Drinkng problems

Yes it is, well the internet and I said Ebay.

I got to her work place 10 mins before she was to get there and look for her ride and then spotted one leaving the lot just like hers driven by some dude but its only 7 years old so I brushed it off.

I waited in the lot for her to pull up and she never did so I went in and she was inside. I threw my arms out like what happen and got a nice hello from her. I asked, where is your car and said said a co worker took her to work - some chicks name she called out. That is when she said she gets panic attacks and can't always drive.

So I told her I go back to her house and snap some pictures and she was like great, thanks. So I did and some dude was working in her garage and I told him what I was doing and he was like, take the pictures but hold off listing the car till I have a talk with her but then it is up to her.

So I went back to her work place and told her I met her BF and she was like too busy to speak then and told me to call her later--she was then really busy so it did make some sense.

Freaken gal ask me to buy something for her and then goes saying it wasn't quite it and told me what she really wants I'm to bring it up in a few days...she thinks I will, ha ha

What is it with some chicks:protest:

Dont worry about her, just step back and watch, dont give her sheet about drinking unless ur ready to not ever see her again..lol jma and hey maybe the the more she drinks the better ur chances are for a lil ''bowling bowl'' action......ha jk
well my take on it is this.. i stopped drinking for 3 yrs just cold turkey no problem .. then i started back and dont drink as much are anything like i did before i stopped..now she may have a drinking problem, but what problem do you have????? everybody has some thing.... she may not like something about you....just saying cause she drinks dont mean she is a bad person.. i know people that dont drink,smoke or anything thats just down right rude and nasty... i know people that drink that is nice and friendly ...everybody has something they do that they like or is a habbit....whats your????:prayer::prayer::prayer:

that isn't it, I recall now what happen, I played with her and got her hopes up a month back and I guess she was paying me back. I do smoke too much pot sometimes and forgot about a month back.

Not getting in the details but I believe I had this coming to me. I'm wondering now if she really has a drinking problem or just wants me to think she does :eek:ops:

Thanks everybody, you all were helpful.

I post a new thread in a week or two if there is new **** to post.
See, she is already creating drama in your life. It's called a drinking PROBLEM for a reason. Stay away.
My sister in law was in a bad marriage and drank to escape it. One night while she was passed out, her husband tried to kill her by bashing in her head. When she woke up, in a pool of blood, he tried to make her think that she had fallen and done it herself. She knew that wasn't true because where he said she fell had absolutely no blood, and she remembered passing out in bed. Her pillow was covered in blood. Long story short, she went into rehab, and her husband took their son, sold their house, and moved in with his girlfriend in another town two hours away. Needless to say, the rehab didn't work. She wandered around for a few months, and then showed up at our door a year ago and said, "Help me or I'm going to die!" We took her to the hospital, and she spent two weeks on the psych floor. She has now been sober for over a year, and she has her son back. The husband? He's now an ex-husband. When she didn't send her son back like she was supposed to, he called the cops and DCFS. After they heard her story, they went and investigated him and his girlfriend. They are now both residents of the IL Department of Corrections for quite some time. They didn't get them on trying to kill my sister-in-law. They got them for production of meth. When DCFS showed up, with the cops, they had the sh*t everywhere in the house! They still haven't been hit with all the charges yet, cause my seven year old nephew tested positive for METH! At six he could tell you the exact steps to take to freebase.

You ask if an alcoholic can change? I say yes, it is possible. But only if and when they are ready. No sooner.
And Dodge Freak do yourself a favor and throw away your own herb pipe...you don't need it...your life will be so much better and easier and you'll have more money for your car too!

You only get one life, live clean!
don't get involved. you don't need the headache.

people can't be helped unless they want to be helped.
I have a friend who drinks all the time but is fun to be with. Yeah she drinks alot put she has a heart of gold. Some people judge a book by it's cover. You need to see whats on the inside. I like my beer too but I know when to say enough.-----Well MOST of the time. You need to do what YOU think YOU need to do.
LOL, funny thread, sorry she's a douchbag, I hardly drink cause I've seen what it can do but God I love my Gloucoma medication... and I don't have Gloucoma LOL
Yeah its funny, least the ice is broken between us, ha ha

I wish she was faking her drinking but likely not so ....does explain things, like her getting her hours cut at work. She wants to start her own business and get a loan from the bank but I was like for every new business that gets started, most go under and leaves the people in debt. She was like yeah but if you take no risks you never get ahead.


I quit smoking for 5 years a few years back, ended up blowing lots of money on strippers and escorts, then this medical weed got approved over here and I was like what the hey.

