Ever been banned from a web forum?

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It would be a mistake to say that the Polit forum is not moderated. Let's just say i'm a frequent visitor as well as poster. Someone does occasionally step in and yell "SHARK". That'll be me. I love the place. Some great guys there. Ya hear me AB, Mt, Frankie?
Small Block
Hey Small Block, goes to show you how many times I have been in there.......
We use infractions here, So many points gets you banned. No ones perfect, people slip. You get warned and or points, learn from your mistakes and move on.

I was banned from Moparts for 2 days because I rated all the threads on the general board 5 stars.

That was YOU??? LMAO, I remember that! :prayer:
Hey guys... Thanks for the responses. I appreciate the words from everyone, even those that disagree with that I have to say.
One person here has an anti-Obama reference in his signature. It was THAT sort of thing that got me this last time.
There was a post about high gas prices. My response was....Many experts say that the White house has little responsibility in regards to gas prices, but I'd be willing to pay $5.00 per gallon if it sends the man back to Chicago." Although it may seem very tame to many people, I felt that I may have crossed the line afterwards. The next morning I woke up with plans to edit the post, but found that I was blocked. I should have listened to my instincts. I've been banned before. One seemed so stupid I'm still amazed by it. A thread was up that read..."Whats the fastest or stupidest thing you ever did?" My response? "The fattest and stupidest thing I ever did was named Michelle." I really thought that it was funny. Its amazing how what one finds hilarious can be totally offensive to someone else.
I don't know how long I'll be outlawed. It could be permanent. The mods there give no warning and give no welcome back either.
In January, they started a new forum about Cornering and making cars perform better than just in a straight line. I was ALL over that forum since then. In the last year I have made over 3000 posts on Moparts. If there were an comparison of my bad VS useful posts I'm certain that I'd fare well. I don't know everything, but I like to help people wherever and whenever I can. It sounds corny to write this, but I REALLY do feel great when I've helped someone. I think that as humans, we are wired to have a sense of community, and easing another mans burden is the right thing to do.
Its good to read from so many happy members here. Its also nice to read directly from the moderators. It looks like the things that got me in trouble elsewhere would only result in a warning here. I've learned from my mistakes though. I'm looking forward to hearing more comments, positive or otherwise. Thanks for everything, Greg.
We'll Gladly rate your post's roflmao!!!!!! you'll fit in fine here and if ya don't we'll toss ya to the curb :) Welcome aboard pm me when i can close this thread or rate it!!!!! 5* so far .......Wagg's
I don't know how long I'll be outlawed. It could be permanent. The mods there give no warning and give no welcome back either.
In January, they started a new forum about Cornering and making cars perform better than just in a straight line. I was ALL over that forum since then. In the last year I have made over 3000 posts on Moparts. If there were an comparison of my bad VS useful posts I'm certain that I'd fare well. I don't know everything, but I like to help people wherever and whenever I can. It sounds corny to write this, but I REALLY do feel great when I've helped someone. I think that as humans, we are wired to have a sense of community, and easing another mans burden is the right thing to do.
Its good to read from so many happy members here. Its also nice to read directly from the moderators. It looks like the things that got me in trouble elsewhere would only result in a warning here. I've learned from my mistakes though. I'm looking forward to hearing more comments, positive or otherwise. Thanks for everything, Greg.
warnings theres only so many before your outta here ... Ive had a few fights here .. I have had 1 warning for some thing im not getting into lol 1 for dropping the F bomb .. I DONT know what happened but .. I did see a post bout u was making fun of some one .. that dont fly here ... Keep that in mind and injoy ur stay
whut he said ^^^^^^ I have banned one member for making fun of someones spelling permanaently<<< i uze speelwreck version 5.0
Bear with me while I get my bearings here. I'll be sure to post pictures of my cars and projects. Everyone loves pictures, right? I can be obnoxious at times, but I will do my best to dance within the limits. Life is so much more interesting with people around that push you, motivate you and yes, IRRITATE you. Someone here wrote something that a boss of mine once said-this is a guy that was by FAR the best man that I have ever had the pleasure of working for: "Life would be pretty boring if everyone were the same."
Oh, HECK yeah....I think things are going to be just fine.
whut he said ^^^^^^ I have banned one member for making fun of someones spelling permanaently<<< i uze speelwreck version 5.0
Yup we had a big blow up in a thread . I remember that all to well . Thanks waggs :hello1::hello1::hello1::hello1::hello1:
Oh franken btw We like bacon and clams around here lol If u dont know what that means You will very soon Bwhahahahaha
Bacon.....WHO doesn't like BACON ??
Clams? Uhhh, not much love for seafood here. We ARE talking about seafood, right? :la:
Yes ... Aspen RT forum... NO useful info .... Picture collector forum ...
Look bud mofarts Never helped me at all .. As a matter of fact Im not even a member there nor will I be ..... Yes You can get banned from here .. For just one time thing ... But You really have to mess up lol Not all the mods here have there heads up there a$$ ... But you have to remember there the same as u and me ... They can get pissed .. Then poof your gone Bwhahahaha ....Nah Just relax keep ur nose clean and u will be ok ... I will tell u this ive had words with a mod .. I didnt get banned he let me say what i wanted .. and he said what he wanted .. Now its all good .. As long as u dont come in looking to make trouble . I think u will be just fine

