Found Out I lost A Friend Today



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Although we hadn't spoken since December last year, I found out today I lost a friend. He was actually the first friend I ever had. We grew up from childhood together. He had a pretty debilitating stroke many years ago and was never the same. Rest in peace, Craig. You're gonna be missed.
Although we hadn't spoken since December last year, I found out today I lost a friend. He was actually the first friend I ever had. We grew up from childhood together. He had a pretty debilitating stroke many years ago and was never the same. Rest in peace, Craig. You're gonna be missed.

Sorry to hear Rob. Condolences
Although we hadn't spoken since December last year, I found out today I lost a friend. He was actually the first friend I ever had. We grew up from childhood together. He had a pretty debilitating stroke many years ago and was never the same. Rest in peace, Craig. You're gonna be missed.
Its news that we get like this that saddens our hart knowing yet another close old friend has been taken from us, so sorry my friend, may he now rest in peace.
Its never good,Rob.
Can only hope he went peacefully.
Sorry for the loss of your friend. A great many of us here are getting to the age where that news comes around more often. I stumbled on a website for my high school graduating class and was shocked at how many of my classmates have passed.
He appreciates you Rob will see him again one day...I'm sure!
Although we hadn't spoken since December last year, I found out today I lost a friend. He was actually the first friend I ever had. We grew up from childhood together. He had a pretty debilitating stroke many years ago and was never the same. Rest in peace, Craig. You're gonna be missed.
Sorry for your loss Rob, life is short, May he Rest In Peace.
Sorry for your loss, Rob. Just checked the local obituaries yesterday and found out my uncle passed 3 days ago. That will make funeral #5 for me this year.
Rob, I will pray for the family and you as well.

And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7
Don't know your age, but I'm in my 7th decade and losing friends/family is happening heartbreakingly to often. I'm sorry for your loss, and I pray for peace for you, and his family.
So sorry Rob, always hard to let sink in when many of our brains are still "18-28" year olds, condolences..
RIP, Rob. We have gotten to that age when just about anything...............

I search sometimes for old friends over the internet. Often I can only find their obituaries, especially those who are not active on the www