Driving the Dart in the arctic tundra



5.9 Magnum 4 speed afficionado
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Tomorrow I will make a 60 mile trip with a high temp of 11 (feels like -58))

I took the heater out last year and there is a 6" hole in the drivers floor. What was I thinking buying a house in December!:angry7:

I hope it starts.....
Why would you even think of driving it? Can't you get a car trailer or pay to have a flat bed haul it? I know it may cost more but it beats all the corrision you will have, not to mention the risk of an accicdent. If you drive it becareful, and wash it really good, then wash it again and stick it in a heated space till it can dry.
I plan on replacing the floor pans next month anyway. I figure one trip shouldn't be too bad?
Yeah but think of all the bolts, suspension parts, speed parts, little nooks and crannies etc, you will have to wash it really good, I would do it at your house, that way you can put it right in your garage. If you have to drive it, you should wait till the road is dry.
I am driving it to my parents house(13 miles past new house). They don't have a heated garage but a garage non the less. I figure I have 2 weeks before the closing day, its one less thing to worry about. I have a coworker that has a trailer but its under a monster drift. I could have it towed but I have house insurance to pay for.
After sleeping on it I decided to come to my senses and borrow a trailer. Thanks for the words of wisdom Keith.
I think you'd found that 60 miles at 11 degrees in a breezy car is a little colder than you might imagine.

I DID however, drive my 60 Ford Falcon over 160 miles round trip in the winter of 67-68 to take my Navy physical---with a heater that I knew plugged unpredictably. It plugged---about 2 miles after leaving the house. It was in a blizzard around January, and was below 20 as I recall. Yep. I damn near froze.

The day went like this:

Got up about 3AM

Found that I'd misplaced my keys. Found them 7 years later after I got out of the Navy

Hot wired the Falcon, drove to Spokane in a blizzard. Found a parking garage, then got yelled at by some dick jarhead for "being (5 minutes) late.

Then proceeded to stand in line for the next 4 hours.

Coming back into my town, across the "long bridge" I DAMN near fell asleep. Could not feel my feet.

120 days (delay) later---May 26, 1968--shipped out to NTC San Diego
It wasn't the cold as much as the salt I was worried about. The car isn't exactly rust free. I don't need to speed up the process anymore than I have too.
Good call Sam. Be sure to wash the car if needed, the outside may still get dirty and salty but that is easier to clean than the entire undercarriage. Just drive slow and stay out of the slush, good luck and have fun!
I,m about to haul my 66 Dart off to have the body/paint done with an open trailer(my new trailer has the 73 D.Sport in it in storage).I will be wrapping up all my new suspension pieces.I also have an old mattress bag(extra thick plastic)that I,ll be wrapping the frontend in,then a car cover,then double tarped.Even if the road is dry,they put so much salt down the salt dust would turn the car white(salt)I,ll be wrapping everything so no salt period.Good call Keith!