Does the weather effect you!!



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I could barrely get out of bed this morning and wondered what the heck :eek:
My akles to my neck was hurting like I was thrown from a truck or rolled down the hill yesterday when I woke up this morning:shock:
I woke up about 4 am and took my medacation and laid back down just to lay in pain and not disturb my wife while she slept
I feel back to sleep and was awoken by the shower running and I just could not lay in bed and set up and was woundering what the heck I did yesterday to feel this way :shaking::banghead:
Then I herd thunder outside :eek: and seen the weather report of sleet and thunder hitting us this morning
But getting around a bit and putting my mind on fabo has gave me relief :happy10:

Seeing it sleet and have thunder and lightning this morning took me by surprise early this morning :eek: This is some weird and rare weather front that hit me here on the hill this morning :eek::eek::eek:


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I feel for ya Mike I have RA and those crappy days dam near kill me. When I asked the doc he said it has to do with the berametric preasure( sorry about the spelling) but that it should not affect me so I said hey doc live in my body for a day!!! I try to stay dry and warm on those days as meds don't seem to do much for me but make my brain fart:bootysha:
not outrageous pain or anything thing here but it does affect me. ankles, wrists,elbow, knees and hip all bother me when the weather changes like that. the fingers don't seem to work right anymore in the cold either..
Yep, same here it's all part of getting on in years. Notice I didn't say OLD.
it effects me by making my knees and joints hurt a little, my back bothers me from shoveling snow at work like yesterday. the worse thing for me is the cabin fever that has hit me very hard this year. i dont even want to leave the house because its always so cold and gloomy.
weather can really play H--- with my sailing,bike rideing, and a few physical problems. However for 71 I feel pretty good.:clock: Over the hill, maybe
definently not under it.
I could barrely get out of bed this morning and wondered what the heck :eek:
My akles to my neck was hurting like I was thrown from a truck or rolled down the hill yesterday when I woke up this morning:shock:
I woke up about 4 am and took my medacation and laid back down just to lay in pain and not disturb my wife while she slept
I feel back to sleep and was awoken by the shower running and I just could not lay in bed and set up and was woundering what the heck I did yesterday to feel this way :shaking::banghead:
Then I herd thunder outside :eek: and seen the weather report of sleet and thunder hitting us this morning
But getting around a bit and putting my mind on fabo has gave me relief :happy10:

Seeing it sleet and have thunder and lightning this morning took me by surprise early this morning :eek: This is some weird and rare weather front that hit me here on the hill this morning :eek::eek::eek:

I get those same days Memike just getting out of bed is like a half days work. Sometimes I just get up and sit in an easy chair for a while just to get going on those overcast low pressure days. Damp rainy cool days are the worst and sunny warm days of summer are the best. I had lots of work done on my back and I need medication everyday just to get by.
I feel the pain as well. At 44, I guess its to many years running, crawling, rolling and jumping around for the Army. On days like this I wish I could just stay in bed.
I feel for ya Mike I have RA and those crappy days dam near kill me. When I asked the doc he said it has to do with the berametric preasure( sorry about the spelling) but that it should not affect me so I said hey doc live in my body for a day!!! I try to stay dry and warm on those days as meds don't seem to do much for me but make my brain fart:bootysha:
Same here, and the dr wanted to up my meds to something stronger and I said heck no, I have seen a few people get put on the stuff called something cotton and I don't want to liv in a cloud 8)
I just had a bowl of weaties and did a shot of Tequila behind it 8), Tequila taken correctly helps me keep the cabin fever away, one shot a day and it helps your digestion system and puts a smile on my face :iconbigg:

not outrageous pain or anything thing here but it does affect me. ankles, wrists,elbow, knees and hip all bother me when the weather changes like that. the fingers don't seem to work right anymore in the cold either..
I guess we all have these pains that hit us and it's just a part of getting wiser as we stop growing Joe, I bet if you let me drive your car all my pain would be gone :cheers: until the thrill was gone :iconbigg:
Here in Arkansas I guess it's true what they say, If you don't like the weather just give it time it will change :iconbigg::iconbigg:

Rapid pressure changes mess with my sinuses.
I would imagine that where you live the pressure makes radical changes at your altitude ramcharger, I worked with doctors for 14 years and learned a few things if they get infected or just swelled sinuses, a hot shower and get a wash rag and shake some salt on it and breath though the wash rag is like cleaning and relieving swelling :study:

Yep, same here it's all part of getting on in years. Notice I didn't say OLD.
:iconbigg: Yep :iconbigg: I noticed that and a good job putting it correctly, I will remember that :happy10: I am getting unyoung to :happy10:

it effects me by making my knees and joints hurt a little, my back bothers me from shoveling snow at work like yesterday. the worse thing for me is the cabin fever that has hit me very hard this year. i dont even want to leave the house because its always so cold and gloomy.
When I worked for a group of Dr's I had to be there early to clear the parking lot and walk ways before 7 am 8) I would tell everyone to beep me if they needed me because I am out of here 8) started clearing snow at 2 am and was in need of a break before the next night came because it would freeze over :eek:, Then back at it again, if it was not snow or ice it was a/c units keeping me busy, Boy I miss those days :iconbigg: well not very much but it kept my family growing and moving forward, I was on call 24 7 way to long and I spoilt the doctors and there nurses and they did me once a year. :grin:
Well guys, not to be the bearer of bad news, it doesn't get any bettrer with age. I'm 62 and just getting up hurts. After the 3rd cup of coffee the back starts to loosen to the point I can walk fully erect (don't go there!). :-({|= Rog
Sometimes FABO is the best medicine. Hope you're feeling better, and have a great strongend, Mike!
weather can really play H--- with my sailing,bike rideing, and a few physical problems. However for 71 I feel pretty good.:clock: Over the hill, maybe
definently not under it.
Dang Roscoe!! you go sir :cheers: Thank you for sharing some of this with us this morning :happy10: Not under it !! LMAO :iconbigg:

