


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
For over a year now I have been to doctors numerous names, several tests, meds, and blood work. What started out to be a possible broken ankle would up be a year of pain and frustration. Oh,did I mention the money. The family diagnosed me with osteopenia and a vitamin d deficiency. He also told me not to loose anymore weight. That was another concern of his. I lost 30 pounds within a year which brought me down to just a little over a 100 pounds. So I got put on 2 different meds plus 2 vitamins. Then I started having different pains in my body. More blood work and x-rays, which then resulted in a bone scan because of a bone island in my shoulder. Anyway after it was determined it wasn't bone cancer he referred my to a specialist to see if I had fibromalygia. I went today and they made me put on one of those gowns. I was freaking out because I couldn't figure why this guy wanted to see me in a gown. This doctor moved my limbs every which way. After all that he said oh we need more tests and physical therapy. Now I have to do a MRI on my spine, therapy on my shoulder and lower back. Then I get to go back to him and do a nerve test. Which he so proudly told me was done with needles. Did I mention I hate needles? Why can't doctors just diagnose you without going through all the crap? I don't make the salary they do or have extra time to do this? Well I do have 240 hours of medical time at work but I hate to miss work. What happened to making these simple? I guess those days are over. Face it I am not a spring chicken anymore. Just venting!! Have a great weekend!!
You still look cute, ya ain't that old.

Docs often refer out till they find one that can properly diagnose you, been there done that.

Ya know you can still leave your undergarments on when you put on the robe even if the nurse or medical assistant tells you to strip?

I do because I don't want to scare anybody.LOL.
Good luck ABB, my wife has had a lot of bone issues so we know what you are going through, just stick with it they will get it right.
You still look cute, ya ain't that old.

Docs often refer out till they find one that can properly diagnose you, been there done that.

Ya know you can still leave your undergarments on when you put on the robe even if the nurse or medical assistant tells you to strip?

I do because I don't want to scare anybody.LOL.

I left my undergarments on. But he kept wrapping that gown around me different ways. Then he took off my socks and I didn't know what was going to happen next. He had me bending over, walking all different ways, and everything. I was really sore last night. I will just be glad when they find out something so I can move on. I know my job doesn't help matters any. I am trying to transfer to a different job. Hopefully I will get it and that will help alot.
So he wanted you in a gown? Let me clue ya in ABB. Here in town they have the annual FREE physicals for the high school students that will be playing sports. Both male and female. Well it seems that when it comes time to do the guys there is a lack of doctors to do the physicals but yes as you can guess, there's never a shortage of doctors to "Handle" the little ladies. As far as seeing another doctor, if you have insurance they will and do pass you around to their buddies to help them make a check also. Just one of the bennies of the brotherhood. I've always thought the Veterinariens are the smartest of the bunch. They find the problems with out the patient telling em where it hurts. Go figure. There are quacks and jerks out there.
Good luck on your ailments......and.......keep your shirt on girl.
Small Block
ABB, don't mean to get personnal here, but what is your height. weight and age? (I live with a nurse, LOL!)
I hope this is over before you know it ABB, The nerve test is dun with very little needle with a wire hooked to them to see if there is a nerve not making a completed rout to where it goes, I had this dun about 7 years ago, They will use MA small amount of electricity like a tinge unit
It will make sure there are no brake down of nerve endings.
It located my nerves that was being pinched off like a water hose up in my right shoulder to my face.
No worries ABB, The needles are REAL small and after they are located it don't hurt at all. Just like a little pinch, But you will have to put on a robe :angry7:and they laid me on my side for this procedure .
Keep us updated and prayers will be sent your way for a good doctor and an end to this you are going through
Good luck A Body Betty
Very frustrating...not the same but...

I have had loads of appointments this year also. I had my hip replaced in April and after 9 months of pain they figured out the implant is loose.Now they have to redo the surgery.Not so bad though every time I go to the hospital I see lots of people alot worse off than me.

P.S When going to be poked and prodded:poke: I always wear shorts under my gowns for me.

Spring is coming and I will soon get to drive my first Mopar for the very first time....its going to be awesome. That keeps me going.
Have your thyroid function checked. My neighbor went through the same problems for years, was thyroid, a pill a day, good again.
Seems like once they sink their teeth into ya it's one thing after another. I just took a CE course for my Fl. Adjuster's license on "Medical Care and Professional Liability" and I quote from the 1st line on the first page of the course " The next time you, or one of your loved ones must go to the hospital, remember: More people die in a given year from medical errors that occur in hospitals then die from motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer or AIDS".

