First Day of Summer and your summer Plans?



Blazing Apostle
Jun 1, 2007
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Where the red fern grows
Any special plans like trips?
Bad storms here tomorrow.
But going to get some chrome I've been waiting for.
(Chrome = shinny).

Today Is the Longest Day of the Year. Here's What to Know About the 2018 Summer Solstice - lifestyle -

Try not to spontaneously combust by just walking outside. 97 deg 1000% humidity. woof.
Our plans are written in Jello. Wife going to see our new Great-Grand Daughter and I will visit my 3 Sons. Old sick dog keeps us from traveling together right now.
Try not to spontaneously combust by just walking outside. 97 deg 1000% humidity. woof.

I try and arrange my outside work this time of the year to get it done in the morning and take a lunch break in the heat of the afternoon.
Then go out and do more after the hottest part of the day at 4pm.
I note you are in central Florida.
My grandfather built a house just off Daytona Beach in the 40s. (I would say).
Our family vactioned there in my early years.
Fond memories of hot cars and pick nick lunches under the Spanish moss on two lane black top roads going there.
First thing we had to do when we got there was cut the grass for sand spurs.
Next we had to air up the black inner tubes.
Those brass valve stems were rough on the nipples.
My wife and I just watched "The Paperboy" set in 1969 around there.
I like period moves and marvel at the cars they can get for the movies.
I really think I would prefer the climate of Ireland.
Green and cooler.
The wife and I Are renting an RV in September for a 2000 mile familial visitation. It's cheaper than getting a room ev dry night and we do not have to board the puppies for 12 days. We'll make it a good time. I am one of the few people I know that actually gets along with my wife!
I try and arrange my outside work this time of the year to get it done in the morning and take a lunch break in the heat of the afternoon.
Then go out and do more after the hottest part of the day at 4pm.
I note you are in central Florida.
My grandfather built a house just off Daytona Beach in the 40s. (I would say).
Our family vactioned there in my early years.
Fond memories of hot cars and pick nick lunches under the Spanish moss on two lane black top roads going there.
First thing we had to do when we got there was cut the grass for sand spurs.
Next we had to air up the black inner tubes.
Those brass valve stems were rough on the nipples.
My wife and I just watched "The Paperboy" set in 1969 around there.
I like period moves and marvel at the cars they can get for the movies.
I really think I would prefer the climate of Ireland.
Green and cooler.
Good story. Volusia County has changed a lot. I'm 3rd generation and can relate. Haha, yeah those tubes gave me a rash. My great grandfather settled on Spruce Creek in the 1890's. Other great grandfather in Levy County. Tough people. I grew up without a/c. Car, house, nuthin. Now? Haha..........
My grandmother said Disney and a/c would ruin Florida..........
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Tough as nails. What heat?
Great grandfather standing. Great grandmother sitting.
Grandfather and great uncle in boat.
About 1900:
This is going to be the year of the house. Replacing picture window in master bedroom $1560. Concrete patio $3000. Blue spruce trees and some landscaping in back yard $1100. Add insulation in attic area $750. Last year was a roof, so this year completes the process hopefully for a couple years :mad:. Wife is all smiles :D, even the dog looks happier :rolleyes:. It's OK, I like that dog.
maybe Ill make that insurance claim for the broken retaining wall under our foundation from that stupid tree I finally had to remove.
maybe Ill make that insurance claim for the broken retaining wall under our foundation from that stupid tree I finally had to remove.

Had to pull the transaxle out of my john deere. awaiting parts------------
Make memories. ....appreciate it all.
A friend of mine who is no longer with us told me:
"These are the good old days you'll be fondly remembering years from now."

Tough as nails. What heat?
Great grandfather standing. Great grandmother sitting.
Grandfather and great uncle in boat.
About 1900:
View attachment 1715190158

Why do I only remember bath tubs in old houses?
No one ever seemed to have a shower that I can recall.
I've got to have my daily shower before bed.
Especially in summer.
I'll take two on days I'm working outside in summer.
Come in a take a shower before lunch and a even tick check if I've been in the yard.
most plans already shot.... busy busy busy.. :D
Hoping to take a trip on Route 66.... Lord willing :)
Drove the dart to work yesterday, to celebrate the first day of summer. Almost didn't get home, went to leave work at 10:30 last night and it was "stuck" in Park. Damn ratchet shifter, finally got it out of park after just giving a good hard pull. Have to get the car up on stands this week end and see whats binding up, or whatever.
S E Tx. Been very humid and hotter than Holy Hell since April!! I melted like a bowl of jello yesterday putting mud flaps on the pickup so it would pass the stupid Tx inspection! LOL
Got to take trip 550 m one way back to SE Mo, July to pickup the Lancer and stuff.. X relative coming by for visit early July, He has been traveling on his, I guess, bucket list for the last month. Trying to talk myself ot of getting another project!!
2 cars ready to topcoat, too friggin humid!!!
Cable melted onto header? Burned 2 cables like that. Why they make them 5 feet long?

Haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, don’t think it’s a fried cable. It shifts fine through 1,2,D,R, just gets stuck after putting it in Park. More like the linkage is getting caught on something
Adjustment maybe?
Haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, don’t think it’s a fried cable. It shifts fine through 1,2,D,R, just gets stuck after putting it in Park. More like the linkage is getting caught on something
Make memories. ....appreciate it all.
A friend of mine who is no longer with us told me:
"These are the good old days you'll be fondly remembering years from now."


The memories we made and the things we saw for 2 years while we traveled full time are priceless.
Went to job interview, hired in for new job. Easier, more pay, better hours.