

6T9 V-100

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Mar 9, 2008
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Hunt around and try to find "Fitna." Shockingly enough it was a film made by a Dutch politician named Geert Wilder. This isn't to be confused w/ moderate Muslims, these are the whack jobs. I really love that the Pres of Iran was called a "Man of Peace" by a bunch of students who sat and talked w/him this week near the UN..then he went on Larry King and when asked about Iran's approach to homosexuals he replied "Iran has an ABSOLUTE law against it." Then Larry glossed on by; an ABSOLUTE muslim law is a death penalty! I'm certainly not gay, don't understand it, but I don't advocate violence and/or death against gays. That is one dark, hateful, dangerous SOB.
That is what the liberal idiots dont understand. These people kill for FUN!!!
They dont believe in gay rights,womens rights, or any other rights. So what the hell does mountain of intellect Susan Sarandon think about that? She is a freaking idiot.

I really love the tough questions Larry King threw at him like, "How many children do you have?" Wow he really went for the throat.

I would have asked him, "If your son told you he was gay, would you murder him just like the untold others that have been murdered for your crazy religion?"
.......and the answer is, Yup.

He believes he has been chosen as the vessel that will bring forth a fiery holocaust that will usher in the appearance of the Islamic "messiah" (term used very loosely).

Taunting the USA into an all out attack against Iran, and the subsequent vaporization of Israel is his goal. These things are commonly known by his own people who hear him speak, and shielded from our general ears by our socialist media machine.....he's on record though.......clear video, audio and written record.....there should be no more doubts..........

....except in the minds of the "useful idiots" he has been trained and purposed to manipulate and exploit, that is.
Funny thing "Fitna" translates into 'struggle.' Hilter wrote a book while in prison for his failed takeover of the Wiemar government. Yeah, funny because he titled it "My Struggle" aka "Mein Kampf." Those who forget history...
Damnit, I hope all these bastards are wiped off the face of the earth soon, because I'm sooo sick of getting weird looks and having to justify my religion at every turn (not saying you guys are doing that though, I'm just talking in general). It is really a one-two punch in the face to love your religion, then have these whackos make all these extreme "additions" to your faith "in the name of God", then have your religion generalized and have yourself be put in the same boat as the people that ruin your religion and provoke violence. It really is a messed up world (and it's only going to get worse!).
That is what the liberal idiots dont understand. These people kill for FUN!!!
They dont believe in gay rights,womens rights, or any other rights. So what the hell does mountain of intellect Susan Sarandon think about that? She is a freaking idiot.

I really love the tough questions Larry King threw at him like, "How many children do you have?" Wow he really went for the throat.

I would have asked him, "If your son told you he was gay, would you murder him just like the untold others that have been murdered for your crazy religion?"
You know, these vermin (not meaning all Muslims of course) have always threatened to destroy Israel, the Vatican, etc. I wonder....if there ever is an attack on a place that is sacred to Christians or Jews, will anyone have the stones to lob a cruise missle at Mecca and incinerate that black box?
You know, these vermin (not meaning all Muslims of course) have always threatened to destroy Israel, the Vatican, etc. I wonder....if there ever is an attack on a place that is sacred to Christians or Jews, will anyone have the stones to lob a cruise missle at Mecca and incinerate that black box?
I would hope so. but probly not. mopar65
It's friggin' nuts over in the Middle East. These extremists get their thrills by killing Westerners & American soldiers. They live for it. The worst part is their numbers are growing.

I truly believe Iran has been allowed to get away with too much, for too long. They should have been dealt with during the hostage crisis years ago, while the world was watching. The problem has grown much bigger now.
They should have been dealt with but Jimmy Carter was too busy trying to make peace. Sometimes you make peace through force! Look at WW2.

Fuuny how they quit screwing around when Reagan came in office.

It was because they knew the "cowboy" wasnt going to kiss *** and play with them.
Those suckers along with the Russians and N. Koreans are all biding their time waiting for America to collapse within.

Thanks to dumb pukes that borrow money to buy big homes and big cars they know they cannot afford and lenders who give it away freely, our economy is seriously screwed.

Remember bin Laden said this was his main goal.

Thanks to the border being more porous than ever since the start of the war, who knows how many of those radical Islamic pukes slipped into this country all waiting to strike our infrastructure all at once.

We have been asleep at the wheel and still are, and everyone acts like it's a big suprize when something big goes down.....everyone buy the average guy on the street that said "I told you so, those freaking borders should have been locked down tighter than the Berlin wall after 9/11.

Stupid *** government.

The freaking minutemen made the U.S. border patrol look like idiots and actually showed them how to get stuff done.

Hell if we had sniper patrols picking off every heat signature they found getting close to the border, do you think anyone would attempt to cross it??

Our national security don't mean crap to our government, if it did guys like Sheriff Joseph Arpao would not have a price on his head by Mexican drug cartels now would he?
-Gasp!- You mean we should actually threaten to kill somebody? :-o:-o:-o People in this country still don't understand that these guys can't be reasoned with. Even if we do threaten death, they believe they will die as martyrs. For them, this life truly is a facade, which in this way only makes me a bit envious of their total dedication and sacrifice. But, too bad for them, it's all for the wrong things.
It's friggin' nuts over in the Middle East. These extremists get their thrills by killing Westerners & American soldiers. They live for it. The worst part is their numbers are growing.

I truly believe Iran has been allowed to get away with too much, for too long. They should have been dealt with during the hostage crisis years ago, while the world was watching. The problem has grown much bigger now.

Or maybe even earlier, say, like 1953 when our CIA (and Britain's Secret Service) helped to depose Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq and replace him with the Shah. What was the CIA doing in Iran in 1953? That's right, securing THE OIL by installing a "good" dictator.

So, guys, wouldn't you be tired of having your resources plundered and your country occupied by foreigners and tyrants for decades? Wouldn't you pick up armaments and fight to get them OUT?

We wouldn't HAVE enemies if we didn't MAKE them in the first place. You don't see pictures of Islamic extremists shouting "Death To Canada!", do ya?
We wouldn't HAVE enemies if we didn't MAKE them FIRST????

Holy brain cells Batman................

Some fish swallow hook, line & sinker.
We wouldn't HAVE enemies if we didn't MAKE them FIRST????

Holy brain cells Batman................

Some fish swallow hook, line & sinker.

:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D Thanks for makeing me spit my drink all over my computer from lol so hard. That was awesome. Mopar658)8)
The US has made serious enemies/mistakes in history- Edi Amin (not too sure about the spelling) in Africa circa early-1970s', Ho Chi Minh was an ally until we screwed him in the late 1940s' /early50s' and went with the French (still a bad decision to make today), the Sudan offered up Bin Laden in 1994 and we gave an executive decision not to grab his ***, et cetera. However, jealous and just plain old hatred have made plenty,too! Oh, anybody remember when during Iran-Contra when they asked Ollie North who he thought was the greatest enemy of the US? "Osama Bin Laden," was his reply.