gas prices? WHY????



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
wish I was smart enough to know how to play the crude oil market and make $$$ to buy old mopar car parts!!
I hear on TV tonight, Russia's main (maybe only) source of income ( except vodka?) is sellng crud e oil? since price of crud e is so low, their national income is in the toilet. I guess that is our stragedy to inforce economic santions on them?
all I know is I haul gas home in 2 1/2 gal. jugs trying to fill the old cars tanks! I know, if had more $$$ they would drive to the gas station and do it the easy way!! LOL
Actually the Saudis are flushing out the Canadian Tar Sands oil and the US Fracking oil because both cost alot to get out of the ground , the Russians have signed over a Trillion dollars worth of supply contracts with China over the past year so don't believe everything the media tells you , the real victims of 40 dollar oil is going to be the US oil producers and our Tar sands producers so basically both our economies are being held hostage while arab oil flows from low overhead wells at a price that is lower than our cost to produce .
we are right, I don't believe all ( or hardly anything) our media ( gov't) ells us.
so basically you are saying, the Saudis are lowballing the us producers to run the little producer out o business? somehow, I figure if ya follow the money trail, it will take you to the root ( some greedy whoever?).
I know squat about this stuff and even less about politics, but Cannucky/Chris has seen guys coming back from the oil fields without jobs. Lower gas prices are not necessarily the best for the economy.....same with our dollar VS the US dollar. If we are on par with aint good for Canada.....lose lose situation...wonder if Robin Williams regrets his decision?
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

For 30+ years now, we have swallowed this and demand.
Whatever future substance or technology sold as a commodity for comfort or convenience will be the next almighty "oil".
Never underestimate the power of suggestion.
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

30 Plus years and demand.
Whatever is being sold for comfort or convenience will be next.
Never underestimate the power of suggestion.

Yep, when gas prices were high, it was bad news...when gas prices are low, it's bad news!
With the bottom falling outta the North American oil company prices,, the OPEC guys can scoop up all the shares of our companies, when they go bankrupt,, and end up owning all our oil,, selling it back to us..

Saudis cost per barrel is about $10 per barrel,, and have a 100 yr supply..

We need oil at about $75 (+-) per barrel to keep our guys in the black..

Mosta our junior oil field/drillers are heavily leveraged, ( owes banks ) mega millions,, so our banks could be in jeopardy,,, then the next domino..

yes,, the sky could be falling..
There is a side benefit to this.. I'm not sure if it was part of the plan or not.. But, Russia is taking a huge economic hit, and so is Iran. don't forget there are nuclear disarmament talks going on with Iran. This has to be pushing them closer to a deal (especially since Russia cant afford to help them)
Some food for thought gentlemen.
All of the points put forth so far are spot on in my opinion.
I am most certainly not smart enough to put it all together
in one cohesive picture but........
A national report in my local rag described how the huge banks
have done little if anything to stave off the global financial banking
Fiasco we suffered in 2008. In short they are making the same poor
fiscal transactions they made before the crash. All of the "safeguards"
our governments forced upon them are proving to be meaningless.
Today's indicators reflecting the frighteningly steep dive
of the value of the ruble as reported by the bank of Russia in conjunction
with the sliding price of crude oil could quite possibly be the
harbinger of a far worse monetary crisis than the last one.
I am no fan of the media......of any country, I'm a retired
ABC News cameraman and know all too well the sensationalist
doom and gloom BS postulated by our "respected news organizations".
I make this point because we could quite possibly see a much worse colossal global
clusterf**k in the making. Just sayin'.......
Its good for the consumer, bad if you life depends on it. AK is going to halt projects based on oil. Already have a 3.5 billion shortfall and getting worse...
Some food for thought gentlemen.
All of the points put forth so far are spot on in my opinion.
I am most certainly not smart enough to put it all together
in one cohesive picture but........
A national report in my local rag described how the huge banks
have done little if anything to stave off the global financial banking
Fiasco we suffered in 2008. In short they are making the same poor
fiscal transactions they made before the crash. All of the "safeguards"
our governments forced upon them are proving to be meaningless.
Today's indicators reflecting the frighteningly steep dive
of the value of the ruble as reported by the bank of Russia in conjunction
with the sliding price of crude oil could quite possibly be the
harbinger of a far worse monetary crisis than the last one.
I am no fan of the media......of any country, I'm a retired
ABC News cameraman and know all too well the sensationalist
doom and gloom BS postulated by our "respected news organizations".
I make this point because we could quite possibly see a much worse colossal global
clusterf**k in the making. Just sayin'.......

