Do you prefer members who post "For Sale" links for car or parts they do NOT own?



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
The reason why I ask is that I am constantly scouring Craigslist for cars & parts and find decent deals on parts periodically that I can't use. Would members find links to these deals helpful or consider them spam?
I personally don't have a problem with it. Sometimes its cool to see what other people find.
I love seeing them. I have found other stuff that the sellers have and bought it just from following a link I saw here. It would be cool if there was a section here just for posting things we find on craigslist or ebay or where ever. What do ya think Joey, one more section in the classifieds?
i like when people post links.... they may find a good deal that i missed..

case in point. a buddy posted an ebay ad for that dart i just bought. i never saw it and he did.. i would have missed a great deal if he didn't post about it.
I love seeing them. I have found other stuff that the sellers have and bought it just from following a link I saw here. It would be cool if there was a section here just for posting things we find on craigslist or ebay or where ever. What do ya think Joey, one more section in the classifieds?

I like 360scamps Idea!

I am always out Mopar Hunting and many times find Car/parts that could help out a fellow FABO member!

1971 Dart
It is interesting to see what people are asking for thier cars to "gauge" what A-bodies are selling for these days. I would like to see e-bay and Craigs list items on a separate section. I don't really care for the e-bay listing on the side of the screen as it is now. I feel that it distracting, I would rather have a larger screen for what I am reading instead of the space taken up by the E-bay stuff. A separate section would be great. Just my 2-cents though, love the FABO site and would be lost without it. I need my daily FABO fix.
Hey there are cars, parts, and stuff for sale on ebay and craigslist.
enough said...
Posts like "I see something you dont see and its blue" ? I really dont see the need for that. "Look what I just bought (or won)" is cool.
I would like to see it but I think there should be a very simple guideline when posting like the subject line or at the top of the text it states what it is and where it is located. Just so people can scan them easily and go on if not interested. This might help whether there is a new section just for this or if it is posted in any of the misc. forums.
if i wanted to see stuff on craigslist i would look there

Good point. But Craigslist is regionalized so the majority of people only look for parts in there own area. Not everyone has the time to scour through all the different cities listed. I tried it once. It took a really long time.
I would like to see it but I think there should be a very simple guideline when posting like the subject line or at the top of the text it states what it is and where it is located. Just so people can scan them easily and go on if not interested. This might help whether there is a new section just for this or if it is posted in any of the misc. forums.

I agree. Short description, including part type & location, of the for sale item should be on the subject line.
i search ebay alot and try to post stuff that what seems to be popular or wanted by someone here if the price seems good. i think a separate section would be nice.
a ebay/craigslist section would be cool... i have one on my site.

make it so you have to put what it is in the title. and make the forum delet the post after so many days.
In "our" for sale Forum?
Only if it obviously a good deal.
Then, sure.
Tell us. Someone may want it.
Can't have too many good deals.
Unless you are the one trying to sell a car.

And on related topic.
I wish the damn dealers would get kicked off Craigslist.
That is one of the reasons craigslist was started.
Twenty freeking car ads from one used car dealer.

And on another related topic, what happened to the phrase "No dealers" at the end of ads?
Guess why someone would put that at the end of their ad.
Do you like trying to be talked down on something so someone else can make money on it?
I don't.

OK, I feel better now.