I have been dry all week and don't really crave it, might well stop again for awhile. I did work on my car more back when I quit those 5 years and I have stuff I want to do with it but keep putting it off.
Run, do not walk to the closest exit and change your phone numbers. I married an alcoholic, thinking I could change her. It lasted 4.5 years of me bailing her out of jail, fixing her car and others she "bumped" into. It ain't worth the frustation and worry you will have to live with. The first helping hand an addict will find is at the end of their own arm. If they truly want help, they will seek it out and toe the straght and narrow. I'm not preaching because I was once in the postion myself, it took a warning from my supervisor about fixing the problem or losing a "very" good job to get me to realize I had a problem and seek help to correct it.
OMG, in her garage is a little dodge colt that her male roommate said he got in an accident with, there is no headlights on it and he was repairing the rad with JB weld....I gave it little thought but could had drinking played a role in his accident ?

Maybe her and company are bad news, just she is very friendly and seems caring. I'm leaning to running back up there tomorrow just to see her again...I know, I know

Then again I don't get "hook" on people, I don't, my credit rating shows it, ha ha..while there was this one gal who had me going for a bit but she had the darnest smile and voice, ha ha. I know I be OK with this gal and not get carried away no matter what.
The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. ---Richard Bach

They cause the most misery and wasted years...

Get away from people whose lives are going nowhere! Find people whose friendship will enrich your life, not drag you down. They are out there.
some lessons are best learned the hard way...how hot is she...lol am just sayen
I started smoking pot couple months ago. I enjoyed it but it got me in trouble. I havent touched it since august 30th. And dont have a desire to.
I started smoking pot couple months ago. I enjoyed it but it got me in trouble. I havent touched it since august 30th. And dont have a desire to.

Yes, I really should stop and since its been a week now, I lost the desire as well, this time it seems easier the when I turn 40 and told myself I got to grow up and quit for 5 years -expect on holidays a few days each year

My goal should be no more smoking till I get laid, ha ha, if not by her by somebody. I need to want more out of life

That is a problem with weed, IMO, you can lack desires and wants.

Maybe I should try drinking again, ha ha..least its 100% legal unlike even medical weed....if I was involved in a serious crash, they now draw your blood and even if the accident wasn't my fault, I could be charged with impaired driving or worst..not fair when yo can have traces of alcohol in your blood and that is OK if its under .05---.08, depending on the state you are in.
Some people drink because they want to and some people drink because they have to. But to answer your question directly the answer is no. It's not hopeless. First off, what makes an alcoholic different than other people is that an alcoholic can not stop drinking once started. There's a reaction internally that causes the body of an alcoholic to need more once they start. It's not simply a matter of will power and self control. Therefore the only hope that there is for an alcoholic is for that person to stop drinking entirely. There is absolutely no possibility for an alcoholic to control or moderate their drinking. Ever. That said you haven't provided enough information to determine whether your friend is an alcoholic or just a habitual drinker. There's really no way anyone but her can really answer that question. As far as confrontation goes, give it a try. Be aware that there aren't too many people that are more convincing than an alcoholic when it comes to trying to make you believe that they're Ok. They have themselves convinced to the point that "denial" isn't even a word the professionals use. The preferred word is "delusion" which means that they actually believe they're Ok when they're not. So if and when you confront her be prepared for the most convincing stage performance you'll ever witness.

This has to be the best post so far on this topic. My hat is off to Leadfoot for nailing it right on the head.

Why are you worried about her drinking anyway?
I really sounds to me that you are a pothead by self admission, so who are you to judge her and her drinking/problems? What about yours?
Are you wanting a serious relationship with her?
It sounds to me like you are both playing games with each other........
It really appears to me that both of you need help with your problems.
You have to love yourself before you can love any one else.
Keep that in mind.
She must be pretty hot for you to really pursue this tangled web of crapola.
Or is it birds of a feather flock together?
One last factoid of truth.
All alcoholics and drug users are liars.
They lie to their friends, families, and employers, but worst of all, they lie to themselves.
I think this is a disaster waiting to happen.
Im 20 half your age. I got stupid when i started smoking it took a toll on my relationship with my gf. I smoked and drove. Prople noticed a huge change. Ive paid heavy for it. Im just now after 2she months back in good terms with people. My family has a history of addicts and i damn near fell down the same road. Now because of the pot i have a lifelong responibility coming. And i dont have a choice but to be ready for it at 20
Caused she talk about taking out a loan starting a business and yes I already caught her in a lie or two

Yeah she isn't bad and is in great shape, fun and cheerful, not a drag at all to be with.

This little "pothead" can easily go without, I haven't met any alcoholics that could and she smokes that stinky tobacco crap..wasn't for those two things, I might had felled head over heals for her
. I do smoke too much pot sometimes and forgot about a month back.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...Sounds like someone else needs to get his house in order. People who live in glass houses,shouldn't throw stones.

Good luck to ya.
lol, I smoke every day & get laid every other.....and Im 50 LOL Im just lucky I have a cool wife.....I sotp periodicly...not now obviously......Booze is BAD..thats why I love Long Island Ice Teas......
TONS of nice single women out there..go get one