Drinkng problems

my ex girl freind was like that,,i didnt know at first was a big boozer and was bipolar on top of it and didnt take meds for it
Its **** up I tell you

Why can't more chicks just wanna have fun and not be so hung up on things like long term relationships ?

I'm not crawling after her or anybody for that matter, doesn't mean I don't like them, I do

I go on holiday and meet some really fun chicks in strip clubs or on line, yet around here I seem to have little luck...yeah my standards can be too high and I give up too easily yet again, I go out of town and can have more fun then here, ugh

We really don't have strip clubs over here unless I go in to Detroit -screw that, I value my life and my cars are too nice to take over there

Well I got a nice car and easier life then some....so far no puffing for me...no more headaches either...well if I kick the pot use again, some good will come out of this week