Flippin' cars

my problem with flipping is personal experiences. One of my dream cars was a 69 dodge charger. A local guy who had some money to play with, he flipped cars, fords, chebbies, and an ocasional mopar. This was before i bought my duster and i was looking for a project car. The guy bought a 69 charger from a farm auction for 800 bucks....granted it was rough, it was still a good deal. I only had a 1k cash, so i offered it as all i had. He said no, didnt even think about my offer, i couldnt afford to offer him any more. I know he would only have made 200 but thats what bothers me. People that only do it for the money and to take advantage of a deal bothers me...they dont care about the cars or the hobby. I dont think i have ever sold a car or part and made profit, not because i couldnt but because i didnt want to make a profit. Mainly because i know alot of other guys ive sold some parts to were in the same position money wise as i was. It sucks not being able to buy a rusty beat up 40 year old muscle car because somebody thinks they can make retirment money on a deal. Not that i dont love my duster and ill never sell it but thats why Road Runner, Charger, Challenger were out of the picture as even being an option as a project car.

You low balled a guy on a car and he didn't take your offer and that bothers you??? Just cuz you didn't have enough money to buy the car doesn't make that seller a bad guy. It makes you look bad...don't you see that??? So, if you go into Target and a pair of jeans cost $30 but you only have $20, they are the bad guy??? Got it yet?
You low balled a guy on a car and he didn't take your offer and that bothers you??? Just cuz you didn't have enough money to buy the car doesn't make that seller a bad guy. It makes you look bad...don't you see that??? So, if you go into Target and a pair of jeans cost $30 but you only have $20, they are the bad guy??? Got it yet?

that was not the point, the point was part of the problem with the classic car hobby is that the younger generation like my self has a hard time getting into it because of the prices driven up by multiple factors, such as flipping. they find a barn find for cheap and charge tripple what they paid for it. Got it yet? Ive sold parts cheaper than what they were worth to help someone out or get another younger person into the hobby by usually selling for less than what i got into it. Every once in a while it comes back, a member of this site was even nice enough to give me a radiator shroud for free. Thats what the hobby is all about......im sorry if in some weird way that makes me "look bad". See what im getting at?
BTW- Dart4forte

You are in the best area that I know of for finding cars.

I am from the lower valley and I swear there was an A body on every corner.

Although each time I go home (twice a year) I see less.


I still know where there are some deals. I always see a 65-66 Dart just off I-82 just south of Zillah. I've seen the car up close. It's been hacked up. There is also a big block Dart in the lower valley. Been looking for that one for years. My luck some Chevy guy will find it before me and E-bay it.
I am from Grandview and still go home a couple of times a year.

Grandview had a pretty active Mopar dealer until the early 80's.

FWIW I'd cruise around that area. It is just a bit too far for me even though I do have family there.

About 5-7 years ago I went cruising around with my HS buddy and found alot of stuff. Although last time I was there my dad and I did some road cruising and did not find much.

Still weird though to see a DD Satellite or something. I see almost none of that down here.

that was not the point, the point was part of the problem with the classic car hobby is that the younger generation like my self has a hard time getting into it because of the prices driven up by multiple factors, such as flipping. they find a barn find for cheap and charge tripple what they paid for it. Got it yet? Ive sold parts cheaper than what they were worth to help someone out or get another younger person into the hobby by usually selling for less than what i got into it. Every once in a while it comes back, a member of this site was even nice enough to give me a radiator shroud for free. Thats what the hobby is all about......im sorry if in some weird way that makes me "look bad". See what im getting at?

Well maybe if you would start sellin your stuff for a profit you would be able to afford to buy what you want. "Profit" is not a four letter word.
I guess I may be a Chronic Flipper - I've had over 50 Mopars and have never been able to keep one once it's done for many different reasons - IRS, Moving, New Baby in the house, HAD to buy a Boat, saw another Mopar I "Had to Have." Basically, I've always been as honest as possible dealing with people and almost every Mopar I ever bought left me in better condition than when I got it. Like some others have said, I am just a working class stiff with serious love for Mopar Musclecars. I've never been able to buy a "done" car just to enjoy. My wife really has not worked in over 11 years, although now she is substitute teaching, as such, flippin' Mopars helps pay some bills and keeps me out of trouble.
It seems like the people who get angry about "flippers" are the ones who wanted the car but didn't have (or want to spend) enough money to buy it. If the price is too high, what difference does it make how long the seller has owned it?
I remember once calling a Mopar specific junkyard looking for an abody 4speed. He said he had one for $400 and would guarrantee that none of the gears were broken. When I said that was too much, he said that it was because of "all these people now days that buy these old cars and then try too part them out or up the price and resell them to make money". Apparently, it is ok for him, just not anyone else.:angry7:
What Jim was saying about his 64 Polara just floors me! The guy wants the car until he finds out what the seller payed for it, then gets angry? If the price is good, buy it. If it's too much, don't buy it.
Imagine what these people would think if they found out that the grocery store charges more money for a loaf of bread than what they paid for it!
I've seen it more than once around here. A bought a 68 Pontiac Firebird and then took it to a car show and was asking $30,000 for it. I know he didn't pay even close to that amount of it. I wouldn't have gave him $15,000 for at the most. I'm not saying that because it isn't a Mopar ... it was just in that type of condition. The power steering pump had been painted still on the motor with silver over spray on the motor.

I guess it is just another type of business. This same guy has bought a Camaro truned around and sound it 30 minutes later... no kidding!

You can't blame anyone for making money honestly but telling a lie is a different story.