Dual points distributor help



Active Member
May 4, 2020
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Help IBB-401A dist
Two questions

1. Where can I get another set of points? I've browsed nearly everywhere no identical set.

2. Do point have to look exact same or as long as they bolt up .
Same question but condenser.


The condenser, you could even put over on the coil and get by. Without seeing the points, hard to say. Back when we had "real" parts stores, and "real" catalogues and interchanges you could have looked them up by the distro tag number, and any brand that was a "real" established brand could be interchanged back and forth. Hell I've forgotten most of them. NAPA/ Echlin and Standard/ Blue Streak used to be a couple of the tops. Delco, Autolite, some others. "Piddle and Diddle" (P&D Bendix) "not so much."
I have them nos or nors if needed. Shoot me a message.

One other question i currently have this distributor running through a msd 6al box with white wire
Does this need both sets of points to run on this distributor I always heard taking out the trailing set of points if so which set is the trailing set. Also if triggering through msd do I still need condenser
NOS- New old stock, NORS- New old restored stock. In other words he has the parts to fix you up.