That was well said but dude it gave me a head ache reading it lol. I don't mean to be a jerk but that enter button is killing me.
I just got gas tonight for $194.9! HECK YEAH!

Oh I forgot. The sky is fallin.
it is winter ! oil and fuel prices are falling !!
enjoy it ! save money !
speculation is what drove prices up last time.
so I won't speculate. lol
The Short and sweet of it, thanks to private Industry developing new technology to get oil out of North Dakota, the Saudi's as a result are hurting as bad as Russia. They need 75.00 a Barrel to break even.(they support terror and other countries in the region) They have not decreased production, because if they did the Americans would fill the gap. What a turn around for them finally. In North Dakota break even is 54.00 bucks and dropping. To keep Russia in perspective as to how weak they really are, their GNP is the same as the Whole state of Texas, 1 trillion per year. This is all good. it hurts the stock market because the big corporations have been gauging the consumer for years, now it is not the case. Any country Importing oil right now is very happy. Venezuela is suffering, as well. No more money for AK-47's, rocket launchers, and salaries for those Iranian guards they pay for to stay in charge. Even the Chinese are grumpy, as they spent big bucks buying contracts from other countries at 80+ per barrel when Oil was 100 bucks a barrel. Ouch! Within four years, technology will exist to Frack with CO2 Instead of water. Then the cost of recovery will drop again, and water use problems will disappear. This is actually good news. Leave it to Americans, and Canadians to develop this technology.
I know squat about this stuff and even less about politics, but Cannucky/Chris has seen guys coming back from the oil fields without jobs. Lower gas prices are not necessarily the best for the economy.....same with our dollar VS the US dollar. If we are on par with aint good for Canada.....lose lose situation...wonder if Robin Williams regrets his decision?
I'm lost with the Robin Williams reference.:???:

There is definitely something going on and my gut says it ain't good for the general populace.
My reference to Saudi cost of oil being $10 was based on a CNBC world chart of oil costs shown last week,, and Saudi was definately shown as $10,, and a quick search finds a reference in the Wall Street Journal, I quote,

" Saudi cost to yield a barrel of oil is about $10, ... The major fracking companies will be just fine with a global market price of $60 per barrel "

That's certainly not saying other OPEC countries are that low,,..

but media being what it is..
good comments and info! I too believe this in the end may not be GOOD for the general public, ie the little guy. I have to wonder what the future holds for world economy and stability??????
If anyone thinks oil prices might not stay low forever....'s a great time to buy oil stock :)
buy oil stock? I thought I was "cutting a fat hog" when I filled up a few extra cans and can afford a boston butt for Xmas!!!! LOL
Enjoy the low prices while we have them.

That's right
Every single time the lower prices was a precursor to prices that have been higher than ever before.
Do we think they don't want all the money they can get this time around?


Watch what happens when spring comes around.
My opinion is this this,
there are two nuclear battery's powering Voyager's 1 and 2 each. They were launched in 1977. They are still functioning and will be able to do so for another 40+ years on just battery power alone.
There are how many nuclear powered ships on the ocean? No issues with them! How many nuclear powered submarines in the sea? The couple that Russia has lost, there has yet to be this big explosion that was expected.
That technology is 40+ years old, it was something that we could and should be using today as a power source instead of looking at every other alternative power source.
We have have it. But, the oil industry will not have us using nuclear because it will cut into there bottom line. Not only that, the auto industry as well and coal. They will all point to Chernobyl and Fukushima and yell this is why nuclear isn't safe! Granted both were bad, Chernobyl, was a product communism at it's finest, it was a accident waiting to happen. Fukushima, was due to a tsunami, and there was nothing that could have prevented that.
But what I do know is this, if progress would have been allowed to continue the way I understand it was intended, these large plants wouldn't have been necessary. There would have been a small neighborhood "reactor" ,much like what a small ship would use, and a entire town would feed from that. Rural and remote areas would use the nuclear battery's like on voyager.
Doesn't really matter now though. But I do think it's a shame we aren't using something we already have and understand because ignorance gets in the way.
A little off topic, but, regarding nuclear energy....France gets, and has been getting, 85% of their power from nuclear...and has for many years...safely. Those "accidents", in the past around the world, have been due to old technology (60's and 70's!). To use an analogy....I would say automobiles have come a long way in technology since the 60'/70's!
A little off topic, but, regarding nuclear energy....France gets, and has been getting, 85% of their power from nuclear...and has for many years...safely. Those "accidents", in the past around the world, have been due to old technology (60's and 70's!). To use an analogy....I would say automobiles have come a long way in technology since the 60'/70's!