I get those same days Memike just getting out of bed is like a half days work. Sometimes I just get up and sit in an easy chair for a while just to get going on those overcast low pressure days. Damp rainy cool days are the worst and sunny warm days of summer are the best. I had lots of work done on my back and I need medication everyday just to get by.
Waking up and laying down wondering when and how to get out of bed is the worst part ain't it, But it is a must do and doing it correctly is hard on you I bet. I have our bed on 8'' bed blocks and it makes it easier to get in and out with out compressing my bones and stretching tendons first thing in the morning. I hope we all have a good day even if it seem imposable at times dusterny :happy10:

I feel the pain as well. At 44, I guess its to many years running, crawling, rolling and jumping around for the Army. On days like this I wish I could just stay in bed.
Thank you for your service Hemipar, I guess I started to early feeding the world crawling down strawberry rows or setting ladders in apple and cherry tree's :happy10:
I would not trade my past life for anyones and I have learned many things working while I was very young I got a jump on life compared to most people my age. Let's all have a good day and sorry for bringing up these troubling things we all have to deal with in life 8) So let's have a strongend as well as we can :cheers:
Well guys, not to be the bearer of bad news, it doesn't get any bettrer with age. I'm 62 and just getting up hurts. After the 3rd cup of coffee the back starts to loosen to the point I can walk fully erect (don't go there!). :-({|= Rog
I think it's my third cup also and then a few posts here :happy10: then I can find something to get my brain cells moving and it makes the day better.

Sometimes FABO is the best medicine. Hope you're feeling better, and have a great strongend, Mike!
I am on my way to having a great strongend D Dodge :happy10:
I agree :cheers: FABO has me smiling and that is the best med there is :iconbigg:
... I agree :cheers: FABO has me smiling and that is the best med there is :iconbigg:

Are you sure it's FABO or just the shot of tequila???? :-D


Hang in there Mike! Hopefully our little teaser of spring from earlier in the week will be back ... I've had enough of this crappy weather myself my friend.
Morning Mike
Yall got that and all we got was the cold. I felt/feel the front too. Hurts like the dickens.
Have a Great Day my friend,
Yeah, I was wondering why my ankles and back were so sore and achey, must have been the front that moved in.
funny,was just talking to Ed(66 Dartman)about my aches and pains I,ve had the past couple weeks.The weather sure has had it,s effects on me.Throw in getting up in age also makes for a sore body.We,re working longer hours also,so thats not helping any.:cheers:
Same here Mike,When we were young we thought I am supper strong so a little hurt here and there no big deal.Well guess what now the weather does affect us,I too feel the weather.
Are you sure it's FABO or just the shot of tequila???? :-D


Hang in there Mike! Hopefully our little teaser of spring from earlier in the week will be back ... I've had enough of this crappy weather myself my friend.
I figure a little of the to together made it better :iconbigg:

I woke up stiff in all the wrong places.
I hear that, no kick stand for me this morning :iconbigg:

Morning Mike
Yall got that and all we got was the cold. I felt/feel the front too. Hurts like the dickens.
Have a Great Day my friend,
Thank you Frank, I will and I hope you and the family do to 8)

Yeah, I was wondering why my ankles and back were so sore and achey, must have been the front that moved in.
Treva called and she said she seen me get up this morning and pretended to be asleep 8), She is a doll :happy10:

Thanks for the salt and washrag tip Mike, I'll have to try that out.
You are very welcome brother, it's like a saline solution they use and it does work. almost like a sinuses irragation "can't spell it" like they do at the dr's office :happy10:

funny,was just talking to Ed(66 Dartman)about my aches and pains I,ve had the past couple weeks.The weather sure has had it,s effects on me.Throw in getting up in age also makes for a sore body.We,re working longer hours also,so thats not helping any.:cheers:
Up in the years eh!! I hope you catch a brake on those long hours soon, cherry extract is another good daily shot every other day, it's just hard to find it, but it does help ALLOT!!!!!
Same here Mike,When we were young we thought I am supper strong so a little hurt here and there no big deal.Well guess what now the weather does affect us,I too feel the weather.
And all this time we wish we was all grown up so we could do more and look what we get, This morning was one of my worse days to wake up to and I hope my day and yours keeps getting better, I may need a beauty nap here soon.
I was reading a thread on my blessing I have received here about 3 years ago that AdamR started and it got to me a bit but know I am settling down and taking it easy.
I hope you and yours have a great Strongend brother :cheers:
I feel for you Mike. I have had to deal with Mr. Arthur Itus since I was about 9 years old. It is a *****. I am now 54 and have moderate to severe Arthur Itus though my entire body. Some days I can't even touch my feet to the floor in the morning until I do some foot exercises. I find it the worst when a big storm just misses us. I feel it for 4 days coming and 2 going. Another words its a week long event. I don't take anything for it as I am used to the pain for the most part and anything you take to kill the pain is going to jump up and bite you eventually, then you have 2 problems. To sum it up, I deal with the pain and keep on trucking. One word of advice, don't ever give in to it.

I know what you mean memike but I get threw off with my diabetes but it does have something it do with the barometric pressure. Joints get to hurting.