Dogs Left Me a Present....



Nov 15, 2005
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Found this when I got home last night and no I didn't stage it. I wonder what it means? I suppose it could mean "Master, I have left you a bone in a place i know you'll find it." or it could be..... "You better quit working so late or we'll chew your ankles off while you sleep." :)


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A sure sign of a gift for there new home you have gave them :cheers:
Or!! They miss walking beside these shoes for the walks you had to take them on when you lived at your other house Joe :blob::blob:
I bet they are enjoying the extra run area you got for them , Yep That right there is funny as hell to walk in and see I bet :D:D
Or they want to join us at Hart's Corner next time we have a drink!
It says If I chew this bone again, your shoe adds flavor. Time for a new bone.
LOL,or it could mean do something about these smelly shoes, it smells like this rotten bone.
That's better then the one I got

Yep! Your dog loves ya. A sure sign he misses you.
That's the way they keep washing up on our shores, a runner with the foot still in it :D

We've had something like 9 of them in the last couple years, you may have seen it on "weird or what" if you ever watch that. They gave a few explanations, didn't think of Rotty chewed the dudes foot off :eek:ops:
My dog hides her bones and toys all over the place...under our pillows, between couch cushions, under blankets, and yes, once in my boot.
Yup.. thats a gift for Dad!

[ame=""]The Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack (I've Got A Secret TV Show - October 1964) - YouTube[/ame]

I think it means your dog has great taste in music. It was his way of telling you he would like to hear the Zappa song "Stinkfoot". Pull out your Apostrophe or Make a Jazz Noise Album and make that poor dog happy!

Ma Snart

PS - What a great thing to find. Freaking dogs are always doing something you could never have imagined they would. Had a friend come into town and stayed a couple days with sleeping in the spare bedroom. We spent most of our time with him neglecting the dog. My buddy goes to the spare bedroom to sleep the 2nd night and finds a big pile of dog crap in the middle of the rug in his bedroom. My dog never crapped in the house before. He sent a message to my friend in the best way he could! LOL
A sure sign of a gift for there new home you have gave them :cheers:
Or!! They miss walking beside these shoes for the walks you had to take them on when you lived at your other house Joe :blob::blob:
I bet they are enjoying the extra run area you got for them , Yep That right there is funny as hell to walk in and see I bet :D:D

Mike, that cracked me right up!

Or they want to join us at Hart's Corner next time we have a drink!

I wonder if they'd let them in... :D Nothing but a bunch of rough dogs there anyway, lol.

Funny! We give those to our Labs, they're cheap at the grocery store and they LOVE 'em...

I agree, 100% natural and they last forever, even with larger breeds.
I'm pretty sure one of 'em left it there, so you couldn't leave....

They already know you need your shoes to go away :thumbup:
It says If I chew this bone again, your shoe adds flavor. Time for a new bone.

I got them some new toys today, some crazy boomerang looking soft toy with 3 sqeakers and a doggie frisbee!


:prayer: Lol!

LOL,or it could mean do something about these smelly shoes, it smells like this rotten bone.

My GF said maybe they were trying to freshen my shoes.... :wack: :tongue6:
That's better then the one I got


Been there too my friend, I remember coming home to a 40 gallon trash bag spread over the whole house. My fault, I got distracted on the way out by a phone call from work and didn't get it out. :eek:ops:

I do see that Mr. Dobe is feeling at home now, lol.

Yep! Your dog loves ya. A sure sign he misses you.

Thanks Rumble, I feel better now.... :thumblef:

That's the way they keep washing up on our shores, a runner with the foot still in it :D

We've had something like 9 of them in the last couple years, you may have seen it on "weird or what" if you ever watch that. They gave a few explanations, didn't think of Rotty chewed the dudes foot off :eek:ops:

I DID her about that stuff..... Weird....

My dog hides her bones and toys all over the place...under our pillows, between couch cushions, under blankets, and yes, once in my boot.

I posted this on facebook and one of my old coworkers found a half eaten cookie in her purse. She doesn't have kids so she figured that her dog packed her a lunch.

He's just marinating the bone for a while before enjoying the delicious taste of "rawhide de sole".

Thank Goodness they didn't my new Timberland hikers, that would've sucked.
thats not exactly what i was expecting a pic of ....could have been worse lmao...

Been there, done that. :banghead:

I would sleep with one eye open for a while....

Thanks Doug, maybe if you share those painkillers it won't hurt 'till I bleed to death, lol.


That's awesome. I think he is just trying to add some flavor to it!

That's what I told my GF. :D

That's better than the presents MY dog leaves me...\

I've got a backyard full of that....

I think it means your dog has great taste in music. It was his way of telling you he would like to hear the Zappa song "Stinkfoot". Pull out your Apostrophe or Make a Jazz Noise Album and make that poor dog happy!

Ma Snart

PS - What a great thing to find. Freaking dogs are always doing something you could never have imagined they would. Had a friend come into town and stayed a couple days with sleeping in the spare bedroom. We spent most of our time with him neglecting the dog. My buddy goes to the spare bedroom to sleep the 2nd night and finds a big pile of dog crap in the middle of the rug in his bedroom. My dog never crapped in the house before. He sent a message to my friend in the best way he could! LOL

They are smart little buggers aren't they? :yawinkle:

[ame=""]AC/DC - Givin The Dog A Bone - YouTube[/ame]