Engine starting and running troubles..



Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2007
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hi there once again,
i took my car out the other day, it started fine, and ran fine for about fifteen to twenty minutes, then she started to pop/ping in the the exhaust, and would die if the revs were below a thousand rpm, to get it started i had to crank and crank and crank and finally with the throttle wide open cranking it would start, i would hold it above a thousand throw it in gear and fight with it to keep the revs up and she would stutter pop bang ect.. i finally got it home and swapped the points out and threw my electronic ignition back in (b.t.w i rebuilt my points distributor and reset point gap ect.. and previously swapped out the coil for and accel) pulled off my 600 eddy and trew on a 650 holley double and ran her the next day it once again ran for about 15 min and started poping in the exhaust like un burnt fuel was combusting in the manifolds, i rushed it home and shut it off and it hardly started once again, so i played with resistors, changed to my old coil again checked for spark from the coil, from the distributor and that was fine pulled a couple plugs and they were verry black and sooty (btw the car was starting to smoke black when it would idle low and i would touch the throttle to keep it running) i cleaned them and still no easy starting, has any one had this issue and solved it? i hope this is enough info.. im also running the silver perf. ignition box from chrysler and im running it on my 383.. thanks guys for any tips
forgot to mention both times i ran the accel coil it was hot to the touch... i didn't check the o.e.m coil for heat because i never got it out to the hiway..
To me this sounds more like fuel problem instead of spark. Like its slowly flooding out.
I agree,

Anything goofy with your fuel pressure or maybe pushing the needle off
the seats?
ok well ill check the fuel press its just a mechanical pump, as far as the carbs the eddy ive never had issues with so ill open it up and give it a quick clean, and check the needle and seats, as far as the holey i think it may be too much fuel all the time, you can watch while it runs it just dumps it in and i noticed on the secondary venturies it leaks fuel when the car isn't running?? and if it is, it still pours fuel when the secondaries are closed... and the oil does smell a bit like fuel so ill swap it out and see what happens.

and is it normal for the coils to heat up?? i have it mounted on my fender near the rad?
I am having somewhat of the same issue. And still have a little bit of a problem.
But if you smell fuel in your oil, your fuel pump may have went out. Mine did, replaced it and changed the oil. Had about 1gal of gas in it. how is your oil pressure? mine was around 15lbs. It stil runs like crap and the plugs keep fouling out. with the fuel in the oil i think it may have blew the rings, not sure yet. I am waiting for the time to pull motor out and tear it down.

Good luck.
Is this a new engine sthor? Or something that ran well before? You verified the firing order, right?
my press dropped one day while passing a guy my motor normally ran 75 psi with a high volume pump she dropped about 10-15 psi and at an idle it runs at about 15 psi but will go up with the revs, as far as the fuel pump i just changed my oil and it did smell alot like fuel but i think it was from being flooded, and wasnt drastic like yours,
i just swapped oil in her, and shes still doing the same thing just not as drastic as far as the holley the secondairy side of the cab is leaking fuel through the venturi's so i threw a clamp on the second hose and it seemed to stop the excess fuel, but it still wants to die??
as far as motor its an oldie and has a burnt out exhaust valve which im replacing the heads in a couple weeks with good compression minus the one cylinder, and has always run like a top until now, no smoking, ticking ect, i didnt touch the plug wires and they haven't been messed with for a while now...and its been in the car for five or soo years now give or take, ive had to swap out ignition modules a couple times before for no reason though

im going to throw on the eddy, if that dont work then the carter avs... and ill let you guys know whats up
sounds kinda like the intake might have a leak and its sucking air they will act wierd some times like that and considering it does it worse when it gets warm
Also rig up a fuel pressure guage and make sure you're not over 7 PSI, I've had mechanical pumps that put out more and end up overloading the float valves and piss gas into the venturis. Ya might need a regulator. It's not uncommon for the coil to run hot and being on the fender shouldn't be a problem, it's where mine is. Something else to check is if you're running the Mopar high voltage ignition I've had the reluctors (little 1/2" square box) inside the distributor act up when they get hot and the timing goes all screwy and engine quits.

a burnt exhaust valve would cause the popping noise out of the exhaust, plus it won't seal the combustion chamber and cause it to idle low.
ok so i found the culprit..... good news is the car is running bad news is it was a wast of time trying to find the problem, we found an old fuel tank on the farm that had been dry for some time... we set it up filled her with fuel.. a couple days ago i had my car towed home and used up a good portion of the tank getting it running smooth again, with the tank low i filled from the old fuel tank in the yard and found out the hard way that there was a bit of sedimentation in it and it ended up bypassing the fuel filter on the tank and in my car to plug both the needle and seats in both the holley and the eddy. so i partially choked off the hose on the secondairy side bowl (holley as mentioned above) and ran it hard for a bit then took the clamp off and it seemed to have flushed its self and sealed its self again, and isnt dumping the fuel down the secondaries while their closed.... or this is karma wont know till i drive it around a bit to see.
thanks for all the info it will probably come in handy in the future im sure knowing my luck