Drink this it'll help keep the cancer away...



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
I notice most of the members here are middle-aged or up and always someone mentioning that dreaded "C" word... just thought I'd pass this along


This is the most common brand but there are others starting to pop up and it's become really popular in the past few years. It's basically fermented tea, it's packed with amino acids, probiotics and antioxidants. You can brew it yourself even and it's really easy as long as you aren't grossed out by the giant blob that is the bacteria/yeast colony.

More info here:

They started selling it in grocery stores around here (Kroger/King Soopers) so the health risks they mention in the article are basically nil. It's the absolute best thing to drink during/after a big meal, kills that bloated/indigestion feeling by supplying your gut with fresh bacteria to break down and absorb food. I drink one bottle a day usually with dinner; the taste is pretty weird the first time you try it but it grows on you and there are many different flavors. Similar to eating natural yoghurt or taking probiotic pills but this stuff also has loads of antioxidants which is proven to kill cancer cells.
I haven't tried it yet but I will.

Probably best to start small and just take a few sips here and there, see what happens. I know when I first started there was no way I could drink a whole bottle at once just from the taste alone :pale:
Why not just use fresh ginger root that you can get at a store???
Why not just use fresh ginger root that you can get at a store???

The pic I posted is ginger-flavored Kombucha I just picked that one because it's one of my faves. Kombucha by itself has no ginger in it.

Brew some tea, add sugar, plop in the yeast/bacteria blob, let it sit for a few weeks, and bam... that's it really. After that you can add fruit juice, ginger juice, whatever tastes good.
All you have to do is stave your cancer to death!!! Did you know that Doctors use 1/2 a Hersey chocolate candy bar before scanning your body for cancer....why??? Cancer metabolizes sugar as it's main source of fuel. The sugar in the candy bar "lights up" the cancer cells during the scan because cancer cells grow on sugar. That's how they find cancer in your body. Without "sugar" cancer cells don't do so well. That's one of the reasons I stopped eating sugar or anything sweet. If Kombucha works that's great but I kinda get satisfaction out of staving cancer to death!!

Broccoli, tumeric, and ginger also help fight cancer...
Use whatever you like, I definitely won't say that it will magically make cancer disappear but it's another thing to try adding to your diet if you're into any of the "alternative medicine" stuff. There's also grape juice/wine that supposedly helps but that's pretty sugary. Kombucha is just neat because it has other health benefits too.