Everyone please stop

To clarify. If you downloaded a naked picture of me from the recent hacked celebrities photos on the net The one claiming to be of me is a counterfeit. Please do not send me a private message asking me to sign it. If you happen upon a naked photo of me from the early seventies you will see I am anything but female. Those I will sign . Not the ones taken from film. Only the stills. Or the ones on playing cards.
Ray in the early 70's :D. Famous? Maybe, but I don't need no autograph...


  • 507 hairy.jpg
    48.4 KB · Views: 249
The nude celebrity pictures that are currently circulating on the net include one of me.

Please be advised it is not me just a cheap copy. So if everyone would just stop sending me private messages asking me to autograph a copy they downloaded. I would appreciate it.

Thank you


i tried to download them but my screen aint wide enough to view them
There's a naked picture of me somewhere out there on the internet. You can't see anything because my thumb was in the way.
This ain't you by chance is it? LOL

To clarify. If you downloaded a naked picture of me from the recent hacked celebrities photos on the net The one claiming to be of me is a counterfeit. Please do not send me a private message asking me to sign it. If you happen upon a naked photo of me from the early seventies you will see I am anything but female. Those I will sign . Not the ones taken from film. Only the stills. Or the ones on playing cards.

So, you're not the only one?
I have been living in silence for awhile now.......:color:
If I find any of the recently leaked photos of Old Man Ray, I will print them off and iron them (to try and get the wrinkles out).
A few members have had an opportunity to take them recently. I think they are hoarding them like money in the bank.