For God's Sake, Wear a Helmet!!!



Depressingly A-Bodyless..
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Nampa, Idaho
I just got off work ( I work in a Pharmacy ) and was heading home when I came up on a accident. I don't know if the motorcyclist was in the right away or the car was, but the motorcyclist definitly lost. He was laying on his face choking on his blood ( unconscious ) and looked like complete ****. We tilted his head slightly so he could breathe but you could still tell he was choking on his blood. What was missing? No helmet! It is so dam ridiculous that you would ride with out one. It doesn't matter if you are the most cautious rider out there, accidents happen! I guarantee that, had this guy been wearing a helmet, he'd been conscious, sitting up and just in pain and shock. Now he is unconscious, bleeding from the nose/face/head and who knows what kind of brain damage.

A buddy of mine who is a RN in a ER says that the refer to motorcyclists with out helmets has organ donors!

Just play it safe guys! Think about those you will be leaving behind if you don't!

Sorry, just had to get this out. Not at all what I wanted to do after a long day of homework, tests and work!
i agree with the helmet thing..i am an avid motorcycle rider love getting out there on my bike here in wash its law but in idaho its not so when i get to idaho every now and then i take my helmet off..yeah wearing helmet is safe but at the end of the day its there choice it sucks definently but it was his choice not to wear one
Ive known too many people that have died just because they didnt wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.Its only common sense.
I see these dumbasses when Im out about riding like maniacs on their crotchrockets wearing only a t-shirt,a pair of shorts,flip flop sandals,and sunglasses.Thats a massive road rash and a trip to the morgue waiting to happen.
in Illinois there is no helmet law but I wear one all the time because I took a bad spill about three years ago and it was pretty messed up I had road rash on both arms it ground my belt in half and got some of my wallet I also wear a jacket all the time because of that, I also belive it should be a choice though if you want to spill your brains on the road thats your choice just dont complain when your in the hospital when you could have been home on the couch.
It,s law up here to wear a helmet.I go to the dragstrip often and hate seeing 3 kids on an ATV,with not one wearing a helmet?When I ride I always wear a helmet,my heads used for more than just holding hair.
Never understood how seat belts are mandatory but helmets are not. Buddy in AZ has been in several bike wrecks, last few were helmetless. Only the last one was his fault, dumb *** was drunk, riding at night with shades on and rode off the roads edge at a construction site. Cracked his skull/eye socket bad enough his eye was dislodged. Was so torn up his wife did not recognize him in the trauma unit. Fast forward 4 years, still no helmet.
Even I agree with the helmet issue if your driving you need to wear a helmet at all times for safety reasons.
I don't know about NC's helmet laws but it doesn't matter anyways since I won't go near anything with less than 3 wheels. I do know, it's just stupid to not wear your helmet.
I always wear a helmet, jacket with shoulder, back, elbow protection, gloves, riding pants with hip and knee protection, riding boots with all types of protection around the foot area. All this apparel cost around $1500... lol


My father passed away as a result of injuries because of him not wearing a helmet in 1995. He and I was riding a four wheelers on some trails and he had a accident. I of course wore a helmet because I drove like a mad man. Dad on the other hand just basically followed me and my cousin around not driving aggressively. Head injuries can happen no matter how fast one is going.
It,s law up here to wear a helmet.I go to the dragstrip often and hate seeing 3 kids on an ATV,with not one wearing a helmet?When I ride I always wear a helmet,my heads used for more than just holding hair.
I see this all the time on the back roads here in Arkansas petty :angry7: Children on atv's halling *** on gravel roads with no helmet or gear on. NOT GOOD :tongue9:
I have more then just a hat rack on my shoulders:-D, I would always wear a helmet and it was the law back in my day.
It's your choice here in Arkansas if you want to spill your brains out on the road here now. If you are under the age of 21 I think you must wear one...
It's getting close to that time of year to get a good deal on a Bike :-D
Over here in have to wear a helmet ( even on a push bike ), in every state.
I think it is a personal choice unless its law in your state.
Just read the report in the newspaper...he died after being taken to the hospital. I'd imagine if you could have shown him what last night held for him before he got on his bike, he'd of chosen to wear a helmet...
IMHO, The only time a helmet is not used is when your pushing your bike.

