Electronic potting materials experts..........Holley EFI



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I was given a "mostly dead" Holley Dominator EFI computer, and am attempting to depot the thing. Rather than some soft pliable potting material, this stuff is like.............JB weld.

I'd LIKE to get into it without destructing the electronics "very much." Thinking of steam, boiling water, baking in oven, etc? Ideas?

What you see here are some very rough cuts with a fly cutter in the old mill drill. A great amount of the top of the case has not been milled away, and the header on the connector row was broken loose and bent up and just broken off

You could try heat from a hair dryer and that way you can direct the heat exactly where you want. I've done it that way with epoxy glue and it worked for me.
Try 3M Safest Stripper. Years ago they made it in a black jug, looked like pudding, non toxic, no bad smell, it would remove bondo. They reformulated by now, not sure what new stuff does.

If you want to fix it, do not use the mill, chip a component you let out the magic smoke inside. :)

With heat, keep below 125C, or parts may also fail.
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Try 3M Safest Stripper. Years ago they made it in a black jug, looked like pudding, non toxic, no bad smell, it would remove bondo. They reformulated by now, not sure what new stuff does.

If you want to fix it, do not use the mil, chip a component you let out the magic smoke inside. :)

With heat, keep below 125C, or parts may also fail.

I agree, keep the heat low if you go this route. Don't want to heat any of this stuff up too quickly.
most SM electronics are waterproof short of relays and electromechanical pots. Heat, solvent, distilled water rinse, dry. Good luck.
Thanks guys. I won't have time, likely this week for more