I got one thing to say well put doctor!!!!
Bear with me while I get my bearings here. I'll be sure to post pictures of my cars and projects. Everyone loves pictures, right? I can be obnoxious at times, but I will do my best to dance within the limits. Life is so much more interesting with people around that push you, motivate you and yes, IRRITATE you. Someone here wrote something that a boss of mine once said-this is a guy that was by FAR the best man that I have ever had the pleasure of working for: "Life would be pretty boring if everyone were the same."
Oh, HECK yeah....I think things are going to be just fine.

Yes...we love our CAR ****!

When I was new, I dropped a curse word and a very decent mod told me to check my post, the rules and maybe edit my post. I hadn't even realized I had done it, but as soon as I saw it, I deleted the word. The best part is the mod had the decency to pm me and not publicly humilate/call me out on it.

Good group of peeps IMO.
Wonder where you went. Glad you found a new home here from moparts (like the last 200 members they bumped out). Hopefully the new friends here and the old friend from there, will give you even more to enjoy with your mopar.

p.s., might be doing "Baconfest at the MoparAlley show in june. You interested?
Quit a few. Only ever kicked of one permanently and that was because I posted something that caused it to imploded and close within a week or so after I was removed.
Wonder where you went. Glad you found a new home here from moparts (like the last 200 members they bumped out). Hopefully the new friends here and the old friend from there, will give you even more to enjoy with your mopar.

p.s., might be doing "Baconfest at the MoparAlley show in june. You interested?

HEY, Miguel!
Baconfest? Sounds pretty cool. I plan to sell some stuff in your swap area, but I will have help that day to allow me to get away. The wife makes a macaroni salad with bacon in it..... Nobody has ever spit it out so I suppose it is a winner. Are you going to LA for Spring Fling? I'm taking THIS car.....
I'll be in touch.... Greg


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A good way to get your topic removed or banned is by posting a phone number or a email address if you want to sell some thing in your add,unless you pay to have a gold member ship,then,once you start paying,you can do as you please,every other site I belong too,it,s not a problem.mrmopartech

Well I can see ya getting banned if You keep posting phone numbers after You was told . Btw It only takes one pm to give them a number or email .. Any other site i get spam from, here i dont .. So there doing some thing right ..... Do as u please ? I have to call bs on that haha I cant call u names .. Just cuz ur gold dont mean the rules dont go for us lol . But ya a few rules do like u said ..

Completely incorrect Mrmopartech. Gold members get zero preferential treatment in such matters. We've given a few gold members time off.

In fact, IF ANYTHING, its a person's post count that gets them a little bit of preferential treatment.

And yes, we delete ads when they break the rules. But we also put in why they were deleted. We RARELY ban people. You have to remember, we have between 1200 and 2000 posts every day and 25,000 members. That is alot of activity. For as seldom as we ban people that really says something I think.
Joey knows me and I have been banned. I have banned a few but that were ones that thought a personnal attact was fine. But sometimes the ban hammer has to come out no matter whom or who it is.
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