Ever wanted Overdrive?

Well,the real comparison I use is my father inlaws old chev truck. Dont scream foul yet,lol. When he originally bought it it had a 350 and 700r4 trans. The 700 gave up so we bought a donor with a turbo350. I replaced the tranny for him and the split driveshaft got tossed in favour of a single. The difference was marked. The power was down and gas consumtion was up.

As far as my van goes,Im saying the same thing. A 3 speed tranny would be a big disadvantage with the V6.Overdrives are how all car manufacturers get around the problem of using an underpowered motor for good gas mileage without loss of performance.Mechanical assistance from extra gears is just simple tq multiplication and math cant lie..So the same theory with keeping the engine in it's powerband holds true with a bb as well. I think I'd build a narrow powerband bb to really take advantage.

Your buddies car may not have seen any improvement in performance but did he really try? Did he change the rear gears,cam or anything? Every component in a build will affect the others,so I think your pal just stuck the gv in and didnt really change anything else.

We are also comparing apples and oranges. Heavy 4wd trucks will not respond the same as 3000 lb A bodies,lol..just like we cant say a viper with V10 and six speed is the same.

I agree with you on the peaky V6/powerband thing. But the same theory is going to work with a smallblock or big block or V6. Extra gears are extra gears. The real advantage comes into play with changing the rear diff gears. Lets say you had a big block with 727 and because of highway rpm's you had 3:55 gears. Then you put in 4:10's. Is it faster at the strip? Probably. Now you add a GV unit. Will it slow down at the track? Maybe only until you have the hang of shifting with the GV. I would think with a big block splitting third at the strip would help more than splitting second..

Instead of depending on massive tq to overwhelm the gears,now you can use gears to your advantage.Maybe the only real disadvantage to the gv is too much tq in low/under. Cant see launching a bb car without blowing the tires off in this gear.
just wondering how you manage to use the od in your van as a gear splitter???
It's easy to trick the computer when using the engine as a brake. I find that under 40kph it will tend to stay in low under. However when you need it going downhill I take it over 40 kph and then shift into low.This puts it into low/over.I barely need to tap the brakes coming down the 10 degree moutain highway.

As for acceleration it's all speed/rpm as to which gear the trans will give you.This can be manipulated with throttle pressure. I even managed second gear rubber out of it one day,lol!