Fast Five

My son loves them. Even though there far fetched.. A car movie is a car movie. I will be there.
These movies give every hotrodder a real bad name. Vin Diesel should be prevented by federal law from "acting."
I don't think the movies give anyone a bad rap, its the A Holes that try and do the stuff in the movie that give car guys a bad rap. Remember the Original gone in 60 seconds? So all car guys are car thiefs i guess rite? and running from the cops is a good idea because it was in the movie too rite?

Not saying the fast and the furious is anywhere near as good as some of the old school car movies but, did those give car guys a bad rap? come on its just a damned movie!
Im going.. its good entertainment.. I dont see it as giving car guys or anyone else for that matter a bad name.. its action, its mindless, its fun, and theres cars doing insane totally unrealistic stuff.. I have enjoyed the previous 4, and am sure I will enjoy this one.. with pressure from everyday life, work, family, money, etc etc.. its fun to go and watch fun mindless entertainment (plus no matter how far fetched these movies have been, I always get the urge to get behind the wheel of the Dart, and go nuts LMAO .. (its just an urge...) ..
I'm watching it. I wanna see that charger again (hopefully this time they put an actual 426 Hemi in it this time, I can dream right!)
I hated drift. This is part four as far as I am concerned. But def. looking forward to it.
Tokyo Drift is the only movie iv'e ever walked out of. As soon as they slapped a Nissan motor in the Mustang I walked out. I'm no fan of Ford, but I am a fan of domestics and muscle cars in general. I found the swap distasteful and nauseating.
Tokyo Drift is the only movie iv'e ever walked out of. As soon as they slapped a Nissan motor in the Mustang I walked out. I'm no fan of Ford, but I am a fan of domestics and muscle cars in general. I found the swap distasteful and nauseating.

You should have toughed it out, at the very end Vin Diesel showed up in a roadrunner.
Girlfriend's parents are thinkin about takin all of us to the "local" Drive-In to see it. I hope they do. Seeing it at a classic drive-in would be really fun even if it sucked
Just got back from the movie. It was completely unrealistic, filled with insane amounts of action, and full of crazy car chases that no actual vehicle could ever withstand. In other words, it was awesome!! Exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be entertained and I was. I thought the last installment was the best, I may have been mistaken. And I left there just wanting to slam gears and punish my car (of course I didn't, but I loved the feeling).
Went to see it Friday night. Great action Flick. Unrealsistic hell yea, but what action movie isn't. Good car scenes, good cars (lotsa mopars) and a good fight scene. Overall whole family left happy.
loved all the GM guys know how i felt when i had to sit through
Dang I can't wait to see it prolly going this Friday night had plans to go last Friday but north alabama has been out of power for 4 days