Dumb a$$ cat sh# in my shop like 7 times.

So, my cat was ill, so I kept it in the garage for 2 weeks and it used a litter box. Then it voluntarily relocated itself back to my shop where it typically lives. But now it craps in the corner rather than outside. My shop has a 8" hole in the wall for cat ingress-egress, so it is only in the shop occasionally to eat and drink but now wont dump out in the friggin field where it used to, cause it had become citified. I can verify that the cat is exiting the shop constantly thru its cat door cause I have cameras around the area.

What kind of bear mace or formaldehyde can I spray around the corners of my shop to discourage the cat from pooping and peeing?

I put 6 moth balls (naptha type) where it poops and it pooped twice on top of them like a smart ***, so that idea is out.

Any advice welcomed. thanks.

Too funny ! I have cat that loves my garage even though it has ended up locked in there for days at a time. PISSES ME OFF ! Dumb *** animal ! Does the same thing and leaves hair in my Charger...I close the windows now.
Cats require more intelligence (and patience) on the part of the human in order to have a sucessful interactive experience.

Nothing against dogs. I love dogs :)

Training a dog is relatively "easy" compared to training a cat.

OTOH, a cat will crap in a box the second time you demonstrate it.

Cats do not need interactive baths. Ever.

As far as "easy" goes, that's about it.
Thanks, yea I did that for now.

Specifically I would like to discourage the cat from crapping in the shop as it was content for the last year or so to use the 200 acres of land surrounding my house.

Cats wont use a dirty littler box.... sounds like you got 200 acres of cat **** to clean up!

So, my cat was ill, so I kept it in the garage for 2 weeks and it used a litter box. Then it voluntarily relocated itself back to my shop where it typically lives. But now it craps in the corner rather than outside. My shop has a 8" hole in the wall for cat ingress-egress, so it is only in the shop occasionally to eat and drink but now wont dump out in the friggin field where it used to, cause it had become citified. I can verify that the cat is exiting the shop constantly thru its cat door cause I have cameras around the area.

What kind of bear mace or formaldehyde can I spray around the corners of my shop to discourage the cat from pooping and peeing?

I put 6 moth balls (naptha type) where it poops and it pooped twice on top of them like a smart ***, so that idea is out.

Any advice welcomed. thanks.

Sprinkle lots of cayenne pepper where she likes to pee and poop. Animals usually sniff around to find their spot. One good sniff of good ole cayenne pepper, and her nose will be on fire for awhile. Might just give her a.hint.
Sprinkle lots of cayenne pepper where she likes to pee and poop. Animals usually sniff around to find their spot. One good sniff of good ole cayenne pepper, and her nose will be on fire for awhile. Might just give her a.hint.

He has already posted in the thread that​
the cat is dead.
A cat is the only animal I know of, that will generally kill for fun.

You mean besides humans?

Couldn't resist.

While I believe dogs are marginally smarter than cats in certian areas, I also believe they (both cats and dogs) have "different" intelligences, just like people.

Dogs do lots of things to "please their masters".
Dogs show unconditional love usually regardless of how they are treated.

Cats do lots of things to please themselves.
Cats show love and trust, if the same has been shown to them.

Which sounds more like humans?

Now, RIP OP's cat. I believe it was scared of the coyotes and confused about giving away it's position, and marking it's territory.

OP didn't understand what was going on, and even though he cared for the cat, the cat was doing things to the OP's property that the OP couldn't tolerate.

I understand that animals eat other animals.
I undrstand that we all return to the earth (even though our society and the government requires that we be pumped full of chemicals and hermetically sealed in a vault that will take hundreds of thousands of years to biodegrade, in a place that we must pay to be put in).
Dogs kill for fun just as much or more than cats. Just ask my cat Ricky. Oh that's right, you can't. Some neighbor dogs came up on his own front porch, dragged him out in his own front yard and killed him. Don't give me that bullshit. Dogs are much worse than cats because they get a pack mentality. Go feed that crap to somebody else. Godspeed, Ricky.
Good point about pack mentality.

Also good point about dog vs cat (or other small animal) "hunting".

I rescind any inference where those points apply, however, I maintain my other positions.

I've also heard several stories where a kitten is "accidentally" killed by a dog that doesn't understand it's own size and strength, and the people don't know enough to seperate them.

Animals will do what animals will do.

That's nature.

People, on the other hand.....