Fathers Day Gifts?



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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What are you guys getting your dad's for fathers day?


rebuilding the motor in his Barracuda so we can keep the hood on it instead of it being off after every pass
I went to harbor frieght, spent 10 dollars on dad and 3 dollars on me. bought him one of those air saws he has been wanting. Went next door and spent 5 dollars on a card. damn expensive cards. I suppose they did have to cut this card in the shape of a motorcycle though.
Giving him as much beer as he wants! The beauty of brewing yourself!
nice craftsman screwdriver set from sears, killer sale on them and he always misplaces them so just can't go wrong!
My dad had my mom call me last week on Sunday night to come fix their dryer. Time before that, it was to cable 3 lines in the house. Other than that, he never calls. Been to our house twice in about 7 1/2 years, we live 35 miles away.

Love my dad, respect him, but don't really have a relationship with him anymore. Just found out he had cancer at Easter dinner when my mom accidentally said something at the dinner table (Dad was too involved with whatever to come up and atleast visit with the in-laws who were going back to Ukraine. They were here for 6 months, brought him a gift, too). Oh well, that is how it ends
A new American flag and some new flowers for his head stone.
My Dad and I have had some 1 on 1 time together lately and he's been telling me a lot of stories from his life. I typed them up and printed them out to give him on Father's Day.

Food for thought: Honor Thy Mother And Father is number 5 of the Ten Commandments.
A 4 letter word and it starts with F???? NO not that!! it would have a ed on the end of it if you had one! FORD he is a die hard but any he has two mustangs 68 conv and 02 cobra got him a new dash peace for his 68 it's what he's ben wanting and i found one on febay
it has been a running joke in our family...... on all gift giving holidays i give my dad a tool that i have either lost, borrowed and never returned or broken. so looks like dad gets a new 4" angle grinder. ha ha ha
A belated day fishing with me and my daughters next month. Of course, the girls will catch more fish than "Pappa"...
Same here. I sure miss him.

Best gift I can suggest is tell him how much he means to you.

My father passed some 42 years ago, and I still miss him. Ray's advice above is the absolute best if your Dad is still alive. don't worry about gifts, cards, or any of that other material stuff. Let him know, in person if possible, by phone or video call if necessary How you fell about him.

Spending some time with him beats ANYTHING else, believe me. I'm 62 years old, and I have three kids, there is nothing better than being with them.
I sure as hell miss mine wish he was still here to tell him and go smashing around in the duster, and teach me some guitar riffs I been dying to learn .... Miss ya dad