Pretty amazing.

What ever you do don't let it get to the point where you have to go to the hospital.
Good luck girl I feel for ya ,you want to put on some weight start smoking pot ,it will help wiyh weight gain and help with the pain your in.
Sorry to hear what's going on ABB. I know where your coming from about the doctors. Been to way too many over the last 4 yrs. The biggest problem I see with doctors is they don't know what their doing. Even the so called experts that have been doing it for yrs. If you notice in their job title is says their "practicing medicine". So you know who they practice on. That's right, you and me.
Thanks guys for your support and encouragement. I start therapy this week and get and MRI. Then on the 26th I go in for the nerve test. Sometimes I am wondering if all the years of abuse to my body caused all this pain. Let's see I have broken my left collarbone twice and dislocated it two times. I put it back in place before I got to the doctor. I also had a horse bite me in the adam's apple. A horse also messed by knee up by kicking me in it instead of the dog. I have been bucked and my stomach stepped on numerous times. Then a horse ran me into a tree and stepped on my ankle breaking. A horse also threw me a popped my hip out of place one time. Then various other little sprains, bumps, and bruises. I don't know what my body hurts. I sometimes wonder where my son developed his ability to hurt himself. He has only had 14 broken bones that we know of in the 20 years of life, plus a dog bite and stitches. He has me beat though he fractured his skull. Maybe I should just put myself in a bubble or lock myself in the house.
Should have known where this was headed. "HORSES" . Had a few but never a big horse guy. Here's the way i have it figured. People think i'm crazy for riding a motorcyle at all. Here's my theory. When your on that horse there are two brains being utilized and in many cases they dont always have the same goal in mind but when i'm on a bike there is only one brain being utilized and that is mine. I have complete control. If a mishap occurs then it's because i shut the brain off which can happen but when it's on, i'm in control. Not that way with a horse. Sorta like riding on top of a city bus. Your just going along for the ride hoping it does what you think it's gona do. Looks like by your history ABB you were a fun lovin gal back in the day. Get well.
Small Block
My wife went thru about 5 years of going to the doctor every week or 2 to figure out what is wrong. Once they finally figured it out after many specialist one got it right. But now it has been 7 years, more specialist, many daily pills and something we have to live with the rest of her life. She has Parkinsons with no cure.

On the Vets, they are changing too. Buddy took one of his 3 dogs to the vet for a cough. They wanted to run "TEST" about $300 worth to tell him what was wrong. Yesterday another trip to VET and was told, she has fluid in lungs, 2 shots and more pills and come back on Monday. Going to the vet isn't what it use to be.

On the Fibermalygia, know a guy being treated for this, it started every 8 weeks he would get a treatment, about $4,000 each, now it is every 6 weeks and they do not seem to be controlling it as well, Hope this isn't what you have. Very painful condition.

I have to agree most Doctors IN MY OPINION are practicing QUACKS. I'm lucky and have not been sick very often. Lots of broken bones in my younger days and they are coming back to haunt me.

Sounds like you might have some self inflicted body abuse that will haunt you too. Hopefully you can figure out what is wrong and how to maintain it.

My wife went to a FAITH HEALER outside of Auburn, In. It is interesting to go to him. People go to him from all over the states. You never know maybe a guy like him can tell you what you need to know.
Should have known where this was headed. "HORSES" . Had a few but never a big horse guy. Here's the way i have it figured. People think i'm crazy for riding a motorcyle at all. Here's my theory. When your on that horse there are two brains being utilized and in many cases they dont always have the same goal in mind but when i'm on a bike there is only one brain being utilized and that is mine. I have complete control. If a mishap occurs then it's because i shut the brain off which can happen but when it's on, i'm in control. Not that way with a horse. Sorta like riding on top of a city bus. Your just going along for the ride hoping it does what you think it's gona do. Looks like by your history ABB you were a fun lovin gal back in the day. Get well.
Small Block

I wised up and don't do the horse thing anymore. I kind of had to when I was little, my dad is a blacksmith.
Well in my neck of the woods we kind of have the same problems, except the doctors are reluctant to do any testing! I feel your pain. Been there done that. Hope you feel better soon.