Easy bake oven



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Manchester, MD
So my 8 yr old daughter got one for Christmas. By Christmas night she had already baked the cake mix that came with it. Knowing a regular cake or brownie mix will work, my wife got her a couple. At the rate we're going, we should have 6 dozen brownies when we're done. That is if I can stop eating one from every little tray that comes out of it. My wife is at a baby shower, my daughter got tired of baking so many trays and went down stairs to get in her brother's way. So here I am becoming the easy-bake oven master. Yum.....
you wanna know the BEST way to make brownies?

drop the batter into a waffle iron and cook it for a few minutes
nothing but crisp brownie corners, its the best
Hmmmm is right... a little dry ice on the pins and you are in business! Now you have ME thinking.....LOL
Remembering when my lil' sister got easy bake for Christmas, approx' 50 years ago. Heater was incandescent light bulb. 100 watt maybe?
Mom was working for Borden Milk and ice cream too. We already had kids coming around for ice cream. Now we really partying. Our collected coins, soda bottles deposit return, spent on cake mixes. Even the dog gained weight. Then came the half baked cake. We had already caught some flack about the oil and eggs we were using so a new light bulb didn't come quickly.