Douche Truck



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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We all know one.


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I thought sure this was gonna be about the sound you hear when a vinegar truck collides with a water truck.
That's funny there, I got 2 A-holes down the block that would do that if they knew it was doable.
Oh man, plenty of those where I live too.....and quite a few are annoying clowns. I think some seriously mental "I'm GOD and you're all peons" thing happens when they're up that high.

When I had my SRT-4, I used to love going up to red lights in the far right lane as if to say "yup, I'm gonna smoke yer ***, so give it all ya got, smoke generator!!" Of course, they'd be 2 inches from my bumper at the next red light, because I "dared challenge" their beast machine. LOL Effing jerks.
What I hate is when some bastard pulls into Sonic and leaves that smelly diesel POS running so he can have his AC on while he eats his lunch with his windows up.
Inconsiderate A holes.
It's hilarious, because I can think of a few trucks, cars, and owners who fit those descriptions. Yeah, I said cars. Particularly the brand new ones (last couple years) that have those blue headlights. When those cars are coming toward me at night I get a horrible splitting headache and my eyes hurt.

Or certain owners of 4x4 trucks (both lifted and stock), that will fly by you, in a no-passing zone, 20mph over the speed limit, in the snow :wack:

That being said, not everyone with a lifted truck is a douche. My D50 is jacked up and sits on 40" Tires (it's also ugly as sin), but you don't see me tailgating people, cutting people off or acting like an idiot in general. It tends to be the other way around, I have people cutting me off and tailgating me. WTF, seriously, who in their right mind wants to cut off or tailgate a lifted truck?
We have a slew of them here :D some are nice :drinkers:

But some folks are determined to spend more cash on Gas,Tires,Ins,to drive these
around in PUBLIC!!. :dontknow: :eek:ops: Who is going to pull him over if you need a ladder to get inside :drinkers:
What ticks me off most about these big wheel trucks is 99% don't have mud flaps to knock down thrown rocks from their knobby tires. That and when they get them leveled they never aim their headlights so they shine straight into your eyes.
Sorry man if you have a diesel put a set of stacks on it. Get the fumes/exhaust up and out of people's way. Don't be a dick blowing exhaust in people's car. I watch a diesel owner get his *** beat because he thought it would be a good idea to rev the thing up and blow the smoke in some guys open car window. I have never seen someone jump out of a car that fast in my life.
If I ever own a diesel pickup the first mod I'm doing is install a set of stacks.
What I hate is when some bastard pulls into Sonic and leaves that smelly diesel POS running so he can have his AC on while he eats his lunch with his windows up.
Inconsiderate A holes.

Call the EPA lol
The other thing I dislike about lifted trucks is it puts the bumper at window height for most passenger cars. This bypasses all safety, making that 5star car you purchased for the protection of your family all for naught.
That sounds like 99% of the cars on FABO :D LOL
:silent: :silent: :wink::wink::thumbup: At least some of them are in the garage, Tailor, or waiting to get on the road .. So true :D lmao :D
What I hate is when some bastard pulls into Sonic and leaves that smelly diesel POS running so he can have his AC on while he eats his lunch with his windows up.
Inconsiderate A holes.

Amen to that. That's the first thing I thought of on this post. One of the reasons I sold my last convertible. I couldn't enjoy it for all the inconsiderate people. Not just the trucks but cars will pull up in Sonic and let it sit there and run the whole time. Meanwhile you have heat and fumes killing you. If you are going to sit there with the windows up and the a/c running while you eat, just go to Hardee's.