"Felts Field" Spokane, open house, aircraft, Mustang, Mitchell, Stearman



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Loaded the recumbent trike up in the Ranger Sat and went over to Spokamentro for the morning to the small field on the NE end of town. Even though this is now a general aviation, secondary field for Spokane, it has a real history. In the days of flying the mail, early airlines, etc, Spokane was an important stop, partly, I would guess, because of the lack of range of early aircraft.

These were taken with my "new" (Refurb) Canon SL-1 and the "kit" 18-55 lens. I bought this because it's small and light, but yet still uses any and all of my Canon line lenses







B-25 Mitchell "Grumpy" landing. I could have gone for a ride for somewhere arount 450.00US. I passed. In the bottom photo, the towers on the hill behind are Fancher Hill, otherwise known as "Fancher Beacon". In the old days of aviation, there was a rotating lamp beacon up there like a lighthouse, for aircraft. In my Motorola days, I've done work on a couple of those towers, and spent a VERY uncomfortable morning in an extended bucket truck to access a wood pole up there.



This is where things fell apart. These photos don't look that bad here, reduced, but in "full size" they just suck. They were taken with the 7D, the 70-200L 2.8, and a Canon 2X extender. I don't know whether something went wrong with the months of un-use, whether some setting got changed I am not aware of, or what, but I'm gonna have to set up a test scenerio and figure out what happened



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This shows just how bad the telephoto pics are. This is a full size crop out of the Mustang photo above This photo SHOULD be as sharp as reading this webpage.

Another. This is a full size crop out of the B-25 shot above. Horrid. I "threw away" about a hundred shots, useless

Nice pics!
I have the same 18-55 kit lense, I'm not very happy with it either. Love my nifty fifty though.
Is that a Grumman Goose?
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Nice pics!
I have the same 18-55 kit lense, I'm not very happy with it either. Love my nifty gift though.
Is that a Grumman Goose?

Yes, "Goose." The 18-55 are the GOOD photos. The "expensive" stuff is what I screwed up with.