouldn't be rant worthy offense.

This isn't a PhD thesis presentation, it's an internet forum.

Point made at MOPAR.
Great post though. ....I agree.
How do you guys feel about the term, "mod?" That's the one that makes me think differently about those who use that term.
How do you guys feel about the term, "mod?" That's the one that makes me think differently about those who use that term.
Mod (modification) Mod (Short for Modesto, California. But don't say "Cali")
Mod (Mod Top) Mod (Moderator) See, Here's a example why acronyms don't always work.
I posted this awhile ago & it's relevant again now :)

eonvrye that can raed this rsaie your hnad.

To my 'selected' strange-minded friends:
If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and
the person that sent it to you with 'yes' in the subject line.

Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a
pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt!
Mod (modification) Mod (Short for Modesto, California. But don't say "Cali")
Mod (Mod Top) Mod (Moderator) See, Here's a example why acronyms don't always work.

Reminds me of another I can't stand - referring to San Francisco as "San Fran". Don't know why. I just hate it.