"A buddy of mine who is a RN in a ER says that the refer to motorcyclists with out helmets has organ donors!"

That's weird, I heard the term "donor-cycle" form my ER friend.


If you are not comfortable wearing a helmet, drive a car. We need all the Mopar peeps we can get.

Stay alive,

My biggest thing is, without knowing whose fault the accident is yet, the people who were involved will have to live with this memory forever where the guy on the bike got out easy...
I've went down a few times on my time I had big scars on my helmet...glad it was the helmet.
I rode for a long time in Texas and with the heat it wasn't always 'fun'....but with a full face helmet I kind of got use to the shield keeping stuff from hitting my big bugs, rocks, even really small bugs. Plus with the tinted shields it made it pretty nice in the sun light. With my shield and a lot of the newer helmets you can get some decent air flow. Plus always ride with good gloves and long pants and decent shoes / boots and your thumb on the horn button. :)
I'm still here because I wore a helmet when I had my obligatory motorcycle accident. Landed on my head and right shoulder. Got a little road rash on the shoulder and a significant buffing on the helmet behind my right ear. (I've been riding for 40 years since that accident and haven't laid one over since then. Still enjoy riding, too.)

I'm no Einstein, but a helmet seems like cheap head insurance. I've come to the conclusion that in a motorcycle wreck, it's not who's right, but who's left.
When I first started riding motorcycles about 25 years ago, I made the decision to never ride without a full-face helmet. If I was going to go down on a bike I was going to at least come out of the accident with a nose, teeth, and a chin. I don't understand the macho 'skullcap' minimalist helmet mentality.
Over the years I've been down 3 times, twice on SoCal freeways (never my fault) and once (my fault) being stupid up in the local mountains. Although I've only hit my helmet on the pavement once, it's been worth it to always wear my helmet.
Another thing to consider is to always wear a high-quality helmet. Do not settle for the cheapest helmet you can find because you're putting your life on the line. It is true they're called "brain buckets" for a reason. If you've only got a $5 brain, then wear a $5 helmet.
As TexasDart said, gloves, long pants, and sufficient shoes are also a must. Good gloves with extra protective padding in the palms - what's the first thing you're going to reach down with to break your fall? The palm padding also helps absorb any vibration passing through the handlebars.
I all ways do. I flew off a dune one time on my quad. Did not crash but when I came down I bashed my face on the handle bars. The chin strap on the helmet cut my neck and I needed 6 stitches in it. But I would have been all mesed up if I was not wearing it. Could of been very bad. Like a broke nose and spiting my teeth out bad. Morel of the story is all ways weare a helmet and don't fly off of sand dunes.
Just read the report in the newspaper...he died after being taken to the hospital. I'd imagine if you could have shown him what last night held for him before he got on his bike, he'd of chosen to wear a helmet...

And I suppose if you don't have a heart attack today
you won't eat another hamburger or another smoke a cig.

I know a 2ton automobile flying by you and your family at 55mph
on a countryroad 4feet apart with 20gallons highly fammable liquid
probibly scares the s#it out of you too.
Why don't you make goverment have it manditory you wear helmets in
your car with rollcages,belts,lights and collision avoidance so you don't
have to make any decisions at all.
I can't see how you can drive an old hipo death trap dodge and live with
your self. Your putting me and mine at risk driving a substandard car.
Maybe we should outlaw old cars and low performace drivers.
And really shame on you if you take your family/friends with you
in your old sled. I can't believe you and those of your ilk can live can
on this highly toxic, dangerous planet. I hope a virus, lead or sunshine
don't get you. Maybe you'll slip in the tub and spill your brains, you
could avoid that by wearing a helmet to. I can see it now, naked with
a helmet on, water pouring down on you. Lets make it a law.
I can't believe some of the opionions I read on here,
makes wonder if you all want me to wear a helmet and ride the short bus
so I'm no different from you.
I said that in jest.:love7:

I'll take my chances and freedoms Thank you.