Finally getting a shop!!!! Yehaw



Ace of Spades ♠️
Sep 19, 2018
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God is good I must say...finally a small shop that I can eventually add onto to be the shop I need...all for free from a friend and neighbor just to see me store my cars....Good friends are priceless...I told my buddy after he pours the slab my 71 Demon big block car is his!!!




Congrats! As a guy who has nowhere to park or work on his car but the street in front of his house I heartily applaud!
God is good and I think that your blessed to have a friend like you have. Congratulations on getting a shop to put and work on your car's.
Thanks guys I'm still speechless...never thought i would get one any time soon..
Great that you're building a shop!!! Could you post pictures as it progress's, id enjoy seeing that.
Built mine last month, 30x40x10. Its literally so packed can hardly do anything, 6 cars in it and a ton of parts. Time for another shed already lol. congratulations!!!


i always find it intriguing how wildly different construction processes are in other parts of the country.

congrats on the shop! you will immediately regret not making it bigger, just as all of us with "big enough" shops have...
I already regret it....I have 13 cars....but yes one day it will turn to a multiple shop yard....I just need to quit falling in love with all my cars and sell a few to expand the progress....I have 3 contractor's that a best friend's who tell me my money is no good....but I know better...things cost and cars will have to be sold....soon...
Congratulations! That's going to be nice.
Wow....that's awesome! They all get too small, even if they are 200 x 200. Not that I'd know about one that

That pickup visible in the last's not a tan with white top 70 D200 is it? I used to have a truck like that and traded it for a 68 Roadrunner.
Yes sir big thanks...and agree great friends...1968 d100 custom

Normally, I'm in mine every night , weather has been lousy and I was in the hospital for a week that slowed me down

They live close and stop by otw home when they can....I'm excited as hell to paint some cars!!!

Oh right on!!!
Good friends and good neighbors dont come that easily! You have been blessed.
And not a bad present for the help… a big block Demon?!
Keep them pics comin!
I give him warning about that shirt if I see it again he's going to be running around with no shirt on at all
Appears he's going to jump the fence he has a turbo Mustang but he's selling it because he wants to invest his money in his nused 71 big block demon