Do you feel YOUNGER than the man in the mirror?


Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
I'll turn 47 later this year, and even though I still have all my hair, the years in the sun working construction have left me a little weathered. I still feel great. I have plenty of energy and still joke around as much as I did in my 20s. I have been lucky enough to marry a woman that tolerates my silly ways.
What about you guys?
Sorry to say Frankenduster that at 55, I could feel much better. My brain still thinks I'm 17 but Mr. Arthur Itus has taken his toll on me. I have had it since I was about 7 years old. A guy can deal with it and I'm not complaining, but all things being equal, I would prefer not to have it.

ya had to go and bring this up, didn't ya?? lol

@ 56, my mind says kid, but the creaks, cracks, and crunches in the morning say something else. My back continually bugs me, I have a fake hip, and my intestinal tract is know to go full out white hot pain with no notice whatsoever.

But, I have my kids, and my grandson, and plug along on a dail;y basis. Hell if I lost a couple of pounds, nothing major, just somewhere beween 5 and a hundred, I'd probably feel a bit better!!!!

Sorta like Toby Keith sings "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was." But I have to say at 47, I might be good as I ever was maybe twice. lol
i can say at 45 , my mind is stuck in the 80s and 90s but i my body is starting to feel the aging . i have my hair but i dont have the energy i used to.... i have my youth as long as i dont look in the mirror lol....i still cant believe how fast the days go by.
I turn 42 tomorrow. I was really bummed when I hit 40, like wow, where did the time go, I haven't done anything. 30 was nothing.

I still get carded for alcohol every now and again though so I guess I don't look as old as I am. Hardly anyone believes I am in my 40s. Runs in my family, you'd never guess my mom is over 70.

I am definitely young at heart though. Still like rock and roll, still play with toys (just big, loud and fast ones), still get dirty.
At 55 I'm with the rest of you. Still THINK like a 17 year old, Feet make me like 80.
When looking in the mirror,first thought is "Who the heck is that??"
Im going to be 53 in sept and i am back down to what i weighed in hs and feeling just great.People say i look alot younger than my age and im so happy.
im only 41 , but high mileage has definetly not been kind to me :tard:
46 on April 2nd.....feel much older. Repetitive motion job tore up every joint that I used, both shoulders, elbows, wrists, back and hips.....pain killers are simply a way of life....
Im going to be 53 in sept and i am back down to what i weighed in hs and feeling just great.People say i look alot younger than my age and im so happy.

That's funny, I only weigh 5 lbs more than I did in HS. The problem is, it is distributed in different spots. LOL

46 now and I don't recover as fast as I used too, but no major issues. Hell, I don't even need glasses yet.
I'm like all the guys at my age, 58. My mind belives it's the 70's still. The
1970's that is. But the body just won't go along with it.
I have that guy in my body also, Auther Itus. Also the back wont coperate.
Degenerative disc desease is a pain in my a@@!
But I still am able to do the stuff I like to do. It just takes a little longer.
I'll be 3 this summer.. feel much better now than when I was in my 20's I'm the wellness Coordinator at my current unit and I have made it a point to show up all the young guns at work.. I run 30 mile per wk, swim and lift 6 days a wk.. not bad for an old guy! lol
wow. im 25 and i feel like that went by. where'd the last 10 years go?? im not overwieght, but i dont workout like i did, 3 years ago was the last weight i lifted..ive noticed some wrinkles from working in the sun as well, but i guess i have it easy compared to yall......i dont wanna get any older.............
I'm 47 but people guess my age at 35 or less. I feel older though. I don't have enough energy especially after 4 years of Driving big rigs. I just started taking a multi-vitamin so we'll see how that goes. When I go back to work(Laid off), I'll be looking for something that keeps me moving all day long.
Turned 43 and feel good, bout with cancer, three tours and wild military days, life and I am still between the tree's and rubber side down. Just dont drink and fight like my 20's - I have learned to slow down, be more tolerante (as long as its my way, the wife might say) and enjoy more - so yes, guess I like my 40's - Besides, the wife is still here, kids are around and bitching about the injustices in the world, the presidents decisions and what ever else makes the world go around and why those d@#$ kids drive themn rice burners - dont they remember cruising, racing and all the mischf that goes with it......
Im 50, I feel great even though I found out 3 weeks ago I have type 2 Diabieties. I had to change my eating habits big time with at least 30 mins of exercise a day. Iv'e dropped 12lbs so far being only 5'7" tall I wiegh 172lbs now. My mind says im 19yrs
i can say at 45 , my mind is stuck in the 80s and 90s but i my body is starting to feel the aging . i have my hair but i dont have the energy i used to.... i have my youth as long as i dont look in the mirror lol....i still cant believe how fast the days go by.

That's how I feel...

And I'm still tryin to figure out who that guy in the mirror is. He comes there every time I do and leaves when I do. And he keeps staring at me when I am there... And imitates EVERYTHING that I do... I think that he is mocking me.. 8)
"You're only as old as the people you feel"! :)
With the wife being younger by 5, I try to feel that regularly, the wife and the age!
I'll turn 47 later this year, and even though I still have all my hair, the years in the sun working construction have left me a little weathered. I still feel great. I have plenty of energy and still joke around as much as I did in my 20s. I have been lucky enough to marry a woman that tolerates my silly ways.
What about you guys?

Looking in the mirror I see :tongue10: I see :coffee2: I see nothing nothinggg 8)
Ok I watched Hogans Heroes back in the day :coffee2:
At soon to be 54 I have been robbed of my ability to climb over a fence to go fishing
but yet I do and like others here we pay for it 10 fold...
for 10 days if I do it wrong,
I have the best eye site around as long as it is over 1 foot in front of me (thank you lord) for that blessing.
And my hearing is off the chart good :coffee2:
I guess all of these good things are because I use them :D
I am a hunter gatherer 8)
Do I feel like I am 54 :sad8: No!!
I see family and friends my age jumping in and out of cars and even dirt racing and jumping out of there race car ready to do it again.....
I miss it.. The last time I shot a 3 1/2'' mag duck buster my sternum separated. soft 80 year old granny bones...
BUT!! I am gathering more wisdom and I could be a shepherd to most of them if times got hard.... ok I am dun..

I try not looking at myself, heck!! I put a ball cap on for my grandchildren before they walk in the door, it's something to see a child look at you for there first year with your hat on and then you take it off and it scares them.
One day at a time and what I lack in looking young I gain in the wisdom handed down to me :coffee2: sorry so long of a post :eek:ops:
I'm almost 50, my mind is in my 20's, and i feel like i'm 60 lol!
I have chronic pain from working and playing hard all of my life (sports).
2 knee surgeries later, and arthritis, yeah i'm feeling my age.
But i refuse to give up, i'm like an old car, kinda hard to start in the morning, but i get the job done lol!
My sense of humor gets me by and always has!
I have really learned how to pace myself in the last 3 or 4 years, i wear glasses full time now, but it doesn't really bother me.......i've learned to live with it, aches, pains, and all.
With age comes wisdom so i'm told, i'm just waiting for it to kick in.
This website is part of my therapy, i will always have a love for these a-bodies, and it keeps me somewhat sane.
I learn something every day in my life.
I like to look at it as don't cry about what you don't have, but be happy with what you do have.
I have a lot of good friends and people in my life, the rest i will get around and figure out.
Still could use a fountain of youth though........ Wouldn't that be nice?