Duke's Drive In Final Cruise

:thankyou: Thanks, man that brings back memories.. I was thinking as I looked at those pictures, I haven't been to a night time cruise in some time. It seems that they start to break up around dusk and everybody heads out. Wonder if it's because we're a bunch of old bastards who don't like driving in the dark these days. :)
Thanks for sharing the pics Karl. I used to frequent Dukes back in the 80's. Loved that place, always some good street cars that were willing to run. Sad to hear they're closing it down.

Be well,
[QUOTE="44070dart, post: 1972640752, member: 250" It seems that they start to break up around dusk and everybody heads out. [/QUOTE]

That's when we used to head out to run em. ;) Of course, I leave cruise nights early now because I'm and Old Fart :(
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing, shame to see things fade... but memories ARE the best keepsake.
whats you all's definition of a great cruise spot? Chime in and list whats needed for a top 10 in America listing.
We had Beach Blvd which was way too long for any centralized meeting location, about 15 miles long. We also had Balboa which was a beach peninsula drive 4 lanes wide that would get packed on weekends so you could only drive about 15 mph as the speed limit was only 25 so there were a few overheats but no where to open it up unless you caught a red light as first out the gate. It was getting bad down there as the locals were starting to hassle the cruisers and then signs went up saying no cruising, defined as passing the same point twice in 2 hours. Dont know if anyone ever got sited but it was winding down. I drove to Hollywood one night in 85 to cruise Sunset strip. That was crazy: Wall to wall traffic and everyone was blasting mini truck sound systems of Miami style bass or latin music. Saw some dickheads shooting pistols in the air going the other way when there was no one in front of them, they quickly turned down a side street. We left after that.
Thanks karl.
Never got to experience anything like it.
Back in the late 70’s there were a few spots the fast guys would hang. But the main drag would have many cars cruising.
There was a park that many cars would cruise through, was a great place to take a seat and watch the street rods cruise through.
I cruised those spots. back in 1970. I was 17, and owned half a 1970Swinger 340 4-gear, and the bank was crazy enough to lend me the other half. Maybe you saw it; hard to miss a Panther Pink Swinger.Or whatever the Dodge equivalent was. Sold that car in 1975; she was a lil tired shall we say.
I toured the old haunts some 30 years later, but the tuner cars had taken it over.
A&W across from polo park,my brother took me there a couple times in his 57 chevy.
Late 70’s.
But mostly cruising up and down portage ave.
I grew up just off portage ave near the perimeter.
I grew up in a town of 10,000 people. On one end of town there was a laundromat with a huge parking lot. On the other end of town (probably 2 miles) was McDonald's.

You drove the circuit until you found a place to park in the laundromat parking lot. Hung out for awhile, then cruised some more. McDonald's was the place to turn around but not really to park.

In 1979, there would be maybe 20 cars in the laundromat parking lot and tons of people milling about talking about cars and women. THAT was what cruising was all about in Waynesboro PA.