Gas powered pressure washer owns all.



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, KS
The wife bought me one for my birthday.

I can't believe how nice it is to fire up and degrease an engine, or engine compartment, blast the driveway, etc.

I truly consider it an MUST HAVE tool for the automotive enthusiast.

It turned a greasy 130K mile engine into a gem in a matter of minutes, and I am actually looking forward to working on the engine with clean hands...
Yeah, they rock! I did a lot of cars without one, but now that I have had one (6 hp Honda) for a few years, I couldn't live without it.

It is funny you should start this thread, just last Saturday, did the garage floor and driveway with that roller attachment, that keeps the nozzle a consistent distance from the floor. Wow, it all looks new again.
Yeah, they rock! I did a lot of cars without one, but now that I have had one (6 hp Honda) for a few years, I couldn't live without it.

It is funny you should start this thread, just last Saturday, did the garage floor and driveway with that roller attachment, that keeps the nozzle a consistent distance from the floor. Wow, it all looks new again.

I did part of the driveway with the side to side sweep method, what a difference!

I am putting a 350 into a Suburban (Gasp, for the wife to transport kids), and when I am done, I am going to soap, scrub, and pressure wash the driveway till it looks new.

You do that here in Ca and they'll fine you or put you in jail! We have to capture all that runoff and run it through a separator and filter before you're even allowed to put it down the drain! As for letting it run off your property....the eco nazi's would be all over you.
Power washers do Rock....but if you want to ROCK your WORLD try using a heated one!!!
A friend of mine was passing a closing business around Detroit.... as he watched they rolled this machine out to the trash and got in their truck and drive away..... he went over and loaded into his truck and took it home. $130 in parts later he fired it up ( took about a week to find all the parts & get it going).... you can crank the water up to almost 200 degrees!!! peels grease off a driveway like nothing I have ever seen...... he then turned it onto his 14 year old desiel ford pick up ( a truely greesy mess under the hood) he cranked the water down to 150 less than 10 minutes his engine bay looked like brand new money!!! NO chemicals !!! nothing but really hot water. Melted the grease like it was plain dirt .....I have been looking for one ever since.... the new ones ( that get that hot and have that much pressure) are about 4 k!!!
if you ever use a HEATED water power will not even bother with a cold water washer.... it is quite the "spoiling" experience....
I thought it was bad here in MD.Extra 30 bucks a year to flush the toilet, sewage charged on amount of water used regardless of where it goes like to fill a pool wash a car water grass....It's great aint it
YA michigan does that crap too!!!! if water = $100 Sewage = $200 so total is $300.... the sewage is based solely on the water useage ( complete bullshit ) We have petitioned several times to have separate meters one for general household use that would RESULT in generating sewage and a sep meter for car washing, lawn watering and uses that do not generate the need for sewage treatment!!! EACH TIME IT IS TURNED DOWN FLAT!!!! It never reaches a ballot option despite signatures!!!! Somebody is getting seriously FAT on this......better than 30% of total useage does not require sewage treatment!!! WHERE is that money going?....hope someone follows the money someday.....
Pressure washers are also good for blasting the hell out of